Top Ten Reasons Why California Is No Longer The Place To Be Or Move To

I don’t regret living in California, because it is truly a beautiful place and the weather truly is beautiful. In southern California near the ocean, anyway. It was nice to experience and I’m glad I was here to see the truth about what is really happening. However, after experiencing California, and after much thought and research, it would be regretful and foolish to stay here. It is simply not sustainable anymore and the quality is quickly degrading.

Honestly, if I could be free from extremely high taxes, massive immigration problems, extreme housing costs, increasing crime, and out of control legislative oppression, I would stay in California. I could deal with the flaky people. Without all those other issues, there would be no better place to be.

But realistically, that simply isn’t going to happen. Not anytime soon, anyway. The fantasy ideal of California has become but a fantasy, a distant memory, an emotional feeling that you can feel when you think about it or step outside ignorantly, but quickly forget when the first of the month comes around, or tax season comes around, or you look at your neighborhood, or you look at your paycheck, or you look at the fact you have no paycheck, or you realize you can’t buy a house unless you’re really stupid and think you can, or when your children become degraded both morally and psychologically from the political and cultural climate.

In fact, it’s quite amusing to hear people talk about how they love California, all their reasons will be because the weather is good, or because it’s good because of the nice weather, or because the sun is shining and the weather is nice, or because it’s warm outside because the weather is nice, or some other derivative of “the weather is nice”. This is because the only real benefit of living in California is because of the weather. That and the emotional ideal itself of “living in California”. There really isn’t any other reason.

California is on one of the steepest declines in quality of living in the nation. Taxes, housing, and immigration are some of the primary factors contributing to this decline. Whereas California has historically been a coveted and highly desired place to be, from both native Californians and other-staters alike for the past many decades, this is no longer the case.

However, it is true that there are still some happy Californians, but I believe that this is because they are either not aware of what has been happening in this formerly glorious state during the past decade and how it is affecting them and is going to affect them in the coming years; or because they are young and not yet directly impacted by the terrible changes in this state; or because they are older, probably a homeowner from the good days, and not directly impacted by the changes (yet) for a variety of reasons, or refuse to admit it even to themselves because they do not want to uproot their lives.

This is not just my own opinion. People are fleeing the state in droves, and the exodus is so great that few native Californians are left, and the massive influx of foreign immigrants masks the utter severity of the issue. Over 600,000 people are leaving California each year.

Articles about people fleeing California are a dime a dozen, every news agency is regularly talking about it. It has become so accepted and well known that the news are now talking about which states are best to move to, taking it as a given that people are fleeing and looking for an alternative.

Here are the top ten reasons why this is happening, why you should leave California if you are here, and why you should not come to California if you are thinking about it. You missed the boat, it sailed 8 years ago. California is no longer the place to be, and here are the top ten reasons why.

10 California People Are Notorious Flakes

California People Are Notorious Flakes
Why it made the list Ok so this one probably isn't new, so it's last on the list but still worth mentioning. Flaky flaky flaky. It isn't just your friends, it's the businesses, even people trying to sell you something are going to flake out on you. People are utter flakes. They say they will do something, but they never follow through.

This of course puts a huge strain on running a small business, because buyers and sellers alike will flake out on you. You want to buy something? Be prepared for the seller to flake on you. You want to sell something? Be prepared for 19/20 buyers to flake on you. My theory is that it's because the weather is so nice and the culture tries to tell people to do whatever they feel like, so people feel free from obligations.

As a result, people say things that mean commitments, but really they never made a commitment at all. Sure, they totally meant to follow through when they said it. But then something else comes up and they change their mind. This holds true for the poor and the rich alike in California. Sure, there are flaky people everywhere, but I have lived in several parts of the country, and Californians take it to an entirely new level of flakiness.

However, I could totally deal with this, if it wasn't for the next things.

9 California Legislation Is a Joke and It's Not Funny

California Legislation Is a Joke and It's Not Funny
Why it made the list 725 new laws (most of them either completely pointless or completely stupid) went into effect in the state of California on January 1st, 2011. Recent years have only gotten worse.

In 2011, California Governor Jerry Brown unveiled a "draconian" budget plan that included 12 billion dollars more in spending cuts and that maintains 12 billion dollars in recent tax increases.

A couple days ago, on October 7, 2015, California Governor Edmund Brown unveiled the worst "climate change" legislation in years, skyrocketing electricity costs and doubling legislative energy efficiency requirements, despite the fact that the idea of CO2 as the driver of climate change was debunked as a hoax more than 10 years ago. Just goes to show that California legislators and lawmakers are either stupid or unethical, using whatever reason possible, even lies, myths, and hoaxes, to increase legislation and destroy this once great state.

8 California's Education System Is Awful and Only Getting Worse

California's Education System Is Awful and Only Getting Worse
Why it made the list California’s state funding to K-12 schools fell 19% from 2008 to 2012. Prior to 2007, California's per-pupil spending was $10,687 (inflation-adjusted), which ranked 25th in the nation. After cuts incurred during the recession, California’s per-pupil spending dropped to $9,892, 39th in the nation. This amount is amount is $2,000 lower than the U.S. average. Other studies have shown that after adjusting for varied costs of living among states, California’s per-pupil spending levels are even lower.

While California’s per-pupil spending lags behind the national average, the state contributes a large share of its budget to K-12. Approximately 28% of state-only funds are spent towards K-12 education, which is the 12th highest budget share in the nation. However, these funds must be spread across a relatively high number of students. Approximately 16.5% of the state’s population are K-12 students, the 8th highest portion in the nation.

The funding shortfall of the California State Teacher’s Retirement Benefit System (CalSTRS) presents a looming threat to future school district budgets.

California’s low per-pupil spending is reflected in its low number of teachers. In 2012-13, California had a student-to-teacher ratio of 25-to-1, the highest in the nation and much higher than the 15-to-1 national average. This means that California students experience much larger class sizes (10 students higher), must share resources with more students, and teachers have less time with each student.

Compared to other states, California students rank poorly on performance measures. Over the last decade, California students have lagged significantly behind national standards. For example, California’s 4th and 8th grade students are in the bottom ten nationwide in both math and reading.

7 California Forces Liberal Ideologies Down People's Throats. Literally.

California Forces Liberal Ideologies Down People's Throats. Literally.
Why it made the list In one school district in California, children as young as five years old are being forced to watch liberal propaganda films that tout the benefits of "alternative lifestyles", and parents are being told that no "opting out" will be permitted.

Vaccines, which are proven to cause neurological issues, are being forced on the population. Children, including newborns are being given vaccines behind their parents' backs and without, even against, their parents' consent. Don't let your newborn out of your sight! Many infants have been killed by vaccines administered by deluded physicians against their parents' explicit instructions to never give a vaccine. Surviving infants are raised with permanent disabilities including OCD, Tourette's, ADHD, and other psychological disorders.

Children at schools in California are even required to get forced STD vaccines, even if they are not having sex. In other words, good children have to be infected with an STD because California legislation determined they want to cut down on STDs. There is a good way to really get rid of STDs - stop promoting feminism, forcing children to watch sex videos and homosexual propaganda in school, and allowing sexual advertising. Stop saying it's okay to "do whatever makes you happy" which is contributing to the issue. If people did not sleep around, there would be no way to catch STDs.

6 California Crime Rates Are Continuing To Increase

California Crime Rates Are Continuing To Increase
Why it made the list Not all cities are unsafe, but many are. Los Angeles, San Francisco, and many others are bad and continuing to get worse. Formerly nice areas are degrading, and crime is spreading.

Things have gotten so bad in Stockton, California that the police union put up a billboard with the following message: "Welcome to the 2nd most dangerous city in California. Stop laying off cops."

Anthony Batts, the Police Chief for Oakland, California, announced last year that due to severe budget cuts there are a number of crimes that his department will simply not be able to respond to any longer. The crimes that the Oakland police will no longer be responding to include grand theft, burglary, car wrecks, identity theft and vandalism.

The crime rate in the San Diego school system is escalating out of control. The following is what San Diego School Police Chief Don Braun recently told the press about the current situation: "Violent crime in schools has risen 31 percent. Property crime has risen 12 percent. Weapons violations (have gone up) almost 8 percent."

During one recent 23 year period, the state of California built 23 prisons but just one university.

5 California Is Terrible for Small Business

California Is Terrible for Small Business
Why it made the list It isn't just the people who are trying to get out; the businesses are moving too. California is the 48th worst state in the nation for business, following only New York and Hawaii. Excessive taxes are destroying small businesses and the middle class, leading to a mass exodus of small businesses to other states like Texas and Washington.

At one point last year it was reported that in the area around Sacramento, California there was one closed business for every six that were still open.

4 California Unemployment Is One Of The Worst In The Nation

California Unemployment Is One Of The Worst In The Nation
Why it made the list In some areas of California, the level of unemployment is absolutely nightmarish. For example, 24.3 percent of the residents of El Centro, California are now unemployed. Worse, this does not represent the real and unpublished unemployment rate, which is as high as 50% in some areas.

3 California Taxes Are Outrageously and Ridiculously High

California Taxes Are Outrageously and Ridiculously High
Why it made the list With some of the highest taxes in the nation, California taxes everything, from some of the highest state income taxes, to taxes on gasoline, food, water, tags, smog, luxury taxes, hidden taxes, and anything else you can think of. Tax tax tax. Can it be taxed? Let's increase the tax. To top it off there is the 8 - 9% sales tax rate depending on the county. California has the highest state sales tax rate in the nation by far at 8.25%. Some counties have a 10% tax rate. Indiana has the next highest tax rate at 7%.

More than 60% of a Californian's income goes to some form of taxes. Homeowners have an even higher tax rate due to the property taxes on absurdly priced houses. Fortunately the illegal immigrants don't have to pay taxes because they are illegal. Well, technically they have to, they just don't. Instead, the legal taxpayers subsidize their welfare food stamps, section 8 housing, and even spending money so the illegal immigrant population of 10 million illegals can all live for free which the legal citizens slave away and give more than half their income to the state and federal government.

2 California Immigration Problem is Out Of Control

California Immigration Problem is Out Of Control
Why it made the list Continuing on that note, the illegal immigration population is exploding with a massive influx of 500,000 illegal immigrants per year and 1.1 million foreign children born in the US to these illegal aliens.

This is costing U.S. taxpayers over $25 billion dollars per year, and of course only the law abiding citizens will be footing this bill since the illegal immigrants do not pay taxes. In some cities, 95% of the population is Mexican, such as Santa Ana; and in other cities, over 85% of the population is Asian, such as Irvine (another 10% are from other countries such as Pakistan or India). Don't believe Wikipedia! I could take a video today and show you not a single American for 5 minutes oh, there's one, okay Mexican, Asian, Mexican, Indian, Pakistani, Asian, Mexican. etc. I'm not even kidding, sometimes I don't even feel like I am in America anymore.

Nothing against Mexican-Americans or Asian-Americans, mind you. This isn't a hate against any kind of people. This is simply a disdain for out of control immigration. Most of these immigrants are visiting, on a work or school visa, from a foreign country such as China, or illegal from Mexico, are not citizens and have no plans to be, refuse to assimilate, speak limited English, and most importantly and worse, they send all their high-income earnings back to their home country, siphoning it away from the local economy. No wonder the state is suffering so badly.

Immigration alone is not the problem. Excessive immigration, combined with excessive illegal immigration and free welfare given to illegal immigrants, is the problem. Take away welfare and suddenly 90% of the illegal population will no longer have any reason to be here. The problem would be solved. Sadly, this isn't a total solution because the illegal population would just emigrate to other states and continue to steal welfare and live for free. The total solution is to take away all welfare for all illegal immigrants in all states. That would take care of the bulk of the problem.

1 California Housing Prices Are Out Of Control

California Housing Prices Are Out Of Control
Why it made the list With a small 2 bedroom house starting at $650,000, and a sub $500,000 house entirely nonexistent, housing is ridiculously out of control. People are taking out million dollar mortgages for houses that will inevitably fall in price, because what goes up must come down. They naively believe that the prices will continue to climb, and ignore the massive debt burden they are taking on, in a market that could make them lose their job any day and be stuck with a million dollar foreclosure and a total loss of an amount of money that could have fully paid off a house in another area.

California had more foreclosure filings that any other U.S. state in 2010. The 546,669 total foreclosure filings during the year means that over 4 percent of all the housing units in the state of California received a foreclosure filing at some point during 2010.

Renting is no better, with apartments in nice areas starting at $2,500 per month for a small 2 bedroom apartment (a large one starts at $2800), and $1,800 as the lowest for less nice areas, the renting prices are just silly absurd. And let's not forget that every single year the rent goes up $100 to $200. In a few years a 2 bedroom apartment will cost over $3,000 per month. That's just stupidly ridiculous! Add to that some of the highest electricity costs in the country, and even renting is unaffordable for most people who have below an upper-class income.

Image Sources: Historical Home Prices ·   |   Historical Rents ·

Independently, each one of the items I might be willing to sacrifice for the sake of living in a beautiful and gorgeous place like southern California by the beach. However, it isn’t just one or two items. It is many items combined seeping into every area of your life. The top three combined make California a wholly undesirable place to live. Every time I step outside and enjoy the perfect, beautiful weather, I try to find reasons to stay, but when I am honest with myself, it would be very foolish to do so.

Sure, this summer has been exceptionally humid in California, and this last week has been very hot, up to 100 degrees! Which is totally unheard of here. However, still, this is the exception rather than the rule. Moreover, the humidity is nothing compared to the east coast, even at its worst here. However, let’s reiterate that the sole and primary reason to stay is for the weather. That and the good Mexican food and fresh fruits. However, there are other places with good Mexican food and fresh fruits. Hence, the weather is the only real reason to stay, and that alone is not a smart reason to live in a place.

Even if you are extremely wealthy, California is no longer a place to live, but a place to get away and vacation. Unless of course you like throwing away your wealth. I certainly don’t. Worse, if you are poor or middle class, you absolutely should not come to California! At least if you are wealthy, you can survive, although California will try to bleed you for all you have. Even if you are wealthy, California is not sustainable. But if you are not wealthy, California is totally and utterly unsustainable.

Do you live in California? Were you thinking of moving to California? Want to share your experiences? Concur or disagree? Share your thoughts below.

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291 thoughts on “Top Ten Reasons Why California Is No Longer The Place To Be Or Move To

  1. I visited California in the 1970’s and it was very nice. The people were friendly, food and gas prices were reasonable, and the weather was perfect. But that all went south when they switched from a republican status to a democratic one, and they (democrats) screwed it up!

  2. I would love to see anyone try and argue with any of this, it’s all true, I was born and raised here and by the age of 18 I knew everything was wrong about the school system and the immigration in this state, so I decided to say fuck you to my hippie parents who refuse to believe this state is bad, and I went and joined the military. And guess what!!! so did all 6 of my best friends because they had parents that could barely afford to live here let alone pay for their schooling. Now I’m 23 and I’m using my gi bill in california and it’s even more of a joke here than it was before, I’m only here because of family for the time being but then I’m taking my degree and going and living in america, I heard it’s nice out there, all 49 other states of it. What’s the point in living in a nice “weather area” but yet you have to work all day just to survive, so you never actually get to experience the nice weather.

  3. Also you can FEEL and SEE how crowded California has become, especially since 2013. Just drive on any freeway in California. There are no “rush hours” anymore. There’s traffic all day everyday. Additionally, anywhere you walk there’s almost always someone who is walking close to you who is going to the same destination (or area at least).

  4. Too many people and no one is making the money any more; it’s a movie prop
    and the price for this coming
    Think of the 1930’s history repeats itsellf
    It’s coming because it’s already here
    wake up people
    you haven’t seen nothing yet

  5. Great website, accurate and to the point. I was born in CA, I left for the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Some of my family still reside in CA and I am growing more concerned for their safety. My daughter lives in Huntington Beach which is not as safe as it was years ago. Lots of homeless living everywhere in CA. I moved three years ago as part of my plan to eventually retire where I could afford a nice home on the water. What a find. I am not taxed to death and they even have a senior property tax reduction. This is not your father’s old South. It’s modern and accepting. Conservative but anyone is allowed to be who they want here. No riots, gangs of thieves, or tax you to death politicians.

    • Sherry, it’s beyond belief. I too was born in CA and thought I would retire there. I bought a new home about six years ago and then the break-ins and car theft started. I moved to the Mississippi Gulf Coast where life is like the ’50s in a good way. People are nice, crime is very low (except for bar fights).

  6. Calatrava sucks and has vexatious litigant statutes and a list they put you on if some ahole lies plus Cps takes your kids.You cannot file for divorce unless you pay the other person’s legal fees. It sucks. Do not have kids here or you will all become Cali slaves. Ca

  7. I grew up in Southern California. Lived in the San Bernardino mountains, spent summers going to the beach, raised my children in the mountains and loved every minute of it.
    Started seeing the changes in the early 2000’s. By 2015 I really wanted to get out of there. Finally, in 2019 we made the very difficult decision to leave – our grown children and grandchildren are still there. The lake arrowhead area is in a bit of a bubble but, the schools are bad and I’ve even seen a huge change on my beloved mountain in recent years. We’re praying our family will see how much of a decline the area is in and they’ll eventually join us. So heartbreaking to see such an amazing and beautiful state over the course of 55 years end up where it is today.

