Top 12 Things Windows 12 Should Have But Definitely Won’t

Instead of just a new skin and mild changes as well as making things more complicated, Windows 12 will finally fix all the nagging problems with Windows - oh wait, no it won't. Here are 12 features that would truly make it a reason to have a "new" version of windows besides making people feel like they got something new and shiny: ... read more

Top 10 Cryptocurrencies 2022: Will 2022 Be The Year For Cryptocurrency?

Global events have inspired massive restructuring across the entire world's economies. Market volatility, rising prices, blocked supply chains, hyperinflation, gas prices, food prices, rent increases, and forced lockdowns that devastated some markets and propped up others, have created concern about the future. All these factors and more have contributed to a major, and... read more

PC vs Mac in 2021 – Which Is Better? An Honest Comparison

If you are looking for a new ultrabook or desktop or notebook computer, you will be faced with a difficult choice: Mac or PC? If you search the internet, you will find very opposing and contrasting opinions, many for PC, and many for Mac. Who do you believe? What's the truth about the eternal Mac vs PC debate? If you are already a die-hard PC or Mac fan, this guide may... read more

18 Top Free File Hosting Sites 2022 | Reviews and Ratings

Use of cloud storage has exploded in the last year. Almost every file hosting site we researched has multiplied their users either doubling or adding as much as millions of users to its base. This indicates that more and more people are utilizing online storage to host, share, and backup their files. There have also been some really great new niche additions into the... read more

Is The Mars InSight Lander Real? Top 5 Reasons It Could Be A Hoax, Even If It’s Not.

Ok, so I'm not going to say that the Mars lander was a hoax. After all, I didn't work on the Mars project. Who am I to say whether something happened when I wasn't there? I wasn't here on Earth millions of years ago, so just like I can't say for sure that dinosaurs existed (or didn't), and I also can't tell you for sure that the Mars InSight is a hoax, since I am not... read more

How To Calculate the Electricity Cost of Christmas Lights: Calculator & How To Save Money

It's that time of the year again, time to pull out your boxes of Christmas lights and Christmas decorations. Maybe you want to get a nice Christmas tree, too. Of course, you need lights for those too. Don't forget your banisters (if you have any), and some lights around those definitely increase the pleasant vibe of Christmas. Then there is your porch, and if you like to... read more

Top 10 Technologies To Be Thankful For This Holiday Season

It's Thanksgiving in America, and a tradition is to say what you are thankful for as the family and extended family gathers around the dinner table and someone makes the first cut into the holiday turkey. It's a wonderful time and a wonderful meal, and the aroma of the thanksgiving meal hot out of the oven brings a warm feeling of joy and tranquility. But much of this... read more

Automated Recruiting: A Dangerous New Tech Trend Harming Both Employers and Job-Seekers

Have you ever received an email asking to take an automated video interview or automated phone interview? Are you a company which uses this practice? This abomination is becoming more prevalent, but the damage it leaves in its wake is causing great harm to the hiring market and companies which use it. Here are the top 10 reasons you should ignore and immediately delete... read more

Top 10 Tech That Only Millennials Grew Up With And Could Not Imagine Living Life Without

While people born in the 60s, 70s, and early 80s dreamed of technology, with movies like Blade Runner (1982), Star Wars (1977-1983), WarGames (1983), and 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), they just didn't have it. Back in those days, technology was a dream of the future, but not one that could be actually experienced beyond the vicarious world of low resolution television (or... read more

Top 15 Reasons I Wouldn’t Even Play Fallout 76 For Free

Bethesda really really screwed up this time. While I've been a Fallout fan for over a decade, although to be fair Fallout 4 was less impressive than its predecessors, I wouldn't even play Fallout 76 if it were free. I'm serious, even if I could pirate the game - yeah, steal it - I still wouldn't play this retarded piece of junk. Of course, a pirated version couldn't... read more