Top Seven Secrets of Renting a Moving Truck | Save Lots Of Money On Your Move With These Moving Truck Tips

Renting a moving truck for a long-distance move can be expensive, but it doesn't have to be. With these 7 tips and secrets for renting a moving truck, you can save hundreds or even thousands of dollars on your next move. Better yet, some of these secrets are done way ahead of time, so if you are planning on moving in the next year or two, these seven tips for renting a... read more

The Scam Of The $500 Website | How To Avoid Getting Scammed On Your Small Business Website

There is a huge scam going around the web development industry. It is rampant in every city, every state, and just about every country with an internet connection. This is the scam of the $500 website. Companies nowadays are increasingly becoming aware of the importance of having a website and an online presence. More and more companies are realizing that in order to... read more

Top Ten Most Awesome and Unusual Bridges That You Can Hardly Believe Actually Exist

Some architects responsible for building bridges take their job more seriously - and with a very creative and awesome twist. These marvels of engineering maintain function but provide form that most bridges can only dream of surpassing (if bridges were sentient). These magnificent masterpieces have made their homes around the world, transporting as many as millions of... read more

So-Called “SEO” Businesses Might As Well Be Called “Scammer Enterprise Operations”

You should be aware that almost every so-called "SEO" company that exists today, or for the past 10+ years, is really a scam artist or organization of scam artists who make broad claims but really steal your money. The scam essentially works by luring companies in by promising a boost in Search Engine rankings. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. But this scam... read more

7 Powerful Ways To Boost Your Self Confidence And Live A Happier Life Today

Having great self-confidence is one of the best ways to achieve happiness and success in life. There are many reasons people have low self confidence; maybe you were bullied at school, or your parents divorced and you blame yourself, or maybe you had harsh parents or friends who criticized you more often then they should have. Or perhaps you lost your job, or failed at a... read more

Top Ten Reasons Why California Is No Longer The Place To Be Or Move To

I don't regret living in California, because it is truly a beautiful place and the weather truly is beautiful. In southern California near the ocean, anyway. It was nice to experience and I'm glad I was here to see the truth about what is really happening. However, after experiencing California, and after much thought and research, it would be regretful and foolish to... read more

Top Ten Most Awesome Waterfalls That Defy Imagination

You know those pictures that literally stretch your imagination and allegorically take you to a far away place? Those ones that seem to lift you up and bring you into a state of utter awe and wonder? The ones where your heart lifts and your jaw drops at the spectacular wonder of the majesty of creation? Well here are the top ten waterfalls around the world that do just... read more

Time Management and How to Beat Procrastination With Post-It Notes

Where Did The Time Go? Have you ever had that overwhelming feeling, that Father Time is just beating you with his Flavor Flav clock? We all fall victim of that beating from time to time, and we all fall victim of a habit that is almost diseases like — procrastination. Let's admit it, we get sidetracked by minor activities like watching cat videos on YouTube for... read more

How Facebook Can Organize Status Updates To Be More Efficient And Save Time

While staying up too date on what my friends are doing is a lot of fun and also helpful, I still always find myself getting frustrated when I have to scroll down an endless list of status updates. This is why I believe that Facebook should find a way to organize statuses by keywords to save its users some time and stress. To me, everyone should have the option of... read more

Installing the mbstring extension (Multibyte) with Easy Apache

On the Sharing Setting page in Wordpress using the JetPack plugin, you might have gotten this error at the top of the page (paraphrased): "Warning! Multibyte support missing! It will work without it but if mbstring is available you should use it."I would post the exact words it said but I did not take a screenshot of it and now I don't get the error because I fixed... read more