  8. Excellent article and discussion. I’m a European. I’ve never been to the US, but in the 90’s we perceived the country as the dream come true. I’ve been always thinking of California as the place of the ultimate joy. Maybe even a decade ago. I can’t believe what happened. It’s hard to accept the fact that the Californians let so many illegals in and watch rather powerlessly their state to fall apart. It’s not gonna be any better in Western Europe though. So many immigrants using the welfare. The crime is skyrocketing and they have no desire to respect their home countries or assimilate. I live in a small country, a hidden gem which is not attractive for the illegals, yet. We have a strict immigration politics and my country is being called racist within the EU from time to time. Jokingly, it cannot be far from the truth since we really don’t care about races but we can’t stand people parasitising on our social system who are not willing to work, accept our culture and become a part of it. Recently, I’ve been meeting more and more Americans moving here who are exhausted of the liberal, PC bullsh*t. They can breathe again. Also, the weather is four seasons but very low humidity here. I’m pretty happy we have such influx from the States and Western Europe but at the same time, I’m a bit worried what’s gonna happen over there once all people with common sense left.

  9. Great article! I feel for those of you who are native to California, having grown up here in this beautiful place,(with great weather…lol!), only to see it slowly become a 2nd world nation thanks to the likes of Leftist politicians like Nancy Pelosi, Gavin Newsome, Jerry Brow, Maxine Watters, Diane Feinstien, and others!! I’m no stranger to this state having spend time in or traveled through it during my stint in the U.S. Navy, (NAS North Island,) Coronado peninsula in San Diego, and also NAS Lemoore, CA. ..I even have relatives up in extreme northern California,(Yreka and Alturas). Actually, I was thinking of maybe returning to the “Golden State” to maybe semi-retire in a few years, but there is no way I could afford it, or have to endure the very Socialist/Communist politics I swore to protect Americans against….. Oh well, I guess there’s always Reno/Sparks/Carson, Boise, Flagstaff, or SLC to escape the humidity here back east!

  10. I have real sympathy for those people “stuck” in California. So Sorry. You should get out while you can.
    I have properties for sale in South Central Missouri. Half way between St. Louis and Branson, MO.
    Three minutes off I-44, Three miles from Gasconade River and Three Miles from Big Piney River. Three Acres, with Public Water ON the property, all for $19,500. Add a late model 16 x 80 Mobile Home for a total of $49,500. (I’m 74 years old, selling out a great Mobile Home Rental business, a Self Storage Business, an apartment business,) Owner Financing? SURE!
    Gasoline is $2,11 per gallon, Electricity rates are low, Clean environment, Minimal Fire danger, only an occasional crazy legislator.
    Missouri’s motto is “The Show-Me State. In other words, we pride ourselves on being a little skeptical. Not so easily taken in by phony people with phony ideas.
    Future Friend, I hope we can agree on this one thing: Crime and Graffiti pretty much go together.
    In my city, we hardly know the meaning of graffiti. Show me even one example, and I’ll clean it off myself. We may have a few little ‘bangers, but most of them are seeing that it doesn’t pay very well.
    Taxes are modest, jobs are plentiful, homelessness is non-existent.

  11. I am from California — moved to Indiana in 2017. I would love to return but I keep hearing these stories — like yours — and know that would be foolish. I left behind my life insurance business. Most of my customers, being seniors, were not flaky. Here, there is so much racism, I don’t have the freedom to go to anyone’s door or to drive around to neighboring towns like I have in L.A. and, the Mexicans don’t want to be here either. I can really forget about returning to L.A. I can buy a nice home here for $50,000 to $200,000. Cigarettes are $6.81 a pack vs $10 in L.A. Gas is sometimes $2.39 a gallon and, yes, sales tax is 7%. I don’t enjoy not having a variety of stores to shop at or the freezing cold weather or high cost of electricity. But, my 675 sq. Ft. Apartment is only $717 a month. Pay here starts at $8 hour. More jobs here than they can fill. Factory jobs pay starting at $11, $15 on up. But, if one buys a $50,000 house at 6% interest, that’s only just over $300 a month for a mortgage including 2% property taxes. If it wasn’t for the racism, I’d be ok, but Indiana is the Ku Klux Klan headquarters. Is there a better place to go besides here? Maybe you can tell me.

    • Hi Beverly, thank you for your comment, I will do my best to help.

      Why did you move to the town of Klu Klux Klan headquarters if you don’t like racism? There is literally an entire country out there. There are many cities like Baltimore, Chicago, south side of Dallas, Detroit – many places where there is no racism against blacks. There are also other countries, like the beautiful cities in Nigeria, no racism there against blacks either, and practically the entire continent of Africa (with the exception of the countries in north africa which are now conquered by muslims) will experience no black racism. You have a third of the world you can move to without any racism against blacks.

      However, please avoid any asian, south asian, south american, central american, Indian (India), middle-eastern, or a number of other countries and continents (which have very high racism against any non-indigenous people), but there are many places you can go that are homogeneously black so you will definitely not experience any racism in those places. Also, don’t move to cities with a high Mexican or Muslim population as there is a lot of anti-black racism in those cities. Your best bet is to move to a majority black city so that you cannot experience any racism.

      Every race and culture has some racism against the minority population, with the exception of America and European countries where racism is illegal. For example, if a white or asian person visits Nigeria, they will experience anti-white or anti-asian racism. There are no government protections against racism in Africa, China, India, Afghanistan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, etc. This is human nature and inescapable. The only escape is to live in a majority your-race city or country. Europeans don’t have this option, but every other race does, so you have plenty of options.

      Anyone can avoid racism by going to a place which is majority their own race, there will not be racism against your race there. Hope that helps!

  12. I agree. I was born in southern California and this place has become a complete sh**hole. Illegal immigrants now have more benefits and rights than taxpaying citizens do. LA (and San Francisco from what I hear) is crammed with homelessness, litter and crime. The Democrats literally DO NOTHING at all to fix the problems except blame Trump. We have legal pot and potheads literally just sitting on the curb smoking bowls of grass in parks and public areas where kids play. The taxes on everything are a joke – and housing has been a nightmare for millions of middle class families who just want a decent place to live that’s not falling apart (special thanks to all the b.s. zoning laws and construction regulation that stifles new developments). You can’t get an even small single-family home for anything less than 700k (and I mean humble small home in a crap neighborhood for that price). My wife and I can’t wait to leave.

  13. 100% in agreement sir, I m in little LA, Miami, or it has become on a small scale ,of course not to me ,as I used to love Miami and surrounding areas and the weather was the place to be ah the beautiful sunshine state has become the new Seattle or England, rain and clouds on a daily basis for the last ,2013 .
    Everything you counted down ,same here rentals and housing awful , I’m paying for a room ,what I would have had an apartment on Brickle or the Grove , years gone by , and I m not heartless especially to children but I was turned down as a us vet who served in the armed forces honorably for schooling ,giving to an older immigrant who couldn’t read English,I had to read the form to him to let him know he was granted the funding for his schooling as I was denied at a much younger age , telling me I didn’t qualify,a bit biased and preferential treatment giving to the immigrants, Miami is full of them , and in total agreement again as to spoken language refusal,it’s a network of friends and cliques and we got plenty of flakes here too !

  14. Hi, I’m from the Midwest and moved to Socal (Orange County) almost 11yrs ago. Oh, my, the stories I could tell you. From the fake, back-stabbing, entitled, utterly silly & ridiculous people, to the corrupt politicians, institutions, businesses (small businesses, large corporations, it doesn’t matter). I’ve lived in Mexico for a year and California is worse. The ‘conservatives’ are fascist boot licking Nazis, the liberals are communists. And lets get one thing straight, its not politics per se, its the mentality of people here. Just weird, its a cult, people are brainwashed and zombies, its all about appearances, money, and worshipping state authority. Cult-ish, odd, strange culture and mentality here. And I’ve travelled to most the states and know many, many people from many states and other countries. California is actually kind of isolated geographically (surrounded by Sierras Mountains, vast deserts, ocean, and again, the bubble mentality). Its definitely not really the United States. People are often mean and self absorbed here…the majority are. I get there are bad apples wherever you go, but again the overall mentality here is just not American nor really human even. Its definitely a hybrid of old Spanish colonialism, socialistic Mexicanism, and fascist-communist doctrine, indoctrination, mentality. If my daughter wasn’t here I wouldn’t be here. Oh and there is a major suicide epidemic here that they try to suppress the stats and reports on, but many young people get bullied, and commit suicide. Year ago a 12yr old girl killed herself in a local Orange County park b/c she was bullied. Another young man 17 and a senior in high school killed himself, said in his note that ‘people are fake and mean here’. In fact, Rick Warren (Saddleback Church, a megachurch, ‘Purpose Driven Life’ author) his son committed suicide within the past couple years. God bless them and may they rest in peace…but…its a solid indication there is something very wrong here. Very, very wrong. God help us.

  15. 50 percent higher inflation and cost of living than any other state in the Union. Its sick plain and simple. The Billionaire tech companies online have no accountability to on privacy policies and most dont care about the future of their employees retirement.Sometimes you wonder if we live truly in a free Country . Our Vets and Elderly should be number one priority plus The Homeless people need oppurtunity and to get the proper help they need. Instead its a me me me society that each day i want to try to try and understand why and who is controlling the “puppet show of our politicians that are supposed to be public servants yet are egomaniacs that care less about The Constitution of 1776.Any people out their agree?

  16. First of all, please do not consider me ”being negative” here by the comments that I am about to write. IF I myself sound ”negative here,” than the Californians who are cold, and inconsiderate, and are self-absorbed promise-breaking flakes must be ”even more negative than me.” ”MUCH MORE.” So, none of that Tony Robbins ”BE POSITIVE… and other-peoples will treat you better system” doesn’t apply here. JUST FLAT-OUT AVOID ALL OF THOSE RUDE-PEOPLES. Whether they are from South Korea, Chicago, California, ETC.

    I moved out of California in 2004, moved back here in 2006, moved out of here in 2009, and moved back here in 2016. I grew-up in Orange County, California, but I have to say that I have traveled all-around the state of California, and it is almost as bad as Chicago and almost as rude as South Koreans. Yes, South Koreans are extremely-rude, and it is not just the North Koreans who are horrific to their fellow-human-beings. I really am planning to move-out of California, and forget all of these superficial-peoples. The vast-majority of superficial-California-Christians will not make it to The Third Heaven, that is for sure. They keep flaking out on their neighbors, and mistreating your own neighbors like that constantly will not get you access into The Third Heaven.

    See… Whatever California and Hollywood does, countries like China and South Korea follow-suit a lot worse. They — The Asians — watch The Hollywood stuff on TV and in the movies and in international fashion magazines, and go way overboard on the Gucci bags, makeups, the plastic surgeries, trying to out-do their neighbors in trying to live in better neighborhoods and houses and so forth, and show-off driving fancy cars. Soul-less? 100.00%-absolutely.

    Then, a good number of those Chinese and South Koreans who learned ”horrible-values from Hollywood, California” move to the United States of America, and make things worse.

    Now, don’t even let me get started how overwhelming number of Mexicans and Mexican Americans are just plain rude, flake-out, and never return the money you lend them. In fact, I have gone to Mexican/Mexican American establishments here in California where the Mexicans try to ”under-change you from the cash registers many times.” Pizza places, whatever…

    So, always be on the lookout… It is White America who grew-up with ”Puritanical-Values,” and it is Hollywood and mass-amounts of immigrants with ”No-Moral-Values” who are undermining everything in The USA right now.

    Read Eric Jon Phelp’s ”Vatican Assassins” and Albert Rivera’s 6-issue Jack Chick’s Comics. Yes, The Black Pope using The Jesuits to undermind the entire-world to bring in The New World Order is so true. California going to dumps is all part of ”United Nations Agenda 2030.” So is the homelessness epidemic due to rising housing prices, and replacing millions of workers with A.I. robots.

    There is even a Beast Super Computer in Brussels, Belgium, ready to implement The Mark of The Beast 666-RFID-VeriChips on the entire-world through Biohax and Jared Kushner’s 666 Whatever New York City Avenue Company building. And, Brussels, Belgium along with the rest of Europe being over-bombarded by a Muslim population is the same thing as North American being ruined by mass-migrations of rude-immigrants as well… No. I am not being racist. The Black Pope who is engineering all of this through The Jesuits from The Vatican is doing all of this. They secretly brought Communists from Russia and China to destabilize The USA for over a century now. Undermind our health care, businesses, medicines, retirement funds, moralities, ETC.

    No, I am not going off tangent here. Whatever ills California is facing right now is brought here by the Chinese, rude-South Koreans, The Sharia Law-loving-Muslims, and amoral-Mexicans, and that is the 100.00%-truth.


    • Dear, Readers:

      I am just going to state it to you plainly. California ranks #1 in terms of the highest number of Satanic activities in The USA. #2 is New York. There are plenty of Pagans, Occultists, Wiccans, and Satanists around here. Paganism is rampant. This is due to the fact that The Jesuits/The Illuminati/The Freemasons have infiltrated all-sectors of the governments and the corporations. They are more-closer than you think.

      There are major-Satanic Temples hidden from public views in every-major cities: I have heard specifically-San Francisco, Los Angeles, Hollywood, Long Beach, and San Diego through interviews… So there is plenty-more to watch-out from.

      There is The Bohemian Grove in Northern California. Mount Shasta is one of the main-major-vortexes of The Planet Earth’s Energy Grids (i.e. A Stonehenge-type of plsce…), so Satanic Global Elists meet oftern there to commune with Satan-directly from The Second Heaven. There is a Masonic Lodge with Freemasons here in Corona (It has a blue roof with white walls… I went there and saw it upclose.).

      Yorba Linda is the birthplace of Richard Nixon, so there are so many ‘sun-symbolisms’/’flame-symbolisms’/’cauldron-symbolisms’ amongst countless businesses there — Jesuit/Illuminati/Satanists-infiltrated: They control the local mobs… Yes, there are Russian mobs here in California. The Triads, too.

      San Bernardino, where Dick and Mac McDonald are from is filled with Freemasons/Satanists. Scientology’s main headquarters ‘The Gold Base’ is right here in Riverside, and not Clearwater, Florida. Even Burt Ward (Robin from ”Batman.”) lives right-here in Norco, so something really-fishy is going on…

      The politicians and the cops ‘have been bought,’ so ‘The Wealthy white-collar-criminals’ get-away ‘WITH A LOT’-around here. No offense… But there really is ‘a cabal of Jewish-lawyers who come and sweep things under the rug.’ California ranks #1 in terms of having the-most-corrupt judges and lawyers in The USA, which means The Prison Industrial Complex and The Bail-Bonds-scams with bounty hunters are just brutal…

      So many innocent children end-up in fostercare due to parents’ unpaid bills/delinquent bail-payments… Yes, scams when it comes to hospitals, welfare, EBT, public educations, for-profit-colleges, poor public transportation networks, lukewarm 501c3 Christian churches, high-cost of housings, the rising homelessness populations, failed-liberal-policies driving citizens out-of-state, etc. It is all part of United Nations 2030, depopulating citizens, bringing in an A.I. Global Brain through Elon Musk’s Starlink and Neuralink. Jared Kushner’s company is producing The RFID-chips. Satan controls The Jesuits and The Babylonian bloodlines who control the world’s banks, businesses, and governments. Just look at all of the corporate logos.

      I am readying myself for ‘The Rapture’ and ‘The Return of Jesus Christ on The Mount of Olives.’ Until then, I evangelize and share The Gospels as much as I can with others, especially The Synoptic Gospels. There are so much the churches do not know… I’ll share ‘LOVE’ over ‘FEAR’ as you say. I see these things… It’s just like ”They Live” with Rowdy Roddy Piper… Why God chose me as one of ”The Watchmen,” only HE knows…

      The Antichrist is alive, and here on The Planet Earth ”right-now.” Prepare yourselves with ‘The Seal of God,’ ‘The Armor of God,’ and please warn-others. This place is Sodom and Gamorrah, we are in The Second Days of Noah, and we are literally on the eve of The 70th-Week of Daniel. I only know ‘1.00% of what is going-on here.’ So much in terms of A.I./global-homelessnesss is going to occur from ‘NOW~2030’s/2040’s.’ Please pray, prep, and be ready for ”The Day.”

      That was long. Again, a few of those things H.P. Lovecraft-himself was witness to from ‘The 4th-Dimension’ I myself also was a witness to on a number of occassions within-my own lifetime, and still to come. ‘When the demons revealed themselves to me’ I myself 100.00% knew there was God, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, The Angels, and The Eternal Kingdom.

      I am ‘NO-pew-warmer.’ IT is all going to happen ‘REAL.~.SOON,’ and I am not going to just sit-around waiting for ‘IT’ to happen. Plus, the churches telling me to ‘Just sit and listen to sermons’ is doing me a huge-disservice. I desire to ‘Use My Gifts’ in the right way. You and your family have witnessed similar-manifestations. Here are a few accompanying photographs. I hope that we can discuss this again within-6-months. Thank you, God bless you, and may Jesus Christ love you as always. Let me re-read ‘Hebrews’ again, as I am geared-more towards The New Testament. You are right: Stick with ”LOVE,” ”not.~.fear.”

      .This isn’t even 10.00% of what I know… And, even the best-minds on these subjects are only-aware of 1.00% of what The Global Elitists are doing. Considering what we are up-against: ‘JESUS CHRIST IS THE ONLY-WAY-TOWARDS-ETERNAL-SALVATION-WITH-GOD-THE-FATHER. HE IS THE-ONLY-WAY.’ Catch you later, man.

