Gigabit 5G Internet May Be Coming To The Skies In A New “Seamless Air Alliance”

Delta Airlines, Sprint, and Gogo Inflight Internet are banding together to bring high-speed broadband internet to the skies. Ever since Grant Cardone appealed to the FAA to remove restrictions on in-flight cellular phone usage, and won, internet on airplanes has been quickly moving forward. Today, you are no longer asked to turn off your devices on most airlines, so... read more

Top 10 Tech That Only Millennials Grew Up With And Could Not Imagine Living Life Without

While people born in the 60s, 70s, and early 80s dreamed of technology, with movies like Blade Runner (1982), Star Wars (1977-1983), WarGames (1983), and 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), they just didn't have it. Back in those days, technology was a dream of the future, but not one that could be actually experienced beyond the vicarious world of low resolution television (or... read more