Top 12 Things Windows 12 Should Have But Definitely Won’t

Instead of just a new skin and mild changes as well as making things more complicated, Windows 12 will finally fix all the nagging problems with Windows - oh wait, no it won't. Here are 12 features that would truly make it a reason to have a "new" version of windows besides making people feel like they got something new and shiny: ... read more

Windows 11 Pros & Cons – Is It Worth Upgrading To Windows 11 If Your Computer Supports It?

Microsoft decided to make the newest version of its OS look more like a Mac. With the taskbar fixed to the bottom, the icons centered, and the start menu a popup menu like Linux, Windows 11 does look considerably different than previous versions of Windows. But the changes have not been met with much fanfare. As a result, the upgrades to Windows 11 have been slowing,... read more

20 Best Free File Hosting Sites 2018-2019 | Reviews and Ratings

Cloud storage is becoming more and more popular. Here is an update on all the best file hosting and filesharing websites in 2022. There have been some updates, and some new changes. Some have raised their prices, others have lowered, some of stayed the same. There have also been many new small individual startups, but those websites seemed too amateur and the newness... read more

15 Top Free File Hosting Sites 2015 | Reviews and Ratings

There are a lot of reasons to use cloud storage, whether it be to share some files with a friend or make your business easier. Despite the fact that file sharing sites are notorious for being abused as a source for piracy, still they are commonly used for legitimate purposes. There are also a lot of reasons NOT to use cloud storage, but I'm not going to get into that here... read more

The New M.2 Hard Drive Form Factor Is An Important New Development Which Can Transform The Personal Computer Industry

Computer system storage has come a long way in recent years. With the advent of technologies such as helium drives and 3D NAND flash memory, desktop storage has gotten bigger in space and laptop and mobile memory has gotten smaller in size. Today's top-end ultrabooks come with a new form of hard drive that is far different than the traditional 2.5" drives. While 2.5"... read more

Nintendo Gave Up Trying To Make Wii Popular, Now It Is Selling The Original NES Again

Apparently Nintendo realized that despite having all the graphics of PS3 or Xbox, and comparable graphics to the PS4 and Xbox One, Nintendo was fighting a losing battle, as no one really wants a Wii. Instead of realizing they need to get better games on the Wii, instead they decided to go back and sell the original console, yes, the NES, short for Nintendo Entertainment... read more

16 Top Free File Hosting Sites 2016 | Reviews and Ratings

There are still many good reasons to use cloud storage, whether you want to share files with your friends, or make your business easier by sharing files or backing up some data. Even though many file sharing sites are notorious since they are often abused as a piracy source, file sharing sites are still commonly used for completely legitimate purposes. It is worth noting... read more

New Indiegogo Crowdfunding Campaign Makes It Easier For People To Learn Skateboard Tricks!

I just picked up one of these little gadgets that will help you learn skateboard tricks faster! One of the primary things about skateboard tricks is getting down the physics and the muscle memory of the movement itself. Unfortunately, for newbies at skateboarding, this usually means you will fall - A LOT - before getting even your first trick down. If you are unlucky,... read more

ZRRO Kickstarter That Lets You Play Android Games On Your TV Reaches $200,000 Goal

"Play 300,000 touch games on your television." That was the tagline the makers of the ZRRO console used on its kickstarter page that has just recently reached its goal of $200,000 dollars in just over a months. The kickstarter had a total of 762 backers totaling $200,392. The ZRRO console touts some very impressive hardware, including a quad-core 2.0GHz processor,... read more

How To Record and Stream PS4, PS3, and Xbox One, and Eliminate or Bypass HDCP Protection When Recording Over HDMI

If you want to be able to record your PS3, PS4, or Xbox One gameplay, and you have a game capture device, you will soon find out that the game capture device is not enough. This is because of a technology developed by Intel called "HDCP", which stands for High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection. It's just another copyright protection created by the copyright mafia to... read more