      .”.You yourselves have traveled a lot, and have seen a lot. Very few souls are even as considerate as me to others (As far as I know… Trust me there have been ‘COUNTLESS-TIMES’ where I myself have been ‘THE ONLY NICE GUY IN THE ENTIRE-ROOM.’), yet I too also am an eternal-soul who falls extremely-short of the expectations of GOD and JESUS CHRIST. Again, since I am what goes for ‘NICE’ nowadays… humankind is in serious-trouble, and JESUS CHRIST is returning-really-very-soon on The Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, Israel. Please read those last 3 boxes.

      GOD and JESUS CHRIST ‘are the only way to eternal-salvation of our souls… and a guy named satan and all of his fallen angel-Nephilims/demons are always trying to put a stop to that. Reject the ways of this corrupted-world, and 100.00%-always-embrace GOD and JESUS CHRIST. 100.00%-ALWAYS..”’.

  17. You don’t want to get me started on this place all I know is I’m a contractor who cannot wait to leave this good awful place Mexico has arrived they take all of my work because they have absolutely ruined California everyone wants work done but they don’t want to pay for it because they know if they hold out for awhile they will find a couple of mexicans to do it for next to nothing which is no problem for these people who are holed up with 10 fucking family’s stuffed in closets the attic the garage it’s important to realize if it’s your desire

    To move here and worse yet if you do and your dumb enough to stay like I was when you do leave cause you can’t afford the overpriced rent gasoline that hovers around $4 a gallon and just can’t find any work because Javier and his 6 uncle’s 8 cousins and there uncle’s have taken everything there was to take and they don’t pay taxes that’s my part support some illegals kids while my son suffers and goes without and you can’t even find a fucking room to rent and when you do be ready to get put through the ringer long rental apps have almost $2000 to give the greedy homeowner who will go in your room when your gone and go through your stuff this is what you will pay for a 8×10 space for a $1000 a month if you are lucky enough to find something vacant so come on and give it a shot you will be back home in a few months broke and broken.

    • Saturday, September 7th, 2019, Irvine Spectrum, Orange County, California, USA.[.TEXT.-.MESSAGES.].:


      Hi, Cody… It was a pleasure meeting you and your beautiful fiancee this afternoon. I know we have only just met, but I myself have a strong-feeling through THE HOLY SPIRIT that you yourself — very-much like me — are turning-away from all of those Laodicean Age, lukewarm, 501c3, Mega-Churches’ brands of ”Church-anity” amongst our own global societies, and would prefer to daily-exercise JESUS CHRIST’S ”THE GREAT COMMISSION” in gathering-and-making true-disciples, who bear ”GOOD FRUITS” in GOD and JESUS CHRIST’S ETERNAL, HOLY-NAMES. Bearing Good Fruits is introducing ourselves and others to JESUS CHRIST, and live and walk in HIS WAYS, daily. DAILY. FOR ALL OF ETERNITY. Most-importantly, through the eternal love and power of THE HOLY SPIRIT, we have to love one-another, and credit all of the goodness in our own daily-lives come from GOD and JESUS CHRIST’S ETERNAL LOVE FOR ALL OF US (Minus: satan’s-deceptions, which overtook men like King Saul, King Herod, and Judas Iscariot, ETC.). Modeling our own hearts and our own daily-lives based-upon the ways of JESUS CHRIST chronicled within-THE GOSPELS OF MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE, and JOHN is the best way to be eternally-saved. Again: Most of all of utmost-importance is to love-one another in GOD and JESUS CHRIST’S ETERNAL NAMES. Long ago, satan tricked ADAM and EVE in THE GARDEN OF EDEN, because satan knows that he himself can never attain THE HEAVENS and THE PLANET EARTH like GOD, and because satan-himself cannot be-GOD, that is why satan is inflicting all of his wraths and punishments on GOD’S GREATEST-CREATIONS: THE ALMIGHTY GOD’S ETERNAL-HUMAN-SOULS, created in GOD’S-SPIRITUAL-IMAGE. Without ADAM and EVE’S ”Fall from Grace,” whatever infinite-wonders, gifts, and rewards of THE THIRD HEAVEN would have-been-already-present on THE PLANET EARTH all of those years ago for us. Now, in all honesty, THE LAKE OF FIRE AND SULPHUR AND BRIMSTONE was never meant for us. We really have to 100.00%-hold onto JESUS CHRIST, follow his daily-commandments to our best, repent, convert others, and never let-go in order to be there to serve GOD for all of eternity. It is when human-souls reject-GOD and JESUS CHRIST is when satan and his demons swoop in and inhabit those-very-souls; The most unfortunate of all-happenings. We can cite many-examples of many souls ”Who have lost their ways” (Again, remember that our souls are eternal — spiritual — and this 3-Dimensional physical realm ”is extremely-temporary, with so many traps set-up by satan, in order to deceive as many souls and unfortunately take-away with him into THE LAKE OF FIRE AND SULPHUR AND BRIMSTONE, in order to spite THE ALMIGHTY GOD and JESUS CHRIST.). While we inhabit these frail, physical bodies… Please, most-importantly, we must learn to ”FORGIVE one-another; Most-especially to those others who harmed us when they themselves were tempted and inhabited by satan and his demons at the time.). We know how Adam, Eve, Cain, Esau, King Saul, David, Nebuchanezzer, Judas Iscariot, Simon Peter, Nero, Christopher Columbus, Pope Francis, Arturo Sosa, George Herbert Walker Bush, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Michael Jackson, Prince, George Clooney, ETC. faultered… They all fell for ”The Easy-Way-Traps set-up by satan in this 3-Dimensional Holographic World.” JESUS CHRIST’S DAILY-WAYS are the only way to GOD. NOTHING, AND NO ONE ELSE. Yes, I do believe that JESUS CHRIST revealed-himself to you ”lifting-away the veil that covers THIS EXTREMELY-LIMITING-PHYSICAL-UNIVERSE.” Please, always remain on THIS-NARROW-ROAD; IT IS A NARROW-GATE guarded by GOD’S ANGELS. Many are called; Few are chosen. Again, none of the churches are going to save you. JESUS CHRIST WILL..”..AMEN..”..

      ..These are ”The Gospel Tracts” I myself have made and distributed to over-600 peoples, so far throughout ”This SIN-mired state of California.” It is the accumulation of almost-1-year of personal-online-researches that I myself have done on my own free-time. ”Once Saved, Always Saved” is a false-doctrine. Once we have come-upon ”The Truths, and repented… But, keep-on backsliding, being lukewarm, and keep-on sinning… Then there is no more forgiveness of ‘SINS.”’ I guarantee you that you yourself will find more-answers here than the majority of The Sunday sermons out there. You really have to know about The Jesuits, The Vatican, The Global Elites, United Nations Agenda 2030, The Global Depopulation Initiative, how our governments, corporations, global banking systems, mass medias, faulty educational systems, faulty foods, faulty medicines control and limit the global-populations’ ”spiritual-growth-potentials,” ETC. If you are interested in my Gospel Tracts, feel free to email me at GOD bless you. JESUS CHRIST loves you. I am sorry, but most-peoples only love themselves nowadays, and ”IF” they themselves have made-up their own minds to ”NEVER KNOW GOD and JESUS CHRIST’S ETERNAL LOVES FOR US,” I myself do not want to know them. ”There are very-few genuine-Christians out there in this selfish-and-wicked-and-corrupt world, and I myself know the very-few-genuine-ones when I myself personally encounter them.”… WORDY??? If I did not care for others, you would have never heard back from me, again. It is the truth; There are not that many-genuine-Christians out there on The Planet Earth, so I myself want to be up there in THE THIRD HEAVEN with GOD and JESUS CHRIST, as soon as possible. I am an honest-eternal-soul, who is not designed for ”THIS DISHONEST-EARTH.”

      I am more honest than most. I would love to hear about the e-commerce. I hope you enjoyed the party, and text me on your free time.

      P.S.: … PAUL, I NEVER HEARD BACK FROM CODY CLANCY. How so many swarms of peoples out there ”appear good on the outside, but… Something tells me that CODY CLANCY does not practice LOVE YOUR NEIGHBORS, and LOVE YOUR ENEMIES up to the levels GOD and JESUS CHRIST want him to. The same goes for his fiancee. Is it just my own imagination, but from my own perspective ‘Am I only the really nice guy in all of the state of California???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!”’ No, I myself have not even found 1-person who is as nice as me within the state of California, and that is the 100.00%-truth.

  18. I grew up here, moved to Texas and always had a longing to come back. We did and left within 7 months. It’s back to Texas for us. Draconian bureaucracy, the complete lack of helpfulness from the people living here, and the extreme difficulty just living is what made us throw up our hands and the TF out! Regular things like weekly grocery shopping, running errands take so much time. Prices are weird ($12.00 a lb for bacon?.. yes). You have to go to multiple stores to get the best price on things that grow here.
    Then there’s the doctor shortage, so getting an appointment takes months and then the doctors are pretty much, my way or the highway in terms of prescribing meds or alternative solutions.
    And finally, the DMV, an example of a budding police state at it’s finest.
    The land of milk & honey, opportunity, open minded thinking and easy living is truly a thing of the past.

  19. I lived in California ( Bay Area ) for few months and agree with most of the points mentioned in your article. “Extremely high cost of living, high taxes, lack of police/legal system to support crime investigation, higher house rentals, lack of decent employment opportunities” all make California least desirable place to live in. I found other places of USA to be much more reasonable & receptive towards simple human living.

  20. I was born and raised in California, I just recently moved to Arizona, was able to buy a house and there is no way that would have been possible in California. Yes the weather in California is nice, but the prices, taxes, people, traffic was too much. The only reason I would have stayed are for my kids, and my job, I loved my job at an amazing little cafe in San Jose. I will never live in California again, and that is sad because I thought I was going to grow old there, but it was no longer enjoyable being in traffic every single hour of the day.. i’m not surprised people are moving out, it has become a horrible state to live in. ?

  21. Total agreement ,we spent 40 years there,got out in 97 after retireding from Edison, wish I would have waited two more years tho.houses doubleed in that time.Yes I see many transplants from CA in our town.

  22. I live in this hell hole and have for 35 years. And yes- I do call it that- for all the reasons you mentioned. Problem is, I can’t go anywhere unless my family want to move. I also would probably need to get another degree so I can find work in a place that pays far less than I currently earn. I do want to leave though, and at least one of my domestic friends has thought of it to. We are all in our 30’s and none of us own any property. We live with our parents or share places. We can’t afford it. A condo in the ghetto costs $250,000 now. Houses? $600,000-1,000,000 for a 3-4 bedroom. Can’t make that up! Jobs are not easy to come by either. Unless you are near a hub for your industry you end up having to drive. My one friend drives 45 minutes one way to a job that pays around $23 an hour. Gas prices are up to almost $4.00 a gallon because of taxes and only getting worse. Your car insurance bill in CA will set you back around $1500 a year. People don’t know how to drive. It takes 50 minutes to go 20 miles.
    I could go on and on… at some point I want to leave this state if I am able to get another degree. I hate it here!!!!

    • Get out now while you can Jaeson! It’s nearly impossible to get a decent job in Cali. I used to live in San Jose. The state is trying to put everyone onto the “SYSTEM” with all their nonsense training! Don’t get “Caught Up” in their nonsense! They think the people don’t know!? Good Luck in whatever you choose to do. I wish you “THE BEST”!

  23. I lived in Southern California when I was first married in the 1970’s. It was pretty and the weather was great. However I was not happy with the superficial culture of cars, bodies and drugs.
    I never saw so many flaky people in my life. I found very few people interesting or cultured and it was hard to find people who were solid and grounded. Needless to say we moved back to New York and we’re eternally grateful to be back to reality and my kind of people. I trust and live so many New Yorkers. They may be loud and a tad rude but they are the best!

  24. Looking for a eutopia and out of this hellhole full of criminals and illegals. Illegals are the favored people here and they know it. But now to make matters worse PG&E has won its court battles and all the liberals have let them run the show and off the financial hook for billions of dollars in damages and hundreds of lives lost. Now they are approved to turn our electricity off for up to FIVE STRAIGHT DAYS!! People on dialysis and breathing machines etc can die and they have no real plan in place. We are told “call 911 or your hospital!!! Our hospitals are already overcrowded and takes hours to be seen what are people going to do with no electricity? ANOTHER reason to flee this stupid state!!!!

    • My mother’s family left Texas for a reason. Don’t worry about this Californian: no desire to live in the US version of Saudi Arabia/Iran where I’d be a third class citizen

  25. how would you compare NJ to Ca (specifically bay area). I’m referring to education, income tax, property tax, housing cost, etc.
    I live in NJ and want to stay here, because we can actually afford a home – yes property taxes are high, but the schools are excellent in the areas we are looking , but hubby wants to move back to his childhood california where he was born. I keep telling him we would not survive. Our combined income in 175000, we have a small child about to start school, where will we afford. his answer is “move north” in bay area. please help me… we are in our mid 40s,

    • The Bay Area is awful in every sense of the word. HIgh cost of everything with nothing to offer in return. I am moving out of here at the end of the month and returning back to the Tri-State. I would agree with almost every point discussed in this article. The people here are the worst. Liberals who think they’re not racist are very racist (I am a Brown man. I have experienced racism from Asians and Hispanics NOT White people as many would like us believe in the Bay Area.). Californians even know Californians are full of shit.

      I am a former teacher and I can attest that NJ has one of the best school systems in the nation.

      The only good thing in California is the cannabis. It really is the best.

    • I really hope you get to stay in nj. You have a nice income there, education, and affordability. I bet vacationing wouldn’t suffice, but maybe doing that in San Fran instead of moving’s ok. Talking about and living in the memory with decisions may ease the wants too. Hope that helps

  26. California was great 40 some years ago. I travelled and surfed around La Jolla, Malibu, Carmel, etc and lived in Mt Shasta for a few months after coming from Florida. It was a beautiful state but boy has it changed…it’s still beautiful in many ways but I would NEVER want to live there! To me Florida is a far far better place- Melbourne area- and the warm water, relatively low cost of living and great people make it a great place to call home base. Being close to Orlando you can fly cheap anywhere you want to go if the summers get to be a bit much.. and they do but that’s a small price for living in paradise. As a real estate broker I was able to flip numerous properties in the early/mid 2000’s and then bought 7 or so after the crash. Made for a very wise investment here which I can live off of.

  27. Well when the voters passed Prop 47 &57.. they released 100,000 felons and the law reduced their felonies to misdemeanors and they went back to thugging.. If they steal anything under $950.. and IF they get caught.. They get a parking ticket to appear in court.. now you why crime is spiraling out of control…

  28. I am from the East coast and live in this unlivable state in Lost Angeles The only reason I am here is because my wife wanted to be in la.We are both retired on fixed incomes, the taxes are terrible, gas is a fortune, it is crowded and the freeways are a joke, no one obeys speed limits, the crazy drivers want run you off the is a fortune, food is expensive and the people are a bunch of phonies.This state in twenty years will have no middle class, only the rich and poor.The rich will have to subsidize the poor and illegals from the south.This is so left wing and they keep on electing people like brown and newsome to further rob.They are bat S___t crazy.I wish I can get out of here.

    • I feel for you.. We fled the new west coast version of kalyfornzuela last year.. A good move, but I do miss kaly and the weather.. But NOT the people, taxes or the crazy leftist demorats.

  29. I live in a small town of 20k in Kansas and I pay 700 dollars a month for a 1500 square foot house in a quiet middle class neighborhood.

    We have constitutional carry here, which means if you are legally able to buy a gun, you are legally able to carry it without a permit. You can also get a permit here to carry a gun to other states. We have knife laws which allow people to carry knives.

    As long as you avoid the bigger cities like KC or Wichita Kansas is a pretty decent place to live. The Democrats all move to the big cities and they bring their crazy and their crime there.

  30. I live along the front range here in CO. Over the last 20 years I’ve really seen CO change too. We have had a huge influx of people from California. It’s unfortunate that there are now more Californians than Coloradans in this once great state. I was drawn here because of the weather and our beautiful mountains, and all the hunting and fishing. I originally I moved to western part of Colorado. I then ended up moving to the front range because of job opportunities. That has turned out to be a huge mistake. Since day one I noticed how bad the drivers were here, exactly how people on this blog describe CA drivers. I learned quickly that there had been a mass migration from CA to the front range in the early and mid nineties. I soon learned how rude these CA people can be, and how bad of drivers they are. Complete idiots! Now we are talking about mostly white Californians that have moved here. Some of them must think they are conservative and are not true conservatives at all. Look at how this once red state has turned blue and we have elected the first openly gay governor. I blame Californians. How could these people be so stupid. Why would they leave CA having watched Liberal politics completely ruin their state and then move here and bring their stupid politics with them! I find California people to be the worst people I have ever lived around. I use to tolerate them, but no more. They have ruined Colorado, and they will eventually ruin every other western state. Something must be done to stop these people from moving to states like Montana or Wyoming. They are total ignoramuses! Rude, flaky, self aborsbed, and they’ll pay virtually any price for homes that they can barely afford. They have not only ruined our way of life here in Colorado, but have raised the cost of living so high that many native Coloradan’s can not afford to live here because of them. Everything bad that has happened to CA is now going to start happening here. High taxes, liberal politics be rammed down our throats, terrible congestion is already a problem along the front range. Pollution, a$$hole people, ramming their way of thinking down our throats. I’m moving out of CO and I’m going to go somewhere where no Californian would want to live. Where it is cold and intolerable to these panzy’s.

