Global warming has long since been proven to be a hoax. Thousands of scientists use cold hard evidence to prove that there is no truth to the climate change political agenda. In 2007 BBC created a full documentary on the subject. Most people today do not believe in global warming any more, but still a few do, especially those who haven’t read any of the scientific evidence in the past decade.
Global warming is scientifically proven to be a hoax. Climate change is used by government officials to increase power by regulation and climate change laws. Environmental activists use climate change as an attempt to criminalize anyone who differs with their philosophical viewpoints. Governments and corporations make trillions of dollars from climate change regulation.
However, everyone is hurt by climate change legislation, especially small businesses and everyday consumers around the world. Climate change has become a religion, an orthodoxy; and anyone who dissents from the popular viewpoint is torn apart and demonized by the liberal media. This is all in spite of the overwhelming evidence proving that there is no truth to climate change propaganda.
Below is the full documentary that you can watch right here for free online. Here are some quotes from the video from some leading experts and scientists in their fields. Scroll down to watch the full movie.

– Professor Ian Clark
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Ottowa

– Dr Piers Corban
Climate Forecaster, Weather Action

– Professor Tim Ball
Department of Climatology
University of Winnipeg

– Lord Nigel Lawson
Member of British Parliament 1974 to 1992

– Professor Philip Stott
Department of Biogeography
University of London

People have decided you have to convince other people, that since no scientist disagrees, you shouldn’t disagree either. But whenever you hear that in science, that’s pure propaganda.”
– Professor Richard Lindzen

Those people who are specialists but don’t agree with the polemic, and resign, and there have been a number that I know of, they are simply put on this author list and become part of this 2,500 ‘the world’s top scientists.'”
– Professor Paul Reiter
IPCC & Pasteur Institute, Paris

– Professor John Christy
Lead Author, IPCC
Watch the full documentary below:
Maybe not global warming, but I do believe it’s a big business creation , who’s who I don’t know, total destruction of the world and it’s inhabitants , really depressing
An excellent documentary that “should” finish-off the climate cooling/warming/change hoax. Contrary to the author, CC theory is still around, and in my estimation, believed more so than not. It has become a “go-to” ideology for a multitude of reasons, and thus is a religion with deep ties to the unconscious and not easily uprooted.
First and foremost, it makes one feel good for protecting the earth–and herein lays the great truth about CC. We are actually making the earth sick with (unnecessary) pollution, but not with man-made CO2, which is a tiny part of the whole CO2 found on earth. Many people are moved by the demise of the Earth’s environment and this is the basis for a “conspiracy” by the oil companies, etc.
Second, and closely connected to the first, is the enjoyment of going after the “established authorities” in the scientific world of climatology. Overturning societal order was and is the goal of many ideologues.
Third, the whole concept of nature working outside of humankind’s control/ego is frightening to many as they exclusively live by their intellect. Thus, the “change” especially in normal climate change is anathema. It is ironic that after the former two permutations (cooling, warming), the CC school is actually describing the climate correctly!
For a recent, great documentary, see link for the role that cosmic space plays in cloud formation:
The documentary “The Great Global Warming Swindle” was not produced by BBC but by Channel 4.
Thank you for the clarification. For most Americans, both mean British television; after all there are only a couple of British channels. BBC and Channel 4 are equally as strong television producers, and both are public service television broadcasting networks out of the UK.
Totally agree. It’s sad they blame the cows.
Yes the beautiful creatures who provide, if they want to destroy,then let’s get it over with