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Top Ten Great and Wonderful Things About Coastal Southern California

Some time ago I wrote a post about 10 reasons why California is not a great place to live. However, specifically the coastal area of Southern California within a few miles of the ocean does have its merits, albeit the benefits may not outweigh the detriments for many people. Nonetheless, in defense of California, here are some benefits of Southern California that you... read more

The U.S. Military Wastes $8 Billion Tax Dollars Building a Single Nuclear Warhead, Plans To Spend Another $100 Billion More To Make More

The military is at it again, flagrant and outlandish wasting of money paid for by hard working Americans, all of whom had zero say in the matter and most if not all who would never agree to this use of their tax money. You can see the worker above wincing at the thought of the $8 billion dollars, which includes half of his salary, being spent on this weapon of mass... read more

Quiz: Would You Survive On Mars?

You have taken a trip to Mars on one of the first manned Mars expeditions. Upon arriving, all seems to go smoothly, and you begin collecting samples. Suddenly, when you are out in the hills collecting rock samples and gauging the atmospheric pressure, you hear an explosion. It seems that the your space ship has reacted with some of the chemical composition of the local... read more

The Great American US Higher Education Fraud and Swindle

Universities in America operate under the pretense that it costs $30,000 to $50,000 to attend college. They do this purely out of greed; and the government allows it because they want to enslave you to as many years as they can of indentured servitude to pay off so-called "student loans" of which do nothing but pay the million dollar salaries of the few educational elite... read more

Woot Posted a $299 PlayStation 4 Deal, It Sold Out Instantly!

The best deal we have seen all year! Sadly, it sold out before I had a chance to even visit the link! I got a newsletter to my email for this $299.99 PS4 deal just 1 hour ago, and it is already sold out! It's not a wonder, however. This is the best deal we've seen since the PlayStation 4 release! Stay tuned though, because with the PS4 currently selling for around $329... read more

7 Powerful Ways To Boost Your Self Confidence And Live A Happier Life Today

Having great self-confidence is one of the best ways to achieve happiness and success in life. There are many reasons people have low self confidence; maybe you were bullied at school, or your parents divorced and you blame yourself, or maybe you had harsh parents or friends who criticized you more often then they should have. Or perhaps you lost your job, or failed at a... read more

PS4 DLNA Support Update: Works, Barely, But Very Disappointing, UI Is Okay But Lacks Required Features

So I picked up another PS4 today after returning my first one last year when it had no DLNA, because PS4 now has DLNA support. However, I was very disappointed to discover how bad the DLNA is on the PS4. Let's go into some details into why PlayStation 4 DLNA streaming it is inferior and terrible in comparison to the PS3 DLNA streaming. 1 Bright blue screen is... read more

Top Ten Reasons Why California Is No Longer The Place To Be Or Move To

I don't regret living in California, because it is truly a beautiful place and the weather truly is beautiful. In southern California near the ocean, anyway. It was nice to experience and I'm glad I was here to see the truth about what is really happening. However, after experiencing California, and after much thought and research, it would be regretful and foolish to... read more