About TechReader & Our History

TechReader Mission Statement At the forefront of the digital era and the AI revolution, TechReader is dedicated to illuminating the vast expanse of technological innovation, fueling the curiosity of visionaries and trailblazers. Our mission is to arm you with the most cutting-edge insights, trends, and analysis on AI, future tech, Bitcoin, big data, and cybersecurity, empowering you to harness the transformative power of technology and forge a future where human potential knows no bounds.

About TechReader & Our History

TechReader started as a concept and experiment. Our original website discussed many topics largely related to technology. After many attempts to find a quality domain, we finally settled on the domain thetechreader.com in 2014. In 2021, we aqcuired techreader.com, finally upgrading the domain to a top-tier authoritative tech site.

Our Domain History

After acquiring this domain and growing out the site over the 7 years prior to 2021, we began to crave an authoritative domain that would have a wide appeal like the top tech sites, such as Engadget, The Verge, and TechCrunch. We really wanted techreader.com from day one, but of course, it was taken and the price was too high.

Most awesome domain ideas were taken, mostly by cybersquatters or left completely unused. We went through hundreds of domains and iterations, all to no avail. We tried some unusual names too, but ultimately determined that from a branding perspective, they would not be good names. Although we aquired a few domain names, but none were good enough.

Years passed and still we were unable to acquire the domain; it simply had “This Domain Is For Sale!” on it while we wished we could have it. We would check in occasionally to see if it expired, and then watched sadly as it reached expiration and was renewed again by cybersquatters, the plague of the internet.

The 2021 Acquisition

Then one day it happened. We were searching through our registrar checking on the names of some of the domains we were waiting for or hoping for, and then decided to check “techreader.com”, not expecting much, but with a distant hope after many years. One day after continuing to search, the domain techreader.com became available.

It was not cheap, but now at a far more reasonable cost than the original cybersquatter price. Our registrar handled all the negotiations and transfer, and after a stressful time of fingers crossed and hoping – we didn’t even publish any articles for awhile for fear the cybersquatter would reject the deal and ask for more – the deal concluded, and we acquired techreader.com!

After another week of work in the domain migration, we finally changed “TheTechReader” to “TechReader”. At last, it is complete. What an adventure, spanning nearly 2 decades!

The 2022 Overhaul

In late 2021 and early 2022, we completed a major website revision. We reenvisioned just what the purpose of TechReader was. Instead of being a general information site about interesting tech news, we contemplated over much time what was important and how we could make the greatest impact.

We overhauled the theme, opting for a Windows 11 style with curved corners and card-style sections on a translucent background. We tweaked styles. We expanded to additional social networks. We significantly improved navigation, and redesigned a plan for the site. The new plan is specific and targeted to help people and improve people’s lives, rather than simply providing entertainment.