Transform Remote Workspace Security By Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Protect Against Emerging Threats

The rapid shift to remote work has fundamentally altered the cybersecurity landscape. As organizations grapple with securing dispersed networks and protecting sensitive data across countless home offices, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a critical tool in the fight against cyber threats. This technology is not just enhancing existing security measures; it's... read more

How Does Web Hosting Work? Here’s How To Start Your Blog In 2022

Many are calling it "The Great Resignation", and others are calling it the "The Big Quit". Millions of people are quitting their day jobs, especially in America. Everyone is tired of the grind and lack of meaning and purpose at jobs they hate, and many have no idea what they're going to do next. Without a purpose, a job seems meaningless, and people dread going to work... read more

Forced Lockdowns & Big Tech Tyranny Will Create A New Era Of Digital Innovation

It's been a long year and you made it through 2020 alive, although maybe not unharmed. Government imposed lockdowns in nearly every country in the first world have created a significant loss to businesses, where as many as 60% of small businesses have shut their doors and will not reopen. There are only a couple of countries which did not destroy their economy by not... read more

Automated Recruiting: A Dangerous New Tech Trend Harming Both Employers and Job-Seekers

Have you ever received an email asking to take an automated video interview or automated phone interview? Are you a company which uses this practice? This abomination is becoming more prevalent, but the damage it leaves in its wake is causing great harm to the hiring market and companies which use it. Here are the top 10 reasons you should ignore and immediately delete... read more

How Much Should You Spend On Online Subscriptions Per Month?

Just a couple of decades ago, there were just a few online services that anyone could want. Today, the internet is proliferated with services on every single possible thing you can think of - and many that you would have never thought of. Some fail due to a poor sales strategy, but others succeed even though their actual product is useless or inferior. These services,... read more

How To Get Through To A Real Human From An Automated System Without Listening To Prompts 99% Of The Time

Automated systems are the bane of our existence. In principle, automated telephone systems seem to make sense. The idea is that you want to make it easier to filter people into the correct department, especially for large companies, to reduce hold time and transfers. Contrary to what you may think, automated systems do not exist to save you time or energy nor do they... read more

Top 5 Free Time Tracking Chrome Extensions To Improve Your Productivity And Get More Done

A day off work! How lovely. It's morning and you have a full day ahead of you. You turn on your computer to check your email, then had a thought and did a search. Then spent some time on forums. And did some other things online. Before you know it you take a glance at the clock. 5pm! Where did your day go?! So much for a "day off". Your day is gone. Sounds like you need... read more

Top 5 Websites To Help You Scout A New Area Before Traveling or Moving Long Distance

In the past, even just a decade ago, the only way to know whether an area was good or safe was to go there, or talk to someone who lived there. Today, thanks to the internet you can fully research an area and get a good idea about safe places to visit, what places to visit, what cities and what areas are safe to stop in and get a hotel in, websites to tell you about... read more

Top 10 Biggest, Deepest, Most Amazing, and Most Mysterious Huge Holes Around The World

The great mystery of massively huge holes intrigues people, perhaps because of the mystery of their origins, or perhaps because of the wonder of just how they got there and what could be their purpose. While great natural structures such as mountains and great lakes certainly also contain a mystery, giant holes purvey an air of mystery that sparks the curiosity of... read more

Responsive Design And The Demise Of Empires | This Mistake Has Cost Companies Billions

With the advent of all-in-one computers in your pocket, otherwise known as smartphones, companies have seen an increasing need to move toward responsive design which allows users to view the website on a mobile device and have a great mobile experience. However, there has been massive oversight with the biggest companies which has cost them billions. This oversight... read more