PS4 DLNA Update 2016: Works Way Better, Still Needs Some Work But Now Usable

It's been 9 months since the last post where I broke down all the issues with the PS4 Media Player. In short, there have been a large amount of improvements to the DLNA functionality. I was forced to use the PS4 DLNA Media Player feature because when my house was struck by lightning last week, it busted my PS3. I think I can fix my PS3 but I haven't had the time so I've... read more

Sony Officially Confirms PS4 Pro, Called Playstation Neo

At E3 2016, Sony officially confirmed they are working on and planning on releasing the new successor to the PlayStation 4, the much coveted PS5, in the 2017 holiday season. This one isn't an April Fool's joke. The official project name is called "PlayStation Neo", and social media has taken it by storm calling it PlayStation 4.5, since it isn't really a new console but... read more

Craigslist Gets Another Big Upgrade, Now You Can Zoom To Larger Sized Images

Before this recent upgrade, and since craigslist had decided to eliminate html images from the site, users have been stuck showing and viewing small resized 600x400 pictures. However, craigslist got a nice upgrade today, because now users can click on the image and it will zoom to a larger size using a lightbox. Please note that if you do not see that magnifying glass... read more

So-Called “SEO” Businesses Might As Well Be Called “Scammer Enterprise Operations”

You should be aware that almost every so-called "SEO" company that exists today, or for the past 10+ years, is really a scam artist or organization of scam artists who make broad claims but really steal your money. The scam essentially works by luring companies in by promising a boost in Search Engine rankings. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. But this scam... read more

Woot Posted a $299 PlayStation 4 Deal, It Sold Out Instantly!

The best deal we have seen all year! Sadly, it sold out before I had a chance to even visit the link! I got a newsletter to my email for this $299.99 PS4 deal just 1 hour ago, and it is already sold out! It's not a wonder, however. This is the best deal we've seen since the PlayStation 4 release! Stay tuned though, because with the PS4 currently selling for around $329... read more

PS4 DLNA Support Update: Works, Barely, But Very Disappointing, UI Is Okay But Lacks Required Features

So I picked up another PS4 today after returning my first one last year when it had no DLNA, because PS4 now has DLNA support. However, I was very disappointed to discover how bad the DLNA is on the PS4. Let's go into some details into why PlayStation 4 DLNA streaming it is inferior and terrible in comparison to the PS3 DLNA streaming. 1 Bright blue screen is... read more

Sony’s PlayStation 4 (PS4) Finally Gets First Big Price Drop, More To Come!

If you haven’t already heard, Sony officially released a statement saying that today, October 9th, PlayStation 4, the highly desired upgrade to the PlayStation 3, has gotten its first official price drop. Previously at $400 ($399.99), the PS4 is now $50 cheaper at only $350 ($349.99)! For our northern friends in Canada, they will also receive a smaller... read more

Microsoft’s New 2015 Bing Maps Update Redesign May Have Just Won The Maps War

Ever since Google forced their new terrible Google Maps onto the world, millions of people have been looking for a way out. The only real competitor besides Apple Maps which isn't available on PC desktops or non-iOS devices is Bing Maps, but Bing Maps still wasn't better than even the new Google Maps, at least not from my experience. However, this may all be about to... read more

Windows 10 Has Officially Been Released, and Looks Very Promising With Awesome New Features, A Huge Improvement Over the Terrible Windows 8

It has been a long time coming, but Windows 8 is finally dead and gone and Windows 10 is officially here. People buying new computers and laptops soon will no longer have to worry about buying Windows 8 versions, as Windows 8 is finally phased out for good and replaced with Windows 10 at last. A Brief Windows 8 History Microsoft forced Windows 8 on the world,... read more

PS4 Finally Adds DLNA Support and MP3 Streaming Option

If you've done like I have, you have googled every couple months looking to see if Sony ever completed the missing DLNA feature for the PS4. In fact, I returned my PS4 when I learned it did not have DLNA. Well, Sony has finally heard us. Just a couple weeks ago, Sony finally completed and officially released the new DLNA feature. It is not automatically integrated but... read more