Protecting Privacy and Cybersecurity in the IoT and Connected Devices Era with Advanced Technologies

The Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized the way we live and work, bringing unprecedented convenience and efficiency to our daily lives. But as we increasingly rely on connected devices to manage everything from our homes to our health, a daunting question looms: how do we safeguard our privacy in this brave new world? The answer, it turns out, is not a simple... read more

Google Acquires Biometric Data Of 30 Million People Through Fitbit Acquisition

Thought your data on Fitbit was safe? Google just acquired Fitbit for $2.1 Billion , which is more than they purchased YouTube for 15 years ago ($1.65 Billion). Fitbit has nearly 30 million users in 2021 (29 million to be precise) , and this means a huge amount of biometric data. Google had first stated its intentions to purchase Fitbit in November of 2019 . Many users... read more

Could Bitwarden Be The Best Free Password Manager To Replace LastPass?

Bitwarden is an open-source, free password manager, featuring the ability to store unlimited logins, which sync to unlimited devices and browsers - including mobile devices, for free; a secure password generator, and secure notes. 2 step authentication is a paid feature. LastPass is also a password manager with all of the same features, and which has been around for... read more

As Internet Regulation like GDPR Continues To Grow, Internet Privacy Will Get Worse

The release of the recent GDPR Compliance regulation by the EU which threatens to fine all companies up to 2% of total global annual turnover or €10 million Euro (about $11.66 million USD) for failing to adhere to ambiguous and oppressive new regulations concerning privacy of user data is counterproductively a danger to the security and privacy of the internet. As a... read more

The Truth About Cybersqatting, How To Get The Domain, And How To Fight Back

You just got the most amazing idea for a website. Or, you just decided to put your business on the internet. Or maybe you wanted to rebrand your website. So you do a search to try to buy the domain. However, it gives you this error: "Sorry, this website is unavailable. Do you want instead?" Of course not, you wanted the .com version... read more

How To Get A Dedicated Email Service For Maximum Privacy And Security

If you are finally ready to leave the free email providers like gmail or others for security reasons, this article is for you. First, currently there is no perfect email provider out there, unfortunately. However, what I will suggest will help you retain maximum possible security, while at the same time affording as much convenience as possible. What I suggest to do... read more

Top 5 Chrome Extensions For Maximum Privacy Online That You Should Be Using In 2017

With online privacy becoming more and more important, there are several excellent and completely free Google Chrome browser privacy extensions that you might not be aware of but that everyone should be using right now. These five extensions are the top 5 best Chrome privacy extensions for maximum internet privacy while browsing online. I am not associated in any way... read more

The Future of Consumer Internet Connectivity and Demise of Oligopoly ISP Giants

To understand what the future of internet connectivity will be, you have to understand several things. First, you need to understand how people connect to the internet right now. Most people do not know anything about how the internet works besides that they pay their ISP every month for internet access, and that they put a password into their computer to access wifi from... read more

Top 4 Free Email Alternatives To Gmail That Protect Your Privacy | Best Gmail Alternatives

If you're like me, you're really beginning to get fed up with Gmail. What was once the go-to email provider in the world, millions have been leaving as Google began violating users' privacy, instituting draconian policies, removing all customer service support whatsoever, and altering the user interface in ways that millions of users protested. There have also been... read more