    • Great state of Colorado. The state founded and populated by Civil War shirkers and Union deserters. The land of the Cowards and the Weasels. I lived in Denver and Castle Rock briefly. Easily the most redneck, backward places I’ve lived since leaving Louisiana. Colorado makes FLA look sophisticated.

      • Wow, that has not been my experience with native CO people at all. Most of the Natives are great people who love their country and their state. It’s people from other states that have moved here who have turned a really great western culture into a California-esque type of atmosphere here in CO. California, Illinois, and New York are the biggest groups of people flocking to CO (there is data to support this). Which is why we are losing our freedoms and money through taxation without representation. Liberals are the problem, plane and simple. They bring their attitudes and politics with them, which in turn changes the culture. CO is sadly becoming the new California. It was once a great state to live in before these Liberals moved here and made it expensive, and a hard place to live with their rules and ideas. Once your state turns blue it becomes lost forever. I’ve never seen a state recover from Liberal politics. It literally sucks the life and morality out of a place. The loss of freedom is horrible thing to witness. Anyone with a brain knows the government is not good at solving problems and never will be.

    • That’s HOW I FEEL ABOUT TRANSPLANTS that move here! I was born and raised in SD and it due to overcrowding that our quality of life is suffering.I hope everyone not from here leaves ASAP!

  31. Life in California ( actually “CommieFornication” is more like it ), just flat out BLOWS.
    Now, they are going to start taxing TEXTING!!! House-flippers ruined my beautiful childhood home ( a very nice home built back in 1939 ),… I always wanted to see it one more time. But the fools at London Properties RUINED it. It was always such a pretty house, too. It looks like the home improvement section of Home Depot, now!!!
    If they had just re-tiled the children’s bathroom and gotten rid of that gawd-awful lenolium tile in the kitchen, they could have probably gotten $750,000.00 for that house. Even with the old rumbling air conditioner in the hallway. Now that they fricked that beautiful English style home up, they’ve had to lower the price to $600,000.00, and even THAT is outrageous for a home remodel FAIL.
    And, show of hands, how many people want gravel driveways and walkways?!!? They ripped out the pretty red walkway and replaced it with crappy loose gravel!!! Same with the driveway!!! The epitome of STUPID!!!
    Now, most of the folks I grew up with are dead and gone. Living here is getting more and more painful . Too costly. And California is a place that feels more and more “foreign” to me every single day. I’m just like … why am I still living in the “ Blood Sucker State??? My family has lived in California since the late 1800s. But with psycho Gavin Newsome as the Governor,… what can I say? Time to move.

    • The ONLY way California’s psycho government could possibly make any sense is if they are just trying to see how “wicked” they can possibly MAKE this state!!!

    • “rumbling air conditioner”
      It’s actually one of the main reasons why I don’t like it here: obsession with loud A/C’s. Even the most beautiful home with ocean view can be screwed up this way. Why are you, Californians, installing them in the first place? It’s not too hot, even in the summer. I can understand the Inland Empire, but the coast?

    • That’s the way I feel about Miami and surrounding areas , I don’t recognize it anymore, you can’t see a view of the ocean as you drive , traffic is horrible all you see is a blur as someone passes you at 80/90 miles. They have no taste only think of profit cost effective making, no artistry sad .

  32. I concur! I moved to Palm Beach County, FL Two years ago. Here’s what I like:
    Cleaner air and water
    Cheaper housing
    It’s cheaper to live
    Cheaper gas
    Not much traffic
    No STATE income tax YAY!
    Way better cleaner, more beautiful beaches with fewer people and crystal blue water.
    More beautiful birds
    Tropical floliage!!!
    For the bad side… it seems harder to make friends here ( for me)

  33. I’m from Michigan and have every intention of moving to Los Angeles in a year or two for a job in the media-people love it out there! I’ve heard the cost of living is manageable especially if you can find a roommate. I have a friend and a few family members out there too

  34. If you taxed the hell out of your people like California does, you’d have the fifth largest economy too. There is one thing California in general is good at, coming up with new ways to force you from your money because Damn near EVERYONE is trying to get rich by any means necessary.

    And don’t even get me started on the drivers. Never seen such a large concentration of self centered pricks in all my life.

    Now that idiot Brown has helped pass legislation that will limit the amount of water allowed for each household to 55 gallons a day starting in 2020. They will literally tell you when you can take a s@it. It really says a lot for the liberal logic when you have such restrictions and you live next to the f@cking OCEAN.

    This is what happens when liberals are allowed to run a state. They run it into the ground.

    I’ve lived in San Diego for 17 years and went from loving it to utter disgust due to all of the stuck up @ssholes that live there.

    I’m glad I’m moving to Texas early next year. May it fall into the ocean after next year…it will be an improvement.

    • @Chris… I lived in the Central Coast (Atascadero) for about a year (2016-2017), boy, was I glad to leave!

      I can say they tax everything! CRV (Bottle deposit) is ridiculous! It’s a value-added-tax that promises you’ll get refunded for returning your empties. But it’s difficult to get that back, and you can get arrested for collecting cans to make a living, or to be “environmentally responsible” and waiting to offset your cost of getting to a place to turn in those empties!

      I live in Texas now. And Howdy! We Texans would love you here.

  35. I just read another comment by an East Bay (probably somehow toney and isolated) resident who praised California to the skies. Well I have lived in San Francisco for 80 years and have witnessed a massive deterioration. The canard perpetually put forth is that Ca is the 5th largest economy might be true, but Ca is like the rock star who by 50 has spent all his money. MUNI METRO is filthy and its escalators Stink of human waste or don’t work, traditional stores have closed making way for chains, supervisors neglect basic needs and instead allot millions of dollars for transgender surgeries and legal aid for illegal immigrants, streets are routinely torn up for dubious improvements hurting small businesses, onerous requirements are placed on these businesses leading to vacant storefronts. Oh it isn’t a lovely place any more unless as one apologist admitted you had a Tesla and liked to hang out with your rich, clueless,, liberal friends.

  36. Loved in California for about five years. Then we were done as we have to small boys to raise. It didn’t make any more sense to stay there as our rent was almost $3k on a 2 bedroom townhouse.

    You can’t even enjoy a nice walk in Hollywood boulevard anymore. Homeless people are an attraction anymore. You put the quarter in and watch them multiply. Magic.

    Tried to open a business. And then we saw how much it would cost. So we started laughing. Then crying.

    Schools are no better. My son made a raspberry with his mouth. You know, sticking the tongue out and making motor boat impressions, and he got in trouble for “spitting”. WTF mate?

    Decided to move in Ohio in one of the best school districts in the country. He gets half of the homework and is acing it. He even started affordable acting classes. $100 a month for twice a week.

    Our 4 bedroom house with a backyard so big, it seems like we have our own park, and deer visit us three times a week, we pay only $2500, and lawn care and snow removal is included. We will be able to afford a house in about two years that will be cheaper than renting a house.

    Also, opening a business is highly possible and very probable in the next year or so.

    If also rather my kids experience things like snow and orange leaves. So the weather is not an issue. Also, $13 baseball game. And I’m not even a baseball nut. But for that price, I’ll take three.

    Cali remains a dream, and is great to visit in the off-season. But to live there, if have to be a Rothschild.

  37. “Welcome to California, where illegal immigrants and criminals, even the worst gangs are welcomed!! Remember, we love to restrict our police and punish our fireman for flying the U.S flag and we STRONGLY believe young boys and girls should mix in bathrooms and locker rooms because its ok for them to start early!! So come on in and make California your home today and forever!!”

  38. Costs are too high for people who are retired. There is no mobility. When I retired, I moved out of and then back into the SF Bay Area. What a mistake. Taxes skyrocketed and I could no longer stay. I fought expensive school bond issues where people were claiming their little charges were in danger from earthquakes and as soon as they got the money, they started putting an addition onto the high school. Pretty typical. I lived in CA for 35 years and they are always losing money they got from voter initiatives, which they put on the ballot again and again, and finding money, which they use for other purposes. The democrat “leadership” is like the leader of a Hari Krishna organization. No wonder it spawned someone like Jim Jones. I’m happy to be out, sitting in a mansion of a house in Utah and if I go to any city council meetings, I am not going to be there representing some California malarkey!

  39. RE: “native born Californians really do see what’s going on here in our once great state!”

    That restores my faith in sanity. If you just go by the mainstream news that reaches the “other” coast, you’d think that Governor Moonbeam had something put something in the water out there ,-\

  40. I am so glad that I’m not crazy! And native born Californians really do see what’s going on here in our once great state!
    I am a third generation Californian,
    I’ve lived in the bay area Sacramento/Folsom lake area, in Southern California, plus I used to be a truck driver so I’ve seen it all in this state!
    My father was from Vallejo California where he grew up, and he has always had problems with the blacks living there, way back in the 50s and 60s, always wanting to start fights with Him! We lived in a fairly decent suburban home back in 1974 I was 4 1/2, One day I came home from the park across the street crying, because two older black kids threw dirt clods and rocks at my kite and knocked it out of the sky, and then stomped on it. then pointed at me and laughed and ran off . Now my father never ever taught us racism, but however over the years I naturally learned about it. This is what I said to him “why do black people hate white people Papa?” He told me that years later, that was the straw that broke the camels back! Now my father never ever taught us racism, but however over the years I “ naturally” learned about. He told my mom “we are out of here!” So he took a pay cut working at Exxon in Richmond area, and applied for the city of Sacramento fire Department. and we moved up to the Folsom lake area, before it was yuppie “Granite Bay.” We bought a 3 acre ranch-ette house, that backed up to the lake for $36,000 in 1974, my dad sold it in 2008 for $865,000! and that was taking a cut , and guess who bought it? A bunch of Arab Muslims! Who turned my dad’s shop, That he built by hand, into a compound, with who knows how many people living there.

    Growing up there in the 70s was great, however the stress of everything split my parents up, so then we moved around the whole state, my mom met a new man and we move to Rodeo California which is right under the Carquinez bridge, and that’s where I learned how hateful other kids were from different races, and our own race, in the bay area! I was constantly getting into fights and picked on, and I always just wanted to get along with everybody! So then, we bought a nice new suburban house in the Fairfield area, in the early 80s. It was still kind a nice then! However, my mom got divorced again, and we ended up moving to Garden Grove in Southern California. Talk about culture shock! And this was 1985! Well I made it through my rebellious teenage years down there (barely) finally I couldn’t take it there anymore, and moved back up to my dads house on Folsom lake in 1990, and I was in shock again! Because back then, all the white people were moving from the bay, and Southern California to start getting away from all the immigrants that were flooding those areas! With them they brought their traffic! Fast forward to 1999, my wife and I moved to a small town of Lincoln, outside of Roseville California, because “it” was getting too big! Lincoln we used to make fun of in high school, as a little farm town! And in 99 it had about 10,000 people, now 2018, there is over 50,000 people!
    Guess where they’re all from now? All I see, is Arabs, Indians, blacks, Asians, and more Bay Area transplants! with them they brought crime, traffic, rude drivers, you name it! So I just hope that I can make money off these Freakin’ people, with my house, Like they did in the bay area, by selling A 1.6 million 2 bedroom hovel, And then pay cash here to buy a nice house! Hopefully that will make mine go up, so I can move to some other state, pay cash for a small ranch-ette Like when I was little, and hopefully have a normal life eventually!
    I’ve never been so truly heartbroken and sad and I feel like a foreigner in my own state, but I guess that’s how the Native Americans Felt when the Spaniards and white people came? I guess it’s payback! It sucks because I wasn’t there! I just pray that the housing market doesn’t crash again, In less than 9 years when I retire from the City! That’s if, we still have our PERS! Sorry to ramble, but at least I found a place where, you can finally let it out, and not be chastised as a racist!

    • Perhaps you should go live in the moon. A little competition is good, but you just got just to being the white person and grabbing everything in your way, even when you did not deserve it. Don’t worry, you are very normal, just like most white entitle lazy people in America. I bet you don’t even have education and yet you have your cushy job with retirement and all benefits paid by someone like myself.

      • There are many problems with your statements. First, you are very racist against white people. Second, you will be judged in the manner you judge others. You sound like an angry and hateful person. Everything you wrote is false and inaccurate.

        Regarding your white privilege comments. Let’s see, I work as an entrepreneur. I worked very hard for an education using my own money, no one helped me. I had to work hard while also attending school. It was not easy. I am pursuing graduate school. Again, I won’t get any help, and it will come out of my pocket, as there are no scholarships for having a high GPA anymore. If I was a minority, I would get a free ride, but because I am white, I have to work full-time while paying for college out of my own pocket.

        In fact, colleges rarely even offer scholastic achievement scholarships anymore. White people get the lowest help for college. In fact, as a white person, I do not qualify for women or diversity scholarships, and those are the only scholarships my college offers. Despite working hard for straight A’s in college, I get no scholarships or financial benefits for my high achievement. The only scholarships are need-based for non-white people and women.

        I have no retirement benefits besides what I save for myself. As an entrepreneur I work for myself. As a result I have to pay my own benefits to myself if any, and if I want retirement I have to save my own money that I worked hard for. I never got any handouts and everything I ever had in my life is mine from hard work.

        Another major problem with your racist comment is that you said “someone like yourself” will pay for my retirement – how so? Retirement is not a welfare benefit, and since you don’t even work or pay taxes, how could you possibly be paying for my retirement?

        I am glad to have the opportunity to work for myself; but wherever your racist and contradictory and inaccurate comments came from must have been from watching CNN. How about you leave the house and turn off the fake news and stop being so hateful and racist against white people, especially since all your comments are completely wrong.

  41. All of you who are buying into the propaganda that Texas, Arizona, Idaho, Nevada, etc, are “THE” places to get away from SH**Hole California-
    BEWARE, the wave is moving HERE (I’m in one of those “Red” states) faster than you’d believe! The Blue State mentality is constantly organizing rallies, and the young people are VERY WILLING to quickly jump on the angry crusade! Also the local media manipulatively present the news so often with a “blue” slant!
    I think the governing media mogul entities control the newscasts through the entire nation and quickly impregnating our minds with left propaganda….even in Cowboy country like where I live…. which is a little too close and too easy a move from Ca!
    If I had to do over, I’d move to Tennessee or a Southern state with VERY traditional values that they are going to hold onto longer.

    • That is why you should stop watching the news – ever. I have found if there is something actually important to know, someone will tell me about it. I haven’t watched the “news” in nearly a decade and still not once did I miss anything actually important. Also avoid all the leftist news blogs; huffpost is one of the worst offenders, not to even mention obviously CNN which is garbage.

      If you 100% tune out of their brainwashing propaganda, you can’t be influenced by it.

      The best places in Texas are actually getting quite bad and many Texans are moving to the midwest. West Texas is basically a ghost town since the oil prices dropped and killed the oil industry in Texas which is another reason for some Texans moving.

      Unfortunately, although some areas of the midwest are nice, safe, and peaceful (you have to know where to look), they are also poor with low opportunity and less healthy than the coasts.

      Southern states may be the best place for conservatives right now, but avoid the big cities, which have a ton of crime for obvious reasons which if you’ve ever been to the South you’d understand immediately.

      Unfortunately, all of America is suffering badly from unchecked immigration – although California is the worst, followed closely by Texas and the southwest.

      • Of course, avoid the news, but when just watching a regular tv program for entertainment, you will get the intermittent news breaks, and we do want to know what is going on locally in our cities, so there is no escaping the news.
        Its ASTONISHING how I have seen my town Boise CHANGE IN 5 YRS TIME- mostly due to the massive influx of (leftist)Californians! I work at a major organization here with thousands of people and I cannot even say I voted “red” or am conservative. You are ostrasized! And among hats left of these vanishing pastures and farmlands , our “conservative” governor caters/kisses to the (illegal) migrant farm workers sector, so much so, that he wont even make dog-fighting (The migrants’ form of entertainment) a Felony! In bed with the Agricultural industry here! And with those migrant workers, comes the graffiti and gangs and crime. The criminals think we’re all just a bunch of dumb, trusting white hicks so they see the people here as easy targets. And though my town welcomes the massive migration here, they have NOT kept up with the roads/fwys to accommodate traffic, so what USED to take 20 minutes to drive 65 into the heart of the city, now take a slow crawl and an hour to make it home, and only getting worse exponentially every year. I’m thinking of moving to North or South Dakota, or Montana now.

  42. We’re born and raised and CA never felt like home. We are desperately trying to leave…. I agree with every one of these points but I would replace the vaccines with traffic. But let’s talk about my husband’s two hour commute to a city that’s only 40 mins away. Commuting in your car for hours so you can live in a crappy apt is NOT the life to live.

  43. For startes these are all great valid reasons why California suck but you left out a few important day to day reasons!

    1. No one knows how to say excuse me or Thank You here!
    I was born in New York City the Bronx of all places and raised in Fort Lauderdale Florida and I couldn’t believe how retarded the people in California were!

    If your in a Super market isle, doesn’t matter Vons, Ralphs, etc and there behind you, they’ll literally hover over you like a god damn ghost before they use their common sense to say excuse me so you move out of their way.

    I’ve had incidences where I’d look at people and be like you know if you open your fucking mouth and say excuse me I’ll move and they look at me like I’m the asshole! They’ll also do the same heck if your in there way and they need to reach and grab something, it’s quite hilarious.

    The women are notoriously for not saying Thank You for even holding doors open for them; I can’t tell you how many countless times I’ll call a Bitch out when holding a door open for my wife and some slut walks through like I was holding it for her!

