20 Best Free File Hosting Sites 2018-2019 | Reviews and Ratings

Cloud storage is becoming more and more popular. Here is an update on all the best file hosting and filesharing websites in 2022. There have been some updates, and some new changes. Some have raised their prices, others have lowered, some of stayed the same. There have also been many new small individual startups, but those websites seemed too amateur and the newness... read more

Self-Driving Cars: The Future Is On The Horizon, Autonomous Cars Are Coming Very Soon

Imagine a world where an hour-long trek to work is no longer a grueling journey to and from work, but actually a productive, profitable, and enjoyable experience not much different from sitting at your office desk. Imagine a cross-country journey across the United States, where instead of driving yourself and stopping off at expensive or seedy hotels when you get... read more

New “Brain Training” App “Elevate” Specifically Designed To Make You Stupid

Ever since Lumosity hit the scene, there have been a slew of brain training apps to help improve your memory, critical thinking skills, and other mental tasks. They work, too, for the most part; especially a select few of them. However, one of the newer additions to this app lineup is a new app called "Elevate", a brain training app. However, unlike the other apps,... read more

New YouTube Update Takes On Clickbait Head-On, And May Be Successful

If you have been browsing YouTube lately you may have noticed something new. I only noticed it today, it could be that the update started today. While it may not show up for all users or in all browsers yet, it is possible that this is going to be a permanent YouTube update. We hope so. YouTube videos have been notorious for what many call "clickbait", which for... read more

How Recent Twitch Changes Are Influencing Youtube And The Online Video Streaming Industry

Technology is moving at such a rapid pace that it seems every month people are wondering how a particular service is holding up. The streaming service Twitch is no stranger to these checks and balances, and as competitors such as Youtube and Facebook adapt in the way their websites function, seemingly by the day, Twitch users must ask one question: how is Twitch going to... read more

15 Top Free File Hosting Sites 2015 | Reviews and Ratings

There are a lot of reasons to use cloud storage, whether it be to share some files with a friend or make your business easier. Despite the fact that file sharing sites are notorious for being abused as a source for piracy, still they are commonly used for legitimate purposes. There are also a lot of reasons NOT to use cloud storage, but I'm not going to get into that here... read more

Ebay Is Dead: Why Ebay Is No Longer A Viable Selling Mechanism For Selling Your Items Online

When eBay first started, it was a huge boost to the economy and small businesses everywhere. I remember as a kid hearing the adults talk about how they were able to make and sell things on ebay and how much it helped their bank account. These adults were middle-class, hard-working people on a low salary who worked a grinding low-paying 9-5 job. The job was rewarding... read more

The Truth About Cybersqatting, How To Get The Domain, And How To Fight Back

You just got the most amazing idea for a website. Or, you just decided to put your business on the internet. Or maybe you wanted to rebrand your website. So you do a search to try to buy the domain. However, it gives you this error: "Sorry, this website is unavailable. Do you want thewebsiteyouwant.info/.asia/.etc instead?" Of course not, you wanted the .com version... read more

Samsung’s Clever Smartphone Strategy, and Analysis & Future Predictions On The Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S9 Smartphones in 2017 and 2018

Samsung has a secret smartphone strategy that is becoming apparent with the progression of its line of Galaxy smartphones. Apparently Samsung has realized that it has two primary userbases. The first userbase are the power-users and super-users who pretty much hate iPhone and everything iPhone stands for. These users want maximum control over their phone - or at least... read more

Amazon Gets New Games Redesign That Significantly Improves User Experience | Finally Someone Gets A Redesign Right

With everyone from Google to PayPal to LinkedIn ruining their website's design and user experience, we were beginning to believe that no one would get it right. Finally, however, someone really did. Amazon has implemented a new redesign for their games section which has dramatically improved user experience. I have gotten used to completely bashing all these companies... read more