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Windows 11 Pros & Cons – Is It Worth Upgrading To Windows 11 If Your Computer Supports It?

Microsoft decided to make the newest version of its OS look more like a Mac. With the taskbar fixed to the bottom, the icons centered, and the start menu a popup menu like Linux, Windows 11 does look considerably different than previous versions of Windows. But the changes have not been met with much fanfare. As a result, the upgrades to Windows 11 have been slowing,... read more

What Happened To The Flagship 7-Inch Tablets?

It's been nearly a decade since manufacturers developed 7-inch flagship tablets. If you look around the world, you can find a few new 7" tablets, but all of them are budget models with limited features, low memory and ram, and simply cannot compete with modern smartphones. Ever since around 2015, manufacturers bumped the minimum size for a tablet to 8-9 inches, but... read more

How To Upgrade External Storage On Your Phone or Tablet Without Losing Data

Flash storage has come a long way and it's incredible that a full 1TB of data can fit inside a tiny chip literally smaller than your fingernail. Considering that my 4TB traditional hard drive from years ago is about as large as an actual brick, and as heavy as one too, it's absolutely astounding that 4 of these fingernail-sized nearly-weightless chips have the same... read more

Are Stocks & Crypto In The Biggest Bubble In History?

Recently we discussed some of the top cryptocurrencies in 2022. However, it must be noted that while these cryptos may indeed change the world, we also may very well be in one of the biggest bubbles in recent history, both in cryptos and in the stock market. There are other facets of the economy in a bubble too, including real estate. The bubbles can't last forever. We... read more

Top 10 Cryptocurrencies 2022: Will 2022 Be The Year For Cryptocurrency?

Global events have inspired massive restructuring across the entire world's economies. Market volatility, rising prices, blocked supply chains, hyperinflation, gas prices, food prices, rent increases, and forced lockdowns that devastated some markets and propped up others, have created concern about the future. All these factors and more have contributed to a major, and... read more

PC vs Mac in 2021 – Which Is Better? An Honest Comparison

If you are looking for a new ultrabook or desktop or notebook computer, you will be faced with a difficult choice: Mac or PC? If you search the internet, you will find very opposing and contrasting opinions, many for PC, and many for Mac. Who do you believe? What's the truth about the eternal Mac vs PC debate? If you are already a die-hard PC or Mac fan, this guide may... read more

Why Mobile Phone Expandable Storage Will Never Die: Top 5 Reasons You Need Expandable Storage

There are many reasons that expandable storage is important for mobile devices. It is true, however, that with an increasing number of mobile devices lacking the expandable storage option, and with more and more internal flash memory included with the phone, that it is becoming less in demand. TechRadar recently released an article, "Does Samsung's Galaxy S21 sound... read more

Google Acquires Biometric Data Of 30 Million People Through Fitbit Acquisition

Thought your data on Fitbit was safe? Google just acquired Fitbit for $2.1 Billion , which is more than they purchased YouTube for 15 years ago ($1.65 Billion). Fitbit has nearly 30 million users in 2021 (29 million to be precise) , and this means a huge amount of biometric data. Google had first stated its intentions to purchase Fitbit in November of 2019 . Many users... read more

Forced Lockdowns & Big Tech Tyranny Will Create A New Era Of Digital Innovation

It's been a long year and you made it through 2020 alive, although maybe not unharmed. Government imposed lockdowns in nearly every country in the first world have created a significant loss to businesses, where as many as 60% of small businesses have shut their doors and will not reopen. There are only a couple of countries which did not destroy their economy by not... read more

The Rise of Skywalker: Suprisingly, The Best Of The Newest Star Wars Trilogy

Ok, so I know many of you have heard how just wretchedly awful The Rise of Skywalker is, but I'm here to tell you: fear not. From the very beginning of the film, I began to think "this might actually be good". I am not a Star Wars fanatic, but have always liked Star Wars. I was highly disappointed with the travesty known as The Last Jedi, but was pleasantly surprised with... read more