    2. They can’t drive worth of heck. Did any of these Morons utilize a great invention called the turning signal! They merge in four way intersections and so much for smog checks because there’s more pieces of junk polluting the Earth out here than anything else.

    The cops don’t enforce laws for heck, almost half the cars here have a damn broken tail light or missing bumper; not to mention if you do have a nice vehicle you constantly have to be mindful of jerks dinging up your stuff in parking lots.

    3. The whole state is dirty as heck! For s State that Pats it’s self in the back for being supposedly Environmentally friendly it’s all a bunch of Bull Shit! I’ve lived in San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles, and now Malibu and there’s trash and litter every where.
    Even in the most affluent neighborhoods and same can be said for the amount of Homeless here!

    The only other place where I’ve seen this much Trash and Bums was Naples Italy!

    You didn’t see this heck in Florida but rather manicured lawns!

    4. The terrible air quality and cold ocean water!

    5. They all think Mexican food is the only Spanish food and think Spanish food is spicy!

    Mexican food is actually the worst Spanish food of all the Spanish speaking countries! Real Spanish food is very flavorful with seasoning and is actually very seldomly spicy!

    6. 90% of the homes here don’t come with AC so if you rent your life most likely sucks!

    7. They lie about how Organic their produce is; I live right outside an area where 80% of the countries produce is grown and I can assure you all of it is sprayed with pesticides!

  44. 1st of all, thank you John for saying the facts and the truth. I cannot believe I found your site.

    First of all you will see all the strikes against me because I live in Palm Springs, California, I am white, blonde and over 60. Not to mention my looks and my great past of being successful that was already a problem all my life with jealous people…but now wheww!!!

    I used to be able to get a job in a week because of my experience. Now it has been already 5 months and nothing. The time before that it took me 6 months. I have never seen so many people at unemployment.

    The real “Present” problem for US citizens is the illegals that came in since the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s. They have children that were born here and they have taken my job. By my experience, I repeat “MY” experience the Mexicans stick together and want to only hire their own. I never in my life have been prejudiced against like this. I hired people on their abilities and never looked at color.

    But what I heard from my ex that predominantly goes out with Hispanics… he said 3 of the girls used to cry, saying “I hate my color, I hate that I am Mexican”. Well to that I say, you people need to understand those are the cards you have been dealt. God does not make mistakes and you are beautiful any color, race you are. You have to appreciate what you have.

    But, number one we must follow rules, especially when you go into anyone’s home the USA. But, now they are all being vindictive and like I heard on Tucker Carlson, one black girl finally confirmed what I have been thinking and she finally gave light into their mind set. What all American’s do not understand, does not matter what party you are this is a “Race War” an “Eye for Eye”, you turn white people to be the minorities. That is their mind set now. And the extreme radical Islam and the Mexicans and anyone that hates whites should not be welcome.

    My experience thus far…can anyone relate:

    • H.R. are now predominately Mexican and looking around that is all they hire.
    • Everywhere I go I am a minority
    • A Mexican girl that got hired where I worked in 2008, had 4 white people fired. I overheard her say in Spanish, “The next girl I am getting fired is that white girl in the other office (that was me). She then had 3 of her cousins, daughter and husband hired. I never got fired because they found out she was embezzling money and she got fired in the long run.
    • My last job a Mexican girl was constantly undermining, sabotaging my work and constantly talking behind my back for no reason, but making up lies and it was exposed. I was fired merely for saying the word “Mexico”. The HR was Mexican and they hired two other Mexicans to take my place.
    • Double standard… You cannot use the word Mexico or Mexican. They can say Italian or Italians. But they can call me a cracker, a white girl, talk about my age and ask me when am I retiring?
    • Anything you say against any race they call it discrimination. Anything you say about Americans or white is free game. These demos when they lose their jobs to other races then they will wake up. Because this is merely a vendetta people. Wake up USA!!!
    • Not hired because of my race? I have traveled the world and love all cultures and never based people on their race. I cannot help it if you have low self-esteem and you do not like your own race. Why blame all whites?
    • Mexicans from my experience, are always competitive and once they compete against us and undermine the white, what they do is then they compete against each other. I think it’s just in their DNA to constantly be manipulative.
    • Everyone should come here legally as my mother (Italian), my sister-in-law Vietnamese and her mother and children came here legally. It takes time but you will live honestly. They all worked and did not get han outs from tax-payer money. Why don’t US citizens have the right to have dreams and get free education? Why is it devised that they get free education? Because they are now in power. They have been wolves in sheep’s clothing for a long time and it is too late unless Trump puts his foot down.
    • If anyone has been discriminated it has been me or anyone that has had my experience. I made friends with all races. But when they were around their race they wanted to beat me up in the bathroom in school. I have been almost raped at school and had a knife held to my throat. I have always loved people…maybe not their actions. But if anyone has been discriminated I have by most races. All they do is cry about it. I do not I just move on. The only reason I am complaining is “STOP LOOKING AT COLOR” we are all humans on the planet earth and we need to stop helping others that demand assistance. The first and foremost is helping starts at home. The first people are the USA citizens. The USA citizens that are the elderly, the sick, the children of this country, the veterans that fraught for our freedom, the jobless. As long as you can work that is what you should do is work. Not expect anyone to take care of you. I hate getting unemployment, but I do not have a job because of this race war.

    I speak Italian, but I do not use it to talk about people, I always translate.

    This race war needs to be nipped in the bud. What country would allow you to burn their flag. Why are we allowing people that don’t like us to live here. They do not want to speak our language and they talk bad about us. I cannot stand prejudice people and liars. But, I see that they are the prejudicing ones.

    I did not blame Adam and Eve for eating the apple. But, yet everyone blames everyone for their shortcomings. We need to not even do DACA because those kids will be educated and there will be no jobs for any race. This is our country and we were born here. Where am I supposed to go? I do not have any country. They do.

    I know many Mexicans personally that have dual citizenship and homes in Mexico and they said they are safe. Because if anything bad happens they will go to their house in Mexico. So where do we go after they turn this into a third world country? All these demos need to be careful because they are white and they will regret not seeing what the Mexicans, Isis, China, etc. have in store for your country the USA.

    The majority of these politicians are old and they don’t care about the future generation because they know they will be dead. The younger demos they are just sheep and do not have a mind of their own. They don’t know how to play chess. They live in a bubble. If you want to see into the future… live in Southern California and be part of the working class. People think it’s funny, but they don’t know anything until they experience it on their own.

    The word “Illegal” is just that. Round up all the illegals as you would if you knew a house was dealing in drugs, you would have no problem arresting them, because it is “Illegal”. Sanctuary cities, states… that is “Illegal”, against our president and I call that “Treason”.

    We need to stop allowing people to have a voice that throw out the word “Racism”. The minute someone says anything that is against our country and values we need to just “Not Answer”. If you do not answer them then how will they be heard. Stick to the facts and our laws and do not except any negotiations unless they benefit the hard working Americans that our proud to be a US Citizen.

    If you put me up against any people that want free and expect I will not play the game. It would not happen on my watch. They are taking over… bottom line… in front of your eyes. And these “educated people” have “NO” common sense and will regret their decisions. For the future of this country we need to take back what everyone around the world loved about the USA. They are achieving their mission. And the president before was probably paid a good amount of money in order to bring this country down to its knees and he wanted the head of the snake to be cut-off. Well here we are …. now what?

    Why do we allow people to burn our Flag? Why do we allow HR people to hire only their own race? Why are we allowing people to protest with violence? What happen to “America the Beautiful”? I am proud to be an American and my Italian mother was Proud to be an “American”.

    I only rely on two people in my life, “GOD and myself”. People help yourself and stop being lazy and entitled. Love each other no matter what color… Because remember “GOD” does not make mistakes. Instead of blaming America for anything, blame your own corrupt Government that stole peoples money and then you expect and demand from us.

    Go back to your own country and demand from them… Why demand from us. You do not go into someones house that helps you temporarily and then threaten them. Biting the hand that helped you… Amen “God Help this Planet”. With at the technology and advancement of this planet we are really prehistoric when it comes to treating each other. The only thing I see is more entitlement, greed, narcissism and selfishness, etc.

    • I have to admit, many of this person’s observations are correct, particularly when it comes to entitlement, greed and narcissism.

      How stupid have we been, as a nation to allow millions of illegal aliens and their children to come here, in the first place, then unbelievably give them billions of tax payer money for their free benefits, in the second.

      I’ve been to emergency rooms in my town near San Diego. They are always full of Latinos who come because they can receive healthcare for free. We pay, and pay double for them and they are in this country illegally!

      Many Mexicans are appreciative of this Country and the benefits they have received. Some refuse to take welfare, to their credit and are good honest workers. The majority of these are generally good Catholics or Christians, we’ve found.

      But please know that the Mexican government teaches in the schools, that whole parts of this Country once belonged to Mexico, and they have a right to come up here and take it back! They are part of the Reconquista Movement. They are several of these in our dysfunctional State government right now, unfortunately.

      We’ll see what building a wall and enforcing our immigration laws does for CA, in the future.

      • It is tragic and a declaration of war that the Mexican government would teach that they have a right to invade and conquest America. They sold the land to us fair and square and it belongs to America, not Mexico.

        By the way, look at the land just south of the border. How wealthy is it? It isn’t. It is full of desert and poverty. This goes to show that the reason southwestern America is wealthy is because of the Americans who worked hard to build it.

        Land itself does not make itself prosperous. If Mexico still owned the land and had not sold it to us, surely parts of Arizona and California would be nothing but desert. What they are doing is stealing our land that we built up. What they are stealing does not belong to them. They have plenty of land south of the border that is still unpopulated and undeveloped. They should start with their own country first.

        They want to invade and steal part of America because our country is doing a better job at creating civilization, and they want to leech off it instead of doing the hard work to build a prosperous civilization. This is why civilization sharply stops at the border and turns to desert. They want to take the easy way and invade our country and steal our tax money through free welfare they did not earn instead of developing their own unpopulated land.

        In America where there is a big city, it crosses over into other states over state lines. But in any big cities near the Mexico line, the cities do not cross over. Why? Because unlike across US state lines (where Americans live in both states), on the line between the USA and Mexico, Americans only live on our side. On the Mexico side, they do not build or develop. Only on the American side.

        If Mexico would do well, then they would create a wonderful and wealthy civilization all the way to their border. Instead, the only thing at their border is thousands of illegals trying to cross over every day to our cvilization to steal our tax money and leech off our civilization.

  45. I lived in LA in the mid-80s for 5 yrs for school- was wide-eyed and adventurous. But even then, noticed high costs, la-la land (spacey, shallow, flaky) mentality, few Caucasians (unless in way high-end neighborhoods), and traffic, traffic, traffic.
    Left drained- financially and emotionally- moved back to my home state MN to be closer to beloved parents. Stayed for 25 yrs to look after them. When they died, started thinking maybe CA had changed (for the better), so moved to SLO, where I thought there would be less craziness than LA ( in the 80s).
    Was I in for a rude awakening. No job market, exorbitant rents, traffic everywhere, and superficial, materialistic Hollywood mindset. Didn’t last more than 2 yrs- moved back to Minneapolis. Noticed huge difference right away- booming job market, reasonable housing, manageable traffic and solid, down-to-earth people.
    So thanks everyone for validating my experience- really helped remind me of the CRAZINESS out there!!

    • When I lived in Rochester Mn, I was surrounded by stoic snobs. If you weren’t from the area, you could drop dead and no one would care. I was cheated out of an opportunity to earn my master’s at Saint Mary’s University by the then-Dean of Student Affairs, because of whatever dislike she had for me. (I have no idea what her problem was or is.) California sucks, but from my experience so does Minnesota.

  46. Where is a good place to move and raise a family? Looking to leave socal. Limited by my husbands job. Charlotte, North Carolina; Alpharetta, Georgia; Houston, Texas; and Las Vegas, Nevada are options. Las Vegas being the top choice at this point. Any advice would be helpful.

  47. I am a 3rd generation Californian. I used to love it here. I moved to Toronto in my early 20s just to have a different experience and escape from my mother. Then I started missing my sister, tacos, palm trees, the rock n roll scene, muscle cars, etc. and moved back. THE biggest mistake of my life. And believe me, I’ve made a lot. I am so freaking sick of this sh*t show, I have no words to describe it to you. Effing God-forsaken hell hole. SoCal is currently on fire. I’m on grief overload hearing about another dozen or two horses burning alive. Screw the rich people’s houses! They knew when they built there that there’s never any rain. Nothing but dry, burning hot scrub. “Oh,” they say – “but it’s a DRY heat.” Give me the humidity back any day. Skin like an effing lizard, red eyes, dead trees, hour after hour after hour sitting in traffic (the average LA person spends >100 hours a year in traffic). Vacuous, cookie cutter people. All the women look alike! If one of them had a creative, original idea about an outfit, it’d probably cause a magnitude 4 quake on the Richter scale. Measured at CalTech, which is one small bastion of high IQs here. They all look like they are auditioning for Access Hollywood or to be the latest bimbo who reports the “weather.” WHAT “weather??” It’s hot and dry and getting hotter and drier. All “drizzles” in the forecast blow away by the time they reach Ventura County. Last month it was the wine country on fire. Mexican music blaring everywhere. Who actually ENJOYS tuba music, pray tell?? An instrument of conquerors they don’t even remember. Hip hop. Snots and wannabes in Lexuses and Mercedes. Middle Eastern guys in Maseratis. VAPING. Persian people are some of THE RUDEST creatures on 2 legs. The once plain-old-middle-class neighborhood I grew up in has been known as “Little Tehran” for decades now. Good kabobs if you can get a parking spot and endure their filthy looks. Chinese and Koreans own EVERYTHING. Rents are astronomical. I work with people who spend >3 hrs a day commuting. And why have I stayed here, you ask?? To take care of mom and dad. My only sibling took off 20 yrs ago so she could buy her own home. In Houston, which I count as the USA’s #2 armpit of existence. Yep, your money goes a long way there, for sure. Thanks, but no thanks. Mom finally went on her journey at 90 earlier this year. Dad’s 95 and appears to be going strong. I fear every day that I will die here. Please, if there is a God, can I have just a year or two among NORMAL HUMAN BEINGS? In a normal American city or town? If you like filth, endless heat, zero humidity, VILE traffic and road rage, no parking, cutthroat attitudes, unaffordable EVERYTHING and stupid people everywhere (including the rich folks looking down their noses at EVERYONE), come on out here! Welcome. If you have a heart and soul at all, I’d say give yourself a good 5 years to get numb to it all. Remember, I’m a native. My family grew oranges and avocados and walnuts in Ventura County. Smell of orange blossoms in the AM, with snow-capped mountains in the background. Chilly mornings and evenings. In the 70s during the day. It RAINED on the crops and the snow melted and come down from the mountains. There were lakes and streams. Great Grandma’s nearest neighbor was at least 1/8th of a mile away. Not the boonies, but not living in each other’s faces. That land is all tract houses now. Likely on fire as I write this. Santa Paula. Our family owned a small “cabin” at the beach, which they sold many moons ago. Family BBQs, body surfing and lots of fun. I doubt $10M would get you near that property these days. I have no kids. Just my ancient father and that one sister in Houston. I’m 65. If I outlive my ornery old dad, I will peel outta here as fast as my new Chevy Spark will carry me. My ex says “you’ll die in that car in LA – up against all the SUVs!” To which I say “oh, well.”
    I want to live in a city kinda Midwest/kinda back East. With 4 seasons – and they’re NOT called Fire, Flood, Earthquake and Riot. I hate this dump with a passion. F&$k the 405, North and South. F&$k all of it. PLEASE, just a year or two of peace. Is it too much to ask?? My prayers go out to all the victims of these hurricanes, fires, etc. And never, EVER, under any circumstances, utter the two most politically incorrect words EVER: “over population.”

    • Kris,
      I feel your pain. I’m 60 now, and have lived in the San Diego area since 1981. I used to love living here, but now all I think about is when will I be moving out of the state. I have an aging Mother and two sisters living in South Carolina and I was thinking of moving there or in Northern Florida. I was raised in Florida, went to school in Florida, but eventually made my way to California. You know California dreamin? Well, it is a nightmare to me now. But I can’t leave since my husband still has his good job, and I have one more child in High School who needs to finish. Of course my husband is not retiring age, so to leave a good job now, might put us in financial trouble and he doesn’t have a plan for looking for another job elsewhere. I still homeschool another child, so I can’t go back to work. In a way, I feel trapped for different reasons than you. But of course, there are days when the old San Diego weather comes back, or there is a rain storm, and I feel better. But the cost of living is way too high and retiring here would be a super big mistake for us. And 2 of my kids are not necessarily going to do the traditional college route which means they won’t be paid that well to really live in California as adults. Although, my son says he is staying if we move. I’m waiting to see where my son who is in college in Washington ends up living and working. My other one is in Sacramento and barely can survive on his income in a pretty good job. So it’s all a big mess and I don’t see any changes in California in the foreseeable future. I’m just holding on until we can actually make the move out of this state. Good luck to you and enjoy your last years with your Dad.

