The Oculus Rift Will Come At A Hefty Price. Is It Worth IT?

While people around the world may be excited about the upcoming release of The Oculus Rift, they might lose a little bit of that excitement once they hear how much the device is rumored to cost. Nate Mitchell, Vice President of Oculus VR, stated in an interview during a TechCrunch disrupt event  that the Oculus Rift will be considered high end and will cost  more... read more

Microsoft’s New 2015 Bing Maps Update Redesign May Have Just Won The Maps War

Ever since Google forced their new terrible Google Maps onto the world, millions of people have been looking for a way out. The only real competitor besides Apple Maps which isn't available on PC desktops or non-iOS devices is Bing Maps, but Bing Maps still wasn't better than even the new Google Maps, at least not from my experience. However, this may all be about to... read more

Windows 10 Has Officially Been Released, and Looks Very Promising With Awesome New Features, A Huge Improvement Over the Terrible Windows 8

It has been a long time coming, but Windows 8 is finally dead and gone and Windows 10 is officially here. People buying new computers and laptops soon will no longer have to worry about buying Windows 8 versions, as Windows 8 is finally phased out for good and replaced with Windows 10 at last. A Brief Windows 8 History Microsoft forced Windows 8 on the world,... read more

PS4 Finally Adds DLNA Support and MP3 Streaming Option

If you've done like I have, you have googled every couple months looking to see if Sony ever completed the missing DLNA feature for the PS4. In fact, I returned my PS4 when I learned it did not have DLNA. Well, Sony has finally heard us. Just a couple weeks ago, Sony finally completed and officially released the new DLNA feature. It is not automatically integrated but... read more

Warning! Do NOT Update Your Verizon Galaxy S5 Firmware via OTA Update If You Want To Keep Root!

A couple months ago, I switched to Verizon prepaid from Virgin Mobile. I was a Virgin Mobile customer for many years, but I finally became fed up with the slow internet connection and limited phone availability. I did save many thousands of dollars however. In the past year or so, the major providers started catching on and releasing prepaid services. I will never get... read more

How Facebook Can Organize Status Updates To Be More Efficient And Save Time

While staying up too date on what my friends are doing is a lot of fun and also helpful, I still always find myself getting frustrated when I have to scroll down an endless list of status updates. This is why I believe that Facebook should find a way to organize statuses by keywords to save its users some time and stress. To me, everyone should have the option of... read more

Diamonds are not forever. They are also one of the most abundant stones on Earth.

The ads say that "Diamonds are forever". They tell you to spend tens, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars for this clear, hard rock. They tell you that if you don't spend your life savings on a ring with one of these tiny rocks, then you must not love her. Nothing could be further from the truth. First, let's talk about the "diamonds are forever" marketing... read more

Virtual Reality Theme Park Coming In 2016

If you build it, they will come. While that logic might have worked perfectly in the movie, The Field of Dream, it has yet to be seen if that same strategy will work in the case of a  Virtual Reality Theme Park. The theme park in questions name is, The Void, and is being completely funded by a man in Utah. The Void is scheduled to be open sometime in 2016 in the... read more

Ducklings Rescued From Storm Drain Using Smartphone

Is there anything a smartphone can't do? That has to be the question many people are asking themselves after a firefighters in Louisiana used the popular, Apple Phone, to rescue a group of ducklings that fell down a storm drain behind a home. Firefighter, Cody Knecht, used a duck calling ringtone to get the ducklings attention and bring them to safety. Four of the six... read more

Apple Gets Patent Approved That Allows For Easier GPS Directions For Users

Directions are about to get a little easier thanks to patent filed by Apple In 2013. The patent, which is entitled "Humanized Navigation instructions for mapping applications", was approved this week and will allow for more user friendly directions while traveling. For example. Instead of hearing the usual, "take a left in approximately 400 feet", the user will hear... read more