Have mercy!
That has to be what fans of the original 80’s sitcom Full House had to be thinking when Netflix announced they would be releasing a spin-off series named Fuller House. The spin-off will star many of the actors from the original series, including Cameron Candace, Jodie Sweetin, Andrea Barber and John Stamos. Guest appearances are apparently being discussed with other stars of the series as well.
The plot of new series will follow the adult lives of DJ Tanner, who is now a widowed mother of two (and one on the way), Kimmy Gibbler, who is also a single mother, DJ’s sister, Stephanie, and the ever handsome and helpful, Uncle Jessie. The first season will be 13 episodes long and was announced by John Stamos, during his appearance on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Kimmel on Monday night.
Candace Cameron talked about the remake of the beloved show with Fox 411 at a DWTS reunion event, telling reporters, “It’s kind of like the flip of what the original show was about. So it was three men raising these three girls, but now it takes you to the present day and my character D.J. has two boys [and] one baby on the way and she’s just lost her husband. And so she needs help so she asks her sister and her best friend to come back and help raise her kids.”
Despite the realization that this series will no doubt appeal to the teen mom audience and might even win over older fans with 80’s nostalgia, the remakes plot honestly just feels like a rip-off of the original show that we loved so much. Out of all the situations that the writers could have chosen to put these characters in, they chose to just stick them in the same situation that Danny Tanner Uncle Jessie and Uncle Joey found themselves in back in the 80’s.
In other words, it will no doubt be the same old story and same old song and dance. The show will feature the sweet loving moments that Full House fans have come to know and also tackle social issues, this time young motherhood, instead of raising three daughters as a single dad. Maybe the series should be less concerned about the protecting the integrity of the original and think about how to make this show an entity all its own.
Honestly, I don’t hate the idea of the new series, I just wish it didn’t involve such senseless pandering to a young audience. The show, which will be filmed this summer and released in 2016, could have taken on any number of social issues to change up the script; but eventually they chose to just play it safe with the same story flipped around a little bit. Congratulations on the originality guys!
What do you think of The Fuller House Netflix Series? Is it something you think you will watch when it is released? Do you think they should have switched up the script a little bit more, instead of relying on the same formula it did in the past? Let us know in the comments below!