  48. My wife and I are natives Californians, who currently reside in the Bay Area, but spent the first part of our lives in southern Cal. We’re are now trying to convince our college aged kids to move with us to North Carolina. Our reasons to move were all mentioned in this excellent blog. Being in the tech industry, relocating to the RTP make sense. We were 50 when we bought our first home at the lowest point of the last real estate dip. We’re hoping to sell before the next dip/ interest rate increase to maximize our profits and get out of this liberal infested 3rd world cesspool. Both being in our mid fifties, we understand the risk and change but think it is the best thing for us and our kids. They will have a much better shot at a quality life with financial stability in the RTP area, and to sweeten the deal, I will give then a down payment on their homes, to they don’t need to spend 2k a month to rent rat infested dumps from a cheap Indian landlord.
    I will leave this ruined state to the elitist liberals, their trust fund babies and the illegal alien criminals.

    • I too have kids here, one lives and works in Sacramento, and one still in college in Spokane, WA. I’m really hoping he finds a job in Washington since that will be better as far as cost of living than in Southern Calif. The Sacramento son , although college educated, and bless his heart works very hard in financial industries, can barely make it check to check. He rents out a room for $750 per month which is still hard for someone just getting started. But he would do worse in SoCal. But my next 2 kids won’t be in the “high” paying job category so I believe we need to make the move soon, so they can get established somewhere else? I wish my husband did not like his good paying job so much? That’s really the main reason we stay. And he has family in LA? But we can fly to LA to visit, right? In the mean time, my 84 year old mother sits in South Carolina with very few visits from me, since it is so expensive to fly . Luckily Southwest is a pretty cheap airline. But, I long for the days to drive to my families home in South Carolina and enjoy a Sunday gathering? Is that too much to ask? We live in trying times, and I just keep praying.

    • when you one day the truth people are unnecessarily greedy-The fact is a home should be reasonably priced -and the taxation is the main reason we or our ancestors set up here-we dont want socialism we dont want communism –but i guess the people born into the 1990s to 2020 we think its ok to have this –we want joy laughter love and peace-we want freedom-but i think once you sell out your country to foreign lands your screwed —

  49. I’ve been in California all my life(30+) years. The real reason this state is sinking into endless hell is because of the chin**, sand-nig***s, jews, and above all FEMINISTS. You mess with any of these groups, and your life/safety is on the line. Hell even when you don’t mess with any of those wackos, they’ll still try to sabotage or derail your life. Even for the slightest thing your not in their favor of, they’ll drag you into their desperate annoying world.

  50. I can concur — having just moved out of California 3 months ago — This piece still holds true almost to the letter. Taxes in CA are outta control (minus maybe prop 13 which is an entire different animal all together). Don’t even get me started on the housing situation in the bay area (much less los angeles now — coming in at the #1 most un-affordable place in usa recently. California is definitely a nanny state to boot — with taxes for just about anything one can think of, and liberalism running rampant. Not that the current state of the white house is ideal; but when taxes are being raised for “supposed” road improvements, and the roads look like that of a 3rd world country in places — there’s a problem.

    Like I tell people when they gasp and ask “why did you move out of california?” Great place to visit, but hell to live there. The weather certainly doesn’t have the best ROI compared to the cost. Indeed, I will say that its a runners paradise in the mornings at 58-62 degrees with low dewpoint/RH; and one can train comfortably. But at what ultimate cost (e.g. 1 1/2 hour commute each way and traffic galore) Glad I left.

  51. Great article and great comments.
    Just what I needed to find as I am trying to get enough money to leave Tahoe after moving back a 2nd time.
    I left California in 1992 the 1st time for work in Oregon, Washington then into the deep South for 15 years, Florida, Louisiana and the Carolinas.
    I always missed the mountains and rivers of NorCal I left behind in the 90’s and thought it would still be there when I came back a few years ago.
    The State is run by a certifiable set of leftie loonies in Sacramento who spend every waking moment of their day devising ways to fine, fee or tax you into oblivion.
    I feel the worst for the farmers and ranchers who are by and large, salt of the earth, live and let live types that the State just keeps gouging for more and more.
    Trendy politician and bureaucrat lifestyles are more expensive in California too.
    Worst of all perhaps, is this pervasive groupthink that occurs in California. Many people have never lived anywhere else to know how anything could be different.
    If you dare say anything about the tax rates or %13 of your paycheck going to disappear down the black hole in Sacramento you;re looked at like a heretic.
    Big Gvt. is always necessary isn;t it?
    And the pay here is abyssmal, especially when contrasted to the extremely high cost of living.
    Personally, I can;t wait to leave the 2nd time around for Florida or the Carolinas.
    At least there a person can actually live, if even on a modest pay scale.
    California is out of control.
    It will go Venezuela someday when all their socialist utopian dreams can no longer be afforded.

  52. You asked me what country I moved to. Somewhere in the comments someone asked you which places were best to move to and your reply was… it’s a secret because you did not want all the pinheads to move there. So, I can tell you which countries it is NOT… Spain, Germany, Italy, France, UK, Scotland. Both my wife and I agree, where we are now is the “last bastion”.

    You’re right… France is dead. The EU will decay. Most things are going to hell in a handbasket in mainland Europe and we can 100% thank Merkel for single handedly orchestrating it. Where we are will last the longest. Regardless of the situation in Europe… any of the above places are still far and away better than America. Standards are still high in education and people come before “stuff” over here.

    If you want more info then email me directly at the email address I entered to create these comments.

  53. It’s a much bigger problem than California. I was born and partially raised in California (air force brat). Aside from many other things I also worked in the heart of silicon valley and became a high tech entrepreneur… but… that was decades ago.

    Society is a living thing and, collectively it has a mind of its own. For instance, when women’s lib came into being and there were suddenly two earners in a household housing prices shot up… doubling and tripling within a few years. Liberalism was born, both socially and economically and the nuclear family structure fell into the dark ages.

    Fortunately I’ve lived all over the world and there is a huge difference between visiting somewhere and actually living there. I’ve also “lived” (a year or more) in Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Texas, Georgia, Florida, Indiana, Oklahoma and Nevada. I’m a white male and well educated and being an only child I spent a lot of my life simply observing human nature.

    I have always said America has no culture. See how quickly and vehemently that gets a response but I say that in reference to other nations. I usually follow that up with… “Well, in reality America has a Hollywood culture” and if you understand the evolution and dissemination of movies in the early days you’ll see how it created the world view of America. It continues to do so today. People in places like South America and the Philipines think every American lives in a nice big house with a full refrigerator, two family cars and a TV in every room.

    In California I’ve lived (extensively) in San Diego, San Francisco, Sausalito, Mountain View and other locations… so I have a pretty keen sense of California overall.

    Everything in this article is spot on. Sadly though, California is only the bruise to a spreading condition throughout America. It’s most notable in California only because, not too awfully long ago… it was the 7th largest economy in the world… not just the United States… IN THE WORLD and nothing removes innovation faster than wealth which often leads to complacency. That may, at first seem to be a contradictory statement as it is usually innovation that leads to wealth.

    The drive for “equality”… this notion that everyone is equal to everyone else and we all have some inherent “right” to all things advertised on TV has removed the psychological boundaries that give society a strata in which people reach a certain potential and accept their limits, be they poor or rich (and yes, being rich can be very limiting). What remains is anarchy.

    If you look at California you see a microcosm of the United States… greed, taxation, police state tactics, complete disregard for the consequences of ones actions (living under the veil there really are no longer any personal consequences), you are my enemy or my friend with no middle ground, dumbing down to give dumb people equal status so nobody has their feeling hurt… on and on it goes.

    Just look at world statistics and see how far down America has gone. In the industrialised world they are at the bottom of the list… in health, education, standard of living, crime… you name it.

    For me the answer was not leaving California… it was leaving the United States. I live in Europe and am taking citizenship in a new country. There isn’t enough money or conversation that would get me to return to America for any reason. If you live inside the bubble, believe the indoctrination and rhetoric then you cannot imagine what I’m saying has any substantial truth to it.

    America, sadly… is the joke of the world. What’s most amazing to me is that Americans actually think they are the best nation and the world looks up to them. That, my friends is very old history. Nobody in Europe thinks America is anything more than a third world country. Some, who have family living in America are less inclined to express that… until you gain their confidence and then they’ll let the truth out.

    No matter who I talk to in the UK, France, Germany or Ireland their voices are unanimous… America has a great military power but is socially bankrupt and a country trapped in a downward spiral. It is a country past the point of no return.

    Where I live now… Americans are flocking into Europe. Americans are giving up their citizenship and tearing up their US Passports at an unprecedented high. I jokingly (but not) refer to myself as an American refugee. When I say that here I always get an uncomfortable laugh accompanied by a knowing nod.

    First, I’d say get the hell out of California as that is the root of insanity in the US… then I’d say… if you can… get the hell out of the United States. Until you do that (not as a visit or tourist) you won’t see the stark contrast and reality of what has really happened in America.

    For those of you trapped by family obligation to older parents then wait it out but do some planning. Explore and investigate new options… be willing to take risks and you can live out your days.

    For those of you with children be forewarned… this world is overpopulated and reaching a point it cannot be managed or governed. The very best chance you can possibly give your children is to get them the very best education you are willing to sacrifice for.

    Using California as a model… look what’s happened to that state in just one decade. Look what’s happened in American in just the last 5 years. Look at what is happening in Europe and the rest of the world. What do you think it’s going to be like in just 10 years from now. In so many places (like California and the US in general) with reference to job insecurity, cost of living, crime and stress… it’s already come down to survival. It’s no longer about living.

  54. Hi there. I just so happen to stumble across this page and your article pretty much nails it on every level. I was born and raised in California. I am in my late 40’s now with three kids raised single handed, lol. Two of my daughters are now living in Flagstaff, AZ for college and will never return to Cali.

    My son who is still in High School and struggling like hell. I have a 4 bedroom home that I can sell close to $600,000, I make roughly $60,000 a year. I am contemplating making the move to Flagstaff, AZ with my son as well and have him finish his last 2 years of HS there.

    I have wanted to leave Cali for YEARS, but always too scared to because I am a single mom supporting three. You seem to have so much knowledge in different states and cities. What is your take on relocating to Flagstaff and finding a job there (Lord willing)?

    • Much of Arizona also has a very bad illegal immigration problem. I would strongly suggest visiting for 1 to 3 months before deciding to actually uproot and move there. I would say the same about any location – move there for a suggested 3 months, but at least 1 month, before committing to the move.

  55. Sounds like Asheville, NC. People moving here from other states and buying up houses just to rent them out… Driving the rent up to $2,000 and more a month. (When the average job only pays about $1,400 a month full time.) This causes younger people to have to get roommates just to get a 2 bedroom apartment!

    It’s a tourist trap with the only thing to really look at is the Vanderbuilt house called the Biltmore estate. Too many art galleries opening and closing all the time, local businesses closing all the time, and people buying up real estate and trying to sell at insane prices… It’s become horrific. So much so I moved to Madison county away from Buncombe just to avoid all the high costs of Asheville.

  56. Feeling like a foreigner in my own country is the worst, I am white and male and enemy number one in liberal CA. There is zero white privilege here, you can’t even get a job if you’re not bilingual, and are usually being interviewed by some heavy accented foreigner.

    The Chinese are buying up property and raising the rent to exorbitant levels, but haven’t improved the property one bit. The Asian business owners tend not to do any outer maintenance on their businesses, and after a while there are no trees and the buildings look filthy.

    That is their favorite thing to do cut down trees, so no maintenance costs are required. They don’t speak or look at you. I prefer the Indians to the asians but they are each others best buddies and work together to keep whites and blacks out. I recently trained an Indian and was let go from my job not too long after he was trained leaving me thinking I trained my replacement.

    I was the last white worker at the small wafer company. Now there are none. The schools are overrun with colored kids and make life hard for white kids who are minorities in the land their forefathers founded. All because of greedy people and H1-B visa scams; “Americans lack skills” is just bull.

    Since when do Americans rely on Indians for our high tech innovation? Americans are actually creating the newest breakthroughs in their garages in CA. I am now an electrician and own my own business, and I have worked at silicon valley companies , once white companies now all Indian, not one American in the entire company. It shocked me since Indians benefit so much from minority advantages, yey they do not practice them at all.

    Its freeways are all potholes and the rich on the hillsides {60% foreigners} peer down on us from their fancy homes, or speed past you on their fast track pass in their Mercedes Benz {usually Asian}. White Californians have been sold out, we can no longer take vacations because we cannot afford to, while foreigners visit their native countries every year.

    Something stinks in CA, and colored foreigners are cashing in. I was never racist before but now I can truly say that I am, the breaking point was when I tried recently to purchase my childhood home, a dream of mine, but was outbid by 20,000 dollars by some Indian, I drove by the other day and he was washing his car in the driveway, and I thought to myself, my birthright has been stolen.

    And it’s pricks like Jerry Brown and an uncontrollable colored world population that has brought us here in such a short time, I hate to see what the next decade brings as Californian children become mutant halfbreeds and swarthy non-whites. I can only think back of all the blonde haired kids I used to play with as a child as well as myself and it makes me very angry. Because you would be hard pressed to find one now.

    All these foreigners are enjoying the benefits of what our forefathers intended to be for us, not them. And if I sound selfish then you are just a guilt-ridden liberal. California is a shell of what it was. Its urban sprawl has gone awry and neighborhoods are filled with colored foreigners. While Americans live in apartments and trailers. We have been replaced under the guise of multiculturalism and diversity.

  57. Ironically this article was written 13 days after our “exodus trip” out of CA over a year ago. I am just reading it and it rings true for all the reasons we left. All of what he is saying is true- about southern CA. But remember there is A LOT of other places in CA. Not that they are as desirable but CA has mountain cities, lake cites, beach cities, desert city, places that snow, places that are routinely over 100 degrees in the summer. The north and the south are quite different and so is the coast and inland CA.

    We left southern CA for all the reasons above- but only after venturing out to see if there were other parts of CA we would like. We found that other places are more affordable ($300k for a 2 -3 bedroom home vs $650 minimum for a 2 bed condo in the town I was from) but less desirable and the overarching state still oppresses those communities with the same taxes, legislation and educational limitations. We were ok with that but after contemplating all that we would be giving up: our jobs, our church, our friends, our family, the weather even… there was nothing left keeping us in that state.

    We realized we might as well jump the border and be in Arizona, or Oregon or maybe go a bit further to Idaho or Texas. Since we didn’t know where we wanted to go but just knew we wanted needed to find something else we actually visiting all those places, and more, by RV until we found something the reminds us of “home” (southern CA) without all the junk we were trying to free ourselves, and our children from.

    This quote from the article runs very true for me “the only real benefit of living in California is because of the weather. That and the emotional ideal itself of “living in California”. There really isn’t any other reason.” He went on to say that some deny all the obvious changes to the state in the last decade because they don’t want to uproot their lives. This was the hardest for us. We took an entire year to slowly up-root. We did Disneyland season passes as we figured wherever we landed we probably wouldn’t go back.

    We pulled out of small groups and commitments that tied us to the community. We tried to spend extra time with local family and friends and they all knew we were on a countdown. It was hard- but now, a little over a year later- I don’t regret it. We have $ now to FLY back and visit CA to visit family. We just didn’t have that kind of “extras” before.

    We have had more people visit and stay with us than we EVER could have housed before (i.e. 2 bedroom apt with no yard and barely enough space for just us – to a regular, modest home). All of our guest have visiting from CA and all of them are eventually moving out of that state. Their job security keeps them there – for now

    To the CA native thinking of moving: Your income will be less and that scares you. If you make $90K now you are thinking “how could I possibly survive on only $50K a year I barely make it now?” So you stay- for your job. You are viewing this through the CA lens. Your cost of living ANYWHERE else with be even lower than the % loss in your income (ok maybe not NY city but you get the picture.)

    You will be SHOCKED how your mortgage payment on twice as big of a place is half what you paid to rent. Gas is cheaper, taxes are cheaper, homes are cheaper, memberships to things are cheaper, in some places food is even cheaper. Vacation Bible School is FREE – that might not mean much to you but there are a lot of things that are just “offered by the community” that you will have to get use to once you leave CA. CA is a pay-to-play kind of place, but free hospitality is found in almost every other state we visited. It all adds up and will make up for you not making as much.

  58. I think it’s neat how every fault can be traced back to liberals. I mean, if you can think of an issue or problem, just blame it on liberals. Then you can ignore the things your liberal leaders have done to ruin the economy, like sending your jobs overseas and voting themselves tasty tax breaks, among other things. Things like Iran Contra and 9/11, etc. By all means, you liberal should ignore what your own leaders do and keep your blinders on. If you didn’t like the way things were going, you should have put down your bong and voted against it LONG AGO, before it became the mess it is today. Apathy has a way of biting you in the arse eventually.

    I happen to be a liberal, but even I would not live in CA. I enjoy being where I’m at, in a state where the home you idiots pay $800k for costs $90k. I like being able to buy any gun I want and being able to stockpile ammo because I live in a “free” state. I like not having to give a crap about the Crips and Bloods and illegals ruining everything. Political correctness? That probably started in CA, and it’s one of the worst things ever. I’ll bet Affirmative Action started there, too. The whole nation should thank all of you for allowing these things to happen while you sat and did nothing about it (well, other than pointing your fingers at liberals while choking on the chronic). Go out and catch some waves Gooky!

    Are you mad yet? Did you like how I assumed that, since you live in CA, you are a pot smoking, apathetic whiny loser? Well, it’s the same thing as you blaming liberals for everything. We are not all the same, just like I’m sure you aren’t. With that said, I think it’s a shame CA is such a mess. I wouldn’t live there for anything. My wife got job offer, to teach in Los Angeles. I laughed so hard I about peed my pants…even though the pay was 3x what she was making, it’s not enough to cover being in gangland. She taught in San Antonio and it was bad enough. I won’t go into a situation like that without being able to arm myself to the hilt. Can’t do that in CA.

