Top 12 Things Windows 12 Should Have But Definitely Won’t

Instead of just a new skin and mild changes as well as making things more complicated, Windows 12 will finally fix all the nagging problems with Windows - oh wait, no it won't. Here are 12 features that would truly make it a reason to have a "new" version of windows besides making people feel like they got something new and shiny: ... read more

Ai Is Not Coming For Your Creative Jobs – If You’re Any Good At What You Do

Yes, AI is going to replace a lot of jobs, just like the industrial revolution replaced mass jobs. But the types of jobs will change, just like it did with the industrial revolution. The fact is that AI will simply not be able to replicate the human touch. While it sounds nice in theory that you can give a couple of inputs and AI will paint like Van Gogh or compose music... read more

Could Artificial Intelligence Merge With The Blockchain And Destroy Civilization?

As we move into the age of Web 3.0 and artificial intelligence becomes more prevalent, it's important to consider the implications for the future. With blockchain technology comes greater transparency and security, which could lead to a much more widespread use of AI. But with this power of such a revolutionary technology comes concerns and risks, so it's important to... read more

Elon Musk Files Offer With SEC To Buy Twitter For $41.39 Billion

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, submitted an official offering with the SEC to buy Twitter for $41.39 Billion, which is overvalued, as a way to make a fast close without negotiation. A voice script of a conversation says it is his "best and final" offer, and that he is "not playing the back-and-forth game". He continued, "It's a high price and shareholders will love... read more

Are You Ready For Web3? The Next Technological Revolution Is Here: Privacy, Security, Blockchain & More

The world is on the brink of a new technological revolution in the world of cyberspace. Many are calling this Web3 or Web 3.0, the successor to Web 2.0 and the original Web 1.0. But what is Web 3, and how will it affect you? Since the internet was transformed in the last 2 decades by a variety of innovations ranging from ubiquitous mobile devices to digital payment... read more

Elon Musk Is Now The Biggest Twitter Shareholder – And Plans To Take An Active Role

That's right, your favorite Big Tech billionaire Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, is now the largest individual shareholder for one of the largest Silicon Valley Big Tech companies in the world, Twitter. This doesn't mean that Musk owns the company, but it does mean he now holds a controlling interest in the company. What this means is that Elon Musk alone holds the... read more

Windows 11 Pros & Cons – Is It Worth Upgrading To Windows 11 If Your Computer Supports It?

Microsoft decided to make the newest version of its OS look more like a Mac. With the taskbar fixed to the bottom, the icons centered, and the start menu a popup menu like Linux, Windows 11 does look considerably different than previous versions of Windows. But the changes have not been met with much fanfare. As a result, the upgrades to Windows 11 have been slowing,... read more

What Happened To The Flagship 7-Inch Tablets?

It's been nearly a decade since manufacturers developed 7-inch flagship tablets. If you look around the world, you can find a few new 7" tablets, but all of them are budget models with limited features, low memory and ram, and simply cannot compete with modern smartphones. Ever since around 2015, manufacturers bumped the minimum size for a tablet to 8-9 inches, but... read more

How To Upgrade External Storage On Your Phone or Tablet Without Losing Data

Flash storage has come a long way and it's incredible that a full 1TB of data can fit inside a tiny chip literally smaller than your fingernail. Considering that my 4TB traditional hard drive from years ago is about as large as an actual brick, and as heavy as one too, it's absolutely astounding that 4 of these fingernail-sized nearly-weightless chips have the same... read more

PC vs Mac in 2021 – Which Is Better? An Honest Comparison

If you are looking for a new ultrabook or desktop or notebook computer, you will be faced with a difficult choice: Mac or PC? If you search the internet, you will find very opposing and contrasting opinions, many for PC, and many for Mac. Who do you believe? What's the truth about the eternal Mac vs PC debate? If you are already a die-hard PC or Mac fan, this guide may... read more