AOL Mail Alienates The Last Remnants Of Its Users By Requiring Phone Verification, Drops Into Obscurity

Aol Mail has done it, finally dropped into obscurity. How? By forcing phone verification on all new mail accounts. Not only phone verification, but forced required phone from "valid networks" and only if you can receive texts - and not VOIP. It's not that anyone in the world can't receive texts. It's that for anyone with half a wit who cares enough about their privacy to... read more

It Is Scientifically Possible To Physically See Back In Time, In Real Time

I thought of this a few years ago, although only now do I realize how it would be actually possible to implement. Back then I thought, if there was a glint of reflection of light, we could see into our own past. I'm jumping ahead of myself. Some years ago, I wrote this down: When we look out at the known universe, we are looking out into the past, essentially... read more

What’s The Best Way To Expand Storage?

I just did quite a bit of research. I compared 4TB, 5TB, and 6TB drives at their going rate, and the cost for getting individual drives, 4-Bay NAS, 5-Bay NAS, 8-Bay NAS, and 12-Bay NAS for your home storage solutions. If your storage needs aren't as great as mine, you can plug in different values; i.e. 20TB, and find out your specific solutions. For me, I wanted... read more

Hosting companies need to disclose “true” web hosting limits on so-called “unlimited” plans

Potentially billions of dollars of damage and loss have been caused to both individuals and businesses as a result of poor business practice of many web hosting providers selling "unlimited" web hosting plans that are not really unlimited at all. Many (not all) web hosting providers have been utilizing a massive scam that has gone unchecked for more than a decade. They... read more

Faster than light speed travel? With new recent breakthroughs it may be in fact possible – in a way

In the year 2000, almost 15 years ago, scientists blew away the light speed record by making a laser travel at 300 TIMES the speed of light. Essentially, you can make one end of a light wave travel faster, as long as the other end travels equally slower, so that the total speed across the whole wave does not exceed the speed of light (300 million m/s). Thus, if you... read more