    Personally, if CA broke off and sank in the ocean I wouldn’t care. It would help solve the illegal immigrant problem somewhat. Here’s my suggestion: do something to change things there or leave. Quit complaining and get out. Leave the gangs and illegals there with the politicians.

    • It’s funny how you call yourself a liberal but everything you said is conservative. I think you have the definition of liberal and conservative backwards. Everything you said is quite accurate, but these are conservative and staunchly anti-liberal views. Now sure where you got the idea you’re a liberal. By the way, it’s the liberals who send jobs overseas – conservatives want to keep jobs right here in the USA. The middle east wars were all started and funded by liberals. Liberals are blind to the fact their own leaders are doing the opposite of what they say they are doing.

      And by the way, I couldn’t stand CA. But you are pretty right about the stereotypes, although those who don’t fit the stereotype are very mad their once great state has been destroyed. California at this point is mostly a lost cause, unfortunately. The only real choice at this point for a conservative is evacuating California.

  59. Great…now all of the schmucks in California will start moving east and things will slowly dissipate over here too. Lovely. It’s been happening for a while. Even Atlanta is slowly becoming an east coast Hollywood. Up and down the east coast architecture is going up faster than the population. But the population is surely soon to follow, and the cost of living will start rising over here too. But…but….maybe…just maybe after all of the legal residents move east California will finally break off and be carried off to sea where all the illegal immigrants and hypocritical high-horse liberals can have their own perfect island: Libigrantfornia.

    • Funny! Who was complaining when transplants came to CA from literally every other part of the country (and the world)? I don’t think “east” is very high on many people’s list (I’d be more worried if you were in the Pacific Northwest, Rocky Mountain states, as well as parts of the Midwest and South).

  60. Wow, that’s a bummer. I always dreamed of moving to Southern California. I pictured bright blue skys, temps in the 70’s or higher, no rain. Beautiful people who are all laid back, like surfers and old hippies. Mountains to bike or hike in, tons of beaches and seeing movie stars at the local markets. I’m 45 and have lived in Connecticut all my life. I’m just tired of it here. Winters SUCK, it’s cold and gray for 4 months with lots of snow. Spring to late fall is nice, but summers can get really humid and hot with little AC in most places. Too many cloudy, rainy days. I wouldn’t care if my backyard was a cactus and rocks, as long as it was sunny and warm. Taxes are high here too. My 200k house(been worth 200k for 10 years, market is perma flatlined) has 6k a year for taxes, we pay a 7% sales tax and a state income tax.

    I just could not believe the prices of houses out there in CA!!!!!! For 500-600k in Connecticut you can buy a massive house with a beautiful pool in a VERY nice town. Most house are around 200k for a 2000+sq ft house with a lawn and very safe. Crime is low, we don’t even lock our doors (not sure I could even find the key to my house lol.) But really the winters are getting old and I LOVE sunny days. I just had this great image of a more laid back, year round outdoors lifestyle. I don’t care about left or right wing, I just let people have their opinions and I have my own.

    So first of all, who in the world is buying 600k+ houses??!! How can a normal working person afford that?? Who can afford those rents etc?? Where do the blue collar workers live, they have to live somewhere close no?? It sounds like unless you are a millionaire, you have no chance of surviving there. How can that be, the majority of the people must make less than 100k a year. I just don’t get it, especially if it has high crime, intense traffic everywhere and expensive in every other aspect of living. My dream was shattered looking at the house prices and reading these posts. I make 105k/yr, which is great for any other state, but I couldn’t afford even a one bedroom house. There has to be a major bubble popping at some point. Unless a teacher etc, could afford 3k+ a month for rent. Then I see places like compton etc., how is that housing not getting purchased and the poor pushed out?? How could prices of houses be so insane, but a ghetto right in the middle of all of it??

    • All great questions. By the way, while there are some attractive people, most of the people are foreigners, do not speak English, or are, frankly, very unintelligent. For example once I tried dating a girl there and although beautiful she was really, really stupid, not to be mean but I couldn’t even hold an intelligent conversation with her, she was just too stupid.

      The Northeast is also very expensive, although it pales in comparison to Southern California or New York. The weather alone isn’t worth it if you have to enjoy it alone. Unless you’re a loner, but then there is the cost of living and the housing costs, of course. And if you’re rich, still you could have a far better quality of life elsewhere, albeit without 70-degree year round weather. It’s a relatively small compromise. You can move to other sunny areas which are warmer and sunnier and cheaper than the Northeast; sure it won’t be as perfect weather as CA but it will be better for sun-lovers and the other benefits far outweigh 20% better weather of CA.

      1) “Who in the world is buying 600k+ houses?”
      Anyone who wants a house in Southern California. However, a decent house starts at $800,000 to $1,000,000 (starting price for a small house in a nice area). Anything less than that and you’re better off looking at a $500k to $600k condo (1-2 bedrooms at that price, and very small). Yes, it is beyond absurd.

      2) “How can a normal working person afford that?”
      Easy answer: they can’t. Even with a $50,000 income that is impoverished in SoCal after housing costs, cost of living, and absurd levels of taxation for everything. People either have to live in poverty, or move out of CA. Most choose to live in poverty because they don’t realize they can go practically anywhere else with 10x better standard of living.

      3) “Who can afford those rents etc?”
      Same answer as above. Basically anyone with an income above $90,000 (salary) is lower-middle class. Anything less than that and you are really struggling. Most of those high-paying jobs required to make end’s meet are given to Chinese, Indians, and Pakistani who send all their earnings back to their home country (the Mexicans are poorly educated and don’t speak English, you don’t see them in high-paid jobs in socal but instead at the welfare office, even the illegals).

      4) “Where do the blue collar workers live, they have to live somewhere close no?”
      Blue collar? What blue collar? There are basically no blue collar in Socal. The cost of living is too high to support blue-collar workers. In California there are almost entirely the have’s and the have-not’s; the rich and the poor. However, even most of the “have’s” are poor by the rest of the country’s income-to-living-ratio standards. Sure there are a couple walmart or retail workers but they spend more than 100% of their income just on rent. Many have to live at home even at 30+ years old because rent is unaffordable and a house is unattainable. Some will combine their income for a small apartment shared between a guy and girl dating couple (even if unmarried), just to survive. A good number will travel as much as 2 to 3 hours (each way!) just for a job, it’s not uncommon to hear a manager of a store traveling from San Diego to Orange County or Los Angeles every day for work. The rest either become homeless or move out of California.

      5) “It sounds like unless you are a millionaire, you have no chance of surviving there.”
      For the most part. If you want an average middle-class standard of living then you need at least a six-digit income, ideally over $150,000 per year. You also have to worry about non-American immigrants beating you out of a job (very high chance of that happening, non-Americans are given priority), also decreasing your chances.

  61. Sue — maybe if we ever default on the debt, China can first ask for California (or perhaps the entire West Coast, with boundaries altered to where they should be, along the crest of the mountains, the best kind of Wall other than a very large body of water, and the Darien Gap has helped us a great deal currently, too). Then it might seize California (or the entire West Coast) as repayment. You want secession, you’re a colony!

    (Those idiot Blues don’t even know how to partition California into multiple new states. They’re clueless!)

  62. Julie, if you want a city, have you tried Redding, or a bit off-the central-axis Chico? Chico is a college town, which ordinarily means a vibrant economy, and used to mean kids that lift your spirits if you’re older, with their activity. Nowadays, though, “college” means not only liberal lunacy, but trashing the community often, not only after athletic events (winning or losing), either, and you don’t want a street near any campus.

    Another alternative is heading north on 101 beyond the northern Bay Area (Novato and such). Santa Rosa is of decent size, though parts were bad before I left the state, and home prices there may be out of reach now. Basically, you can go north on 101 beyond Santa Rose (Healdsburg, Geyserville, Cloverdale) until you can afford it. (out from the Bay Area until you can afford it) If you can handle Northwestern climate and lifestyle, try Eureka-Arcata or smaller Ferndale, for example.

    To the south, try between Temecula and Escondido. There should be ordinary homes there in addition to old yuppie ranchettes. There are the mountain communities if you want to live at altitude, too, or go out of San Diego to Ramona or Julian.

  63. I am a California native (“Cali” is a city in Colombia, not the state! I’m from the state), who left in 1992 and who has lived and traveled all over the nation since then, and have revisited the state during some of my travels in the West. I cherish one of my books I own, about the Bay Area suburbs as they were in the later 1970s. The state has completely changed since then, and for decades it has deteriorated in all criteria of quality but the climate, which if you ignore vast liberal garbage, is likely to become more arid and make future water shortages in the Western states worse, and especially in California with reduction of future snow pack. (Add increased fire danger and mudslides, as well as worse outcome for a future large earthquake in any metro area in the state, added to the costs, crowding, and crime, liberal mismanagement, fiscal failure.)

    To those asking if they would like California, or a specific city or area, as a place to live, why don’t they do the normal thing, that is, travel there, visit it, and see what it is like for themselves, the only way to know? The same is true for anyone contemplating leaving California, who may have preferred new places to go.

    Favorite places also to go are the Northwest if you can afford it (living in Portland or Seattle). If you like being out of town, the more rural places or some exurbs may be quite less liberal (same with suburbs) than closer into town. The eastern parts of the states are Inter-Mountain West and different, Red, states.

    The next typical choice has been the rest of the West somewhere. Many like the Colorado Front Range, and in addition to well-known Las Vegas and lesser-known Reno (Nevada has no state income tax), there is Boise, and a larger Salt Lake City area. My parents live in Western Oregon, but not in Portland.

    Some Californians have relocated farther east. Texas is very popular and in many ways is the model for the rest of the country given its mega-state size and influence. (Most people are in the humid, eastern part, part of the southeastern USA. Texas is the South with oil and gas money.) I have lived in the western DFW area twice and enjoyed the second time, particularly (Fort Worth, less crowded, quieter, and cheaper than Dallas, more crowded and stressful; my first time was in Arlington for six months). Many places outside California will not have the Golden State’s natural amenities (climate and physical gems, crowded and ruined as they’re getting to be). That includes Texas. That said, Texas has a large enough economy as well as population it’s worth considering. There are three big metros in eastern Texas plus another good-sized metro that’s everyone’s favorite, Austin. West Texas has also four metros of note, and the air there is dry, not humid as in the east. The lower Rio Grande Valley is part of Mexico.

    Another place in the past people have gone (and it’s popular with others in eastern states) is Atlanta. You may like it or hate it; I hated it when there, though it was a base for exploring, Toronto to Key West.

    Florida is worth considering. My favorite spot is Tampa-St. Pete, but all the large and small spots are worth a glance. Central and Southern Florida are tropical wet-dry climatically, warmest winters of all.

    Also look at “second cities,” Charlotte and Nashville, plus smaller cities, both inland and on the coast.

    The Northeast Corridor is a peer of California (north plus south). (Those two general areas are what I’d recommend for a first-time foreign visitor or the first place to do tourism from the other of the pair for natives.) Washington, DC, is the new Second City after New York City (Boston has declined). This is Blue Nation and you have to be wary if you’re going to go here. Many places (NYC, DC notably) are expensive, and all tend to feature liberal politics and policies that (real) Americans tend to dislike, along with costs.

    In the interior, I find suburbs of and culture in Detroit to be nicer than in Chicago (though many in the Midwest think Chicago is the center of the universe, love it to death). The ideal suburb in Michigan is Ann Arbor, I believe. Someone who knows more than I can discuss Minneapolis. I lived in St. Louis for years, in the nice part, loved it there. I’m friends with someone who lived in Kansas City, loved it there.

    The remaining comments are about California now or as of when I most recently visited it in 2010.

    Those from elsewhere decrying the incivility and the superficiality are correct. I consider the incivility worse. I just discussed this an hour ago with my brother, living for now in Sierra Madre in the LA area, about the pervasive stress during all waking hours encountering rude, aggressive, self-absorbed people.

    My last visit was in January, 2010, a day run from Albuquerque to Monrovia (in the LA area). I was quite familiar with all the crowding and terrible driving (part of personal) behavior. I was shocked to see the Outlets at Barstow, development effectively reaching there, on what used to a completely empty stretch of road other than a handful of commuter suburbs in Victorville, but several retirees, in a smaller town in 1992. The additional development shocked me. I had a girlfriend in Moreno Valley when I lived there up to 1992, and there are commuter suburbs in the Coachella Valley and in Ventura County. I understand that. The Bay Area may have arguably even longer commutes from cities in the Central Valley. I was still shocked at it. I didn’t get to “enjoy” the “infill” (a nice term?) between Corona and Temecula, nor any new building in Chino, et cetera. My visit to Monrovia was for just 2-3 days, and I could walk to what I needed. I knew better than to drive. The traffic (especially after any crash) must be worse, the cycle failures at signalized intersections more frequent and numerous now, and what do vehicle registrations and vehicle insurance premiums cost now? That’s in addition to very high gasoline prices (no matter what liberals say, probably not now in California, just everywhere else) and what about automobile prices there now?

    I’ll leave it to the others who have already discussed the very high taxes and other charges that residents and visitors face, or the discussion of problems with immigrants (especially illegal) and gangs, and their effects on whole neighborhoods and cities in the developed parts of the state (and in rural areas, too!).

    I’ll add that in addition to un-American lunatic liberal gun laws, the policy toward crime just got sharply worse, with legally reducing the severity of crimes, and releasing many more from jails and prisons. The few remaining nice places, such as Sierra Madre, are islands or oases under assault now from criminals who select these sites for burglary and theft because the pickings are good in the remaining good places. I had my car stolen twice in the 1980s. My brother in Sierra Madre can name his burglarized neighbors.

    Add to that the gang nature of immigrants, which has become worse with gangs like MS-13 (nationwide), and cultural problems (including of a type experienced by residents in Vancouver, BC, in earlier years).

    This is in addition to housing prices becoming impossible to pay except by entire extended immigrant families (placing their children here, arranging future escape homes from worse nations elsewhere), or by wealthy individuals or businesses or syndicates investing or speculating in future prices and rentals.

    My brother may eventually leave. (Hopefully property values will not be sharply lowered before then.) A friend for decades, who grew up in Woodland Hills (LA’s San Fernando Valley) will leave when her mother has died, and is heading elsewhere in the West, such as Albuquerque (less popular and smaller than the two main Arizona cities and metro areas, or Las Vegas). My parents left in the mid-1990s for somewhere near a city I’ve always liked other than the six months of gray and cold rain (that’s a hint, but only a hint). It’s Gresham’s law applied to society — the bad people (and politics) are driving out the good in California.

    To the people who have always wanted to live there — try it, but it won’t be any kind of fairy tale life. I’d strongly recommend you follow my advice to do the normal thing, visit before you go live somewhere. Also consult city-data discussions on your location, and look for free at Google Maps Street View, too.
    That also goes for everyone wanting to leave California for elsewhere. Where? Visit and check it first.

  64. I grew up in California and moved to Texas less than a year ago. I will testify to this article. Pretty much everything it said is correct. I have only two things I miss from California. 1) Of course, the weather. 2) Most of my family (both biological and church family) are in San Diego. My home church was actually incredibly sound, Biblically (something I wouldn’t expect in secular California).

    Other than those two factors, Texas is far better. This state still has its problems. Unfortunately, many leftist liberals from California are also moving here and ruining this state as well. Also, I still moved a bit too close to the city of San Antonio. But, by and far, this was the right choice.

    The only problem is that I keep thinking of my family back home. That’s the one thing that keeps tempting me to rethink any possibility of returning, eventually. I guess, if I made enough money now, I could find a way in several decades. Perhaps, California go bankrupt and give officials a wake up call to change? One can hope.

  65. Missing CA again until we checked the taxes that doubled on 100,000 homes to 1500 a year plus water bond fees, school fees, college fees, expensive mixed assessment fees just to name a few in San Bernardino County. Paying for the sewers while on septic tanks in the mesa areas out of the city have had their taxes doubles almost as much as the city sewers in town.

    Owners must pay to fill their septic’s with sand and pay to install the hook ups from the streets. ( per water district) & ask any realtor, this must be disclosed before closing escrow with a break down of all new fees and tax hikes. The good times are long gone.

    Now the homes are foreclosures cheap, short sales, great deals with a hidden double tax fee paying for everyone else getting the free stuff, Just too many fees to list. That beautiful area the high desert above Palm Springs. It’s over crowded and displaced with gang members from Apple Valley and high crime rates. We are displaced too. I want to try again in CA, please advise.

    We like the Mexican people, it’s the greed from the liberal state politician’s they who ruined it for all American’s. I learned the undocumented Filipinos took over the medical jobs in Palm Springs area. They own a hospice agency and have 20 QA’s sitting around all using the same legal owners name.

    Thank you for any advice to buy another house again, RV living is getting old off the grid. Sincerely love your Blog site and your great advice. Should we rent in CA? the crime has escalated? Please offer some sound advice, we are so tired of moving and feeling misplaced. Thank you

  66. My precious (born and raised there) California has become a toilet bowl, cess pool, and Mississippi of the west coast! I still remember being in French class with a friend at DeAnza High School in Richmond, and we were discussing how fortunate we were to be native Californians. I told my friend, ‘they don’t call us the Golden State for nothing,’ and she told me that her family had vacationed in France that summer, and that all anyone that could speak English did was tell her how lucky she was to be an American from California! Not anymore!

    My beautiful childhood home in Montalvin Manor had been moved into by Mexicans who completely DESTROYED it! Badly chipped paint, two foot high lawn with brown grass, and a burned out car on the front lawn! Mexican gang members from a long time trouble making Mexican family fired into the house with an AK-47 about 50 times in I think around 2009, and killed the expectant mother inside! I still (although I love it here in South Dakota) can’t believe that I was forced to leave my beautiful native state and become a refugee in South Dakota!

    • It’s becoming like that here (Fresno), too. We’ve always had Mexicans and Mexican-Americans, but they were never a majority. It has to be a generational thing, too, because communities in the past didn’t have the same entitlement and you didn’t see graffiti everywhere or hear fireworks every night. Our neighborhood was full of upper middle class professionals, had one of the highest ranking schools in the district, was generally clean and safe. A lot of those I knew growing up left to other cities or states long ago

  67. Your article is spot on. My husband is a native Californian (4th generation) but I am a mid-westerner. We moved back here to the San Francisco Bay Area in 2002 to be near his elderly parents. Specifically we moved to the East Bay. From my outsider perspective, I thought the state was already bad and corrupt in 2002 but since then it has become much much worse.

    The public schools are now indoctrination centers and high-stress mills that rob kids of their innocence and childhoods, the politicians overturn any citizen initiative they don’t like so your vote is futile, taxes and fees keep going up and can never be rescinded, traffic gridlock is a daily occurrence on most freeways and city streets, home prices are beyond what they were in 2007 (before the housing crash), it is overcrowded here by design as the super rich, tech affluent, and foreign investors are buying the best properties (and driving up prices) while everyone else can only afford to live in high-density housing or in less desirable areas, and small businesses are over-taxed, over-regulated, and penalized.

    We are trapped here due to family obligations and my husband’s small business which is our livelihood until retirement. We were lucky that we could afford to put our kids in private schools at a cost of $24,000/year. For those who cannot afford private schools, they are stuck in overcrowded public schools, or they are forced to home school (which I have considered).

    The only reason we can afford to stay here is that we bought our small ranch home in 2004 for $725,000. It’s now worth $1 million which is chump change here believe it or not. We don’t want to sell it as we cannot afford to buy where we’d like to live. We made a bid on a ranch home in Los Altos recently, but were outbid by an all-cash buyer who bought the home for $3.05 million! Let that sink in. Good Los Altos homes are going for at least $3 million with better ones in the $4 to $5 million range. The Los Altos/Mountain View/Saratoga areas are the latest hot spots due to Google, Facebook and other tech companies nearby, so the minimum price for prime properties there will be $3 million.

    My family and I realized last year how much we hated California when, after going on vacation, we realized we didn’t want to go home to California. I am dreaming of our escape once all our family obligations are over.

    California lures people in with the weather and (false) promises of wealth, but it is a superficial paradise disguising the hell underneath.

  68. I have lived and worked in California most my life but just moved two years ago. I am so glad my family and I moved out of this corrupted state forever. The best way i can describe living in California would be to think of it as being the armpit of the nation. When we moved from LA, I rented a 26 foot moving van and stopped in sacramento for the night before we left the state. We got a motel room for the night and gassed up the truck. When i woke up the next morning I went to the parking lot and started the truck only to find all gas was gone. This was a going away prize from California. No problem i was just happy to get out of california that day. (Most all the comments I read here are in fact true)

  69. I’m currently In Santa Clarita, CA right now. I don’t live here yet but I’m staying at an airbnb for 3 weeks. I just got offered a job but it’s IMPOSSIBLE to find affordable housing. I used to have this dream of California. Literally the only thing California has going for it is the mountains, terrain & the ocean. That’s it. The hiking is absolutely incredible. You can find quality nightlife, food & activities at most other large cities that are just as good. Other than the mountains, terrain & ocean, this place is filled with smog, horrible traffic, barely any white people, graffiti everywhere (and even on the nature in open spaces), TERRIBLE TERRIBLE TERRIBLE housing costs, INSANE taxing & it’s just way too overcrowded. It’s unfair to me, because all of the safe & white areas (no, I’m not racist I just want to be around people like me, who doesn’t? Quit the PC bull) are SO EXPENSIVE whilst the minority & unsafe areas are CHEAP. Now how fair is that? I have one more week left on my airbnb and I’m seriously debating moving back to Miami Beach, FL where I originally came from. It’s either Miami Beach or backing to drawing board. The only other places I would like are Colorado, Texas or Oregon. I don’t know where else to go anymore. California was my dream… I wish it was how it was back in the 70s that everyone keeps talking about.

  70. John, can you send your website to our new president, he needs to know this ? This is from the last 8 yrs. Do you think it’s too late?

  71. We have been gone for over 5 years, I understand it is not America anymore and the crime rates have sky-rocketed since Obama was in office he made this state too over crowded and unlivable. I will not purchase any produce from CA. Thank you for exposing the real truth, the demographics lie and it is third world living at it’s best.

    We appreciate finding your website John, can you tell us where to go? We are in Nevada and it is also over-populated.

    • All the nukes were tested in Nevada. Also, prostitution is legal in Nevada (thanks to CSI for letting me know about that – I did research and it’s true, shockingly).

      It’s good to keep the good places a secret, we don’t want the liberals finding the best places and ruining them! Those who are really determined can find a place where everyone is American.

      As far as not buying CA produce – don’t do that! California farm owners are actually often hard-working American farmers, some of the few left – they could not leave their farm behind. The CA farms are usually far out away from the population. California has great produce, and much of it is grown by Americans (although it’s true some hire illegal help). But don’t boycott CA produce, that would only hurt the poorest people in CA and would not help anyone.

      That said, do support your local farms wherever you are! Give more support to the ones who hire American help.

      • We are in Boulder City NV, no prostitution allowed or gambling. It’s liberal here and expensive like CA. There are emissions like CA. Thank you for any advice. Please update us on CA, I want the liberals to reap what they sowed and suffer the consequences in a much larger way. The liberal cesspool they created in that state will only perpetuate itself until we can smell it from Nevada. Thank you John

  72. California west coast radiation from Fukushima has spread contaminating the soil into the desert regions in all produce, especially organic, chicken and cow feed is polluted with high levels of radiation. Radiation meters are cheap to purchase. California coastal contamination has spread through the food chain. It can be measured with meters and especially in the rain. Many people get cancer. Please follow up.

  73. We wish the houses fall in price and people move out fast. We hope the best for taxpayers to escape before they can’t sell their homes.

  74. My husband wanted to move back to Ridgecrest CA, we researched the crime rate and proposition 47, The crime rate has escalated in all CA cities and towns. The Ridgecrest Police Department closed its doors 2016 due to budget cuts in CA. We are grateful to you and your website John. We are renting now to find a safe place to try out. We are afraid to purchase a mortgage especially in CA. Please continue to advise the displace folks from CA that felt pressured to move away, we feel displaced too.


  75. I agree 100% with your blog! I left back in June of 2013 and suddenly I felt alive again and found myself.

    When I visited CA 2 years later, I asked this girl I like that works as a bartender if I looked different. She said, “You look exactly the same.” But inside I was totally different. I was myself again.

    You really get slammed from every side living in CA. Even if you are hardcore, it becomes unbearable living there. Then it really drains you physically and spiritually. So if you want to develop personally, I would certain recommend moving to any other state.

    I see my friends or extended family from CA, 99%of them have these bland Facebook photos and such a bland existance. You can just tell they never managed to blossom because they are living in a miserable place. Kinda funny, even if they have rich parents it is the same result.

    CA will become a place for super rich people and their slaves. It is no place for young people to live or develop. The soul has been sucked out by greed at every level.

  76. Comments are still coming in. I now know I’m not the only who stays up late at night and randomly types things into the Google search engine like, ” I can’t live in California any longer.”

    I am in my mid fifties, male, single, no kids and have lived in California my whole life. I grew up in Fresno but also lived in Santa Barbara, all over LA and it’s various suburbs/towns, the Bay Area and towns in Kings and Kern counties. So I’ve seen a pretty good chunk of this state and it’s different populations. The only thing keeping me here are my two elderly parents who are in their mid to late 80’s.

    Everything I do now is plotting my escape. I’ve been slowly selling off all my unnecessary personal possessions and every spare second I have is doing research on where I’m going to move to when the time comes. I can not believe that in my lifetime I’ve seen this state turn into the cesspool that it is now. Previous commenters have already pointed all the negatives about the state.

    I used to believe that if I could live in extreme Northern California I’d be able to at least eke out some type of decent existence until my dying day. I have folders filled with information about Redding CA but I would still be within the boundaries of CA and be subjected to all the problems. Also, there are so many negative things I’ve heard about that place since I was a teenager that I can’t really verify but don’t want to chance encountering them once I commit to the move.

    I really have no idea where to go. Once my parents are gone that will be it. I’ll be alone with only one family member who lives up in the East Bay and works in Silicon Valley with their spouse and they show no interest in leaving. They have a 1950’s ranch style house that’s worth close to one million dollars. The house is so old that there is chicken wire that was used in the concrete stucco.

    What’s happened to CA and what’s going on with the rest of the country in terms of the young people and their attitudes has made me actually think about becoming an expatriot.

    Who knows…Maybe I’ll move to South Korea or China and teach English!!!

    • Don’t leave America, just leave California. We need all the true Americans here! Head east. I know it seems like the whole country is bad but I assure you, the rest of the country is completely different. California doesn’t even feel like America anymore, and you realize how much once you visit some other states.

      • No, the rest of the country is not completely different. SE NM is the same as CA. Being oilfield you would think it is conservative, yet I do not even open my mouth anymore. Also I can go to the bank and see one white person other than myself and that may be a bank teller. We must speak Spanish in order to work almost any job here. Having lived in both CA most of my life and WA, I came here about 20 years ago loving other cultures and respecting everyone as equal, teaching my child to do the same – until the last ten years or so here when the ‘minority’ population became more of a majority. This is when I saw an alarming amount of hatred towards anyone white.

        It gets very lonely and discouraging. You know, I wouldn’t know where a person could go, you can’t escape this anymore. Everywhere you go the WEB is – and mostly it is destructive. John, I know you were talking about how gmail knows all of your business – is there a way we could comment without our opinions being forever downloaded to the supercomputer?

        • Hi Sue, the rest of the country is not perfect but it is still completely different than California. There are some liberal areas yes but in general almost the entire country comes nowhere close to California’s level of liberalism, with the exception of a couple places, like Manhattan NY and Albuquerque NM for example.

          It’s true, well comments on this blog are stored on TechReader’s private dedicated servers, not google servers.

    • Go to the Florida Panhandle.. very relaxed… there is a mixture of democrats and republicans.. its not crowded at all.. Destin is very nice, and lots of people retire there! Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi also have beautiful homes on lakes and the gulf shores… The homes are 5 times bigger than those in California, yet so much cheaper!

    • you may not like the idea but how about mid-west? How about Columbus OH, Indianapolis IN, or some other states south to it (TN, GA)? Housing is more affordable, population is safer, yes it is humid but you won’t have to count every penny to survive and your commute will be on avg 30 min to work (one way).

  77. Moon Beam should take in some homeless folks and illegals to his rich properties.
    I read he trades welfare for democratic votes using our tax dollars.
    I hope tax payers all leave before the next bubble. and how polluted with
    unsanitary conditions and trashed.

  78. Wow, what a great article. My wife and I moved to California three years ago from the East Coast for work to the Bay Area. All I can say is that we are planning on moving in the next year or two back east. This article sums up everything we despise about California. The people in this state are cold and heartless. No one waves at you or smiles when you hold the door open for them. It has been a strange transition for us. Also, the traffic is unbearable and at times I feel like I spend the majority of my life here in California in a car. It is not a pedestrian friendly state. The rent prices, gang culture, shitty attitudes, traffic, no seasons, flaky people, pollution, crappy streets, and much more make California the worse place to move. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT move to California from the East Coast.

    • If only so many east coasters would keep out… then we wouldn’t hear their endless complaining and them moving back, thus defeating the purpose. How would it feel knowing that many of these problems are due to transplants themselves?

  79. WOW, this article is soooo dead on. I am also a CA native and will never live there again. I was lucky to be a 70’s and 80’s child and see how great it was. Now that I am in my 40’s, I will NEVER move back there again. I just wished I could convince my family to move away from there but that won’t happen. Otherwise I would not even bother to visit. I cannot understand why ANYONE would want to live in a state ran by morons. CA was stupid enough to bring back a loser and flunky like Jerry Brown. This guy is not only a complete waste of life but also a pompous blow hard moron. I always said, if it’s Brown, flush him down. Too bad they couldn’t get enough of his stupid tactics the first time. Just for fun I wanted to see what a 15 foot Uhaul truck would run going from SLC, Utah too Garden Grove CA on a specific date and time. It was 273.00. NOW I did the same truck, same time and reverse the route too SLC, Utah FROM GG, CA and it was 498.00!!! So they are penalizing people for taking moving trucks out of that gosh forsaken heck hole. Amazing. I have always said, if your going to do a horrible crime, do it in California. This is one of the biggest reasons why child predators LOVE California. Perfect place for them to prowl.

    The laws there protect rapists, pedophiles, serial killers etc. Now that CA is making gun ownership even more hard, it’s going to get worse. Too bad the people who can’t afford to leave are stuck living in fear that they may wake up in the middle of the night to see some freak in a hoodie lurking over their bed. In CA someone breaks into your home and you do kill them, dump the body down a dry well in the Mojave and keep your mouth shut! After all, in CA if someone breaks into your home and you just hurt them, they will sue and they WILL WIN. Remember, in CA you have no rights, the criminals do.

    John you sir are a DARN GOOD WRITER! Keep it up!

    • This is very true about the moving trucks. This is because there is a mass exodus from California, so the way moving truck rates work is supply and demand. Since there are few people moving to California and many people moving out, there would be no trucks left, so the moving truck companies need to actually drive their own trucks back to California in order to have any available for people to move.

      Also, California moving truck companies want to milk Californians for every penny, so they double the rates above their actual cost. During high demand times, the price is even higher.

      You are very right about trucks being half the rate, but trucks going cross country are 3 to 4 times the rate out of California than into California. I paid just $400 bucks for the moving truck but I had to pick it up from a different state outside of California. It was worth it, I saved over $1,000 bucks doing that.

  80. John, this place is so bad now and now we are moving back to Georgia the red state. Thank you for your blogs. We are leaving asap we can’t retire here anymore, are taxes are so high for water sewer rates, paying for everyone’s bills.

      • Thank you John for your assessments, it’s really bad now I hope you post more. I understand it’s a state that will give excessive fines and make criminals out of good folks. If you hear new things please alert us so we can feel better about being invaded out of our homes and forced to move to a better place.

  81. Big water usage penalties & tickets sent to customers for using water, no grass anymore allowed.
    Fines can be 500. a day and up to thousands a day. Calif measures the water each house uses and
    publishes names of persons. This is fascist.

  82. I’m a San Francisco native currently living in Madrid, Spain – been here for 6 years and was thinking about moving back.
    All your points are totally valid. Great article. Helping me decide that it’s best to stay put. Miss my friends though 🙁

  83. Oh dear! Help!!!

    We are considering LA or Santa Clarita area and have never lived there! I believe everything you say but it’s so hard to not try it when it’s on the bucket list. I do not want to be a fool either! My husband is a full-time drummer in South FL and would love to experience the music life there because we think it has more opportunities to offer…? Of course he would have to start from zero.

    I have an 11 year old daughter and I am worried about her school education. I am a substitute teacher/realtor and drive Uber. I wonder if we will make ends meet! The article is great and sincere; the comments support everything you say and yet I still wish we had a crystal ball telling us if yes or no, but this discussion might be that crystal ball!!! I don’t even think of auditions although I studied acting. I will first have to find a way to survive and raise my daughter to then go out and venture.

    So… why the notion of LA is the best? California is the place “to be”? It’s a flake? We are in the process of making the final decision and this article makes me want to run away before I even get there! And what of my husband’s dream? I know deep in his heart he feels he needs to go and try things there! We would go to start from zero with no jobs and we are not rich at all.

    • If you are a musician you better not go to LA unless you want to be homeless. The good news is due to the great weather when you are homeless you won’t freeze to death in the winter. The bad news is that if you make less than $100,000 per year for one person then you cannot even make end’s meet which is just rent and food due to the extreme cost of living. Moreover, there is no music scene in LA unless you are in a mariachi band. Don’t be fooled, hollywood is one big fat lie.

      • You are totally correct, that is all fallacy about CA and LA show-business. Thank you John! You are saving lives by exposing pure
        the truth.

    • Good luck. I am affluent and moved out at at 52 and my hubby at 62. We lived and owned two homes one on the beach in Santa Monica and one in Palm Springs. I was offered a great position as a money manager in North Carolina and we bought a home in Cocoa Beach on the sand …

      The state tax on NC is higher for me than CA but FL has no state tax. I would never move to the valley the air quality is the worst and the area offers nothing.

      I love Manhattan. LA has no rapid transit and you have to have a great car, I have an Audi 2017 Q7 so if you want to get to work 10 miles away from where you live, expect a three hour commute 1.5 hours each way.

      If you work out of your home, you’ll make it.

      The pay is as high in Charlotte NC as Los Angeles.

      We are retiring in Naples Beach Fl or Charleston waterways South Carolina, both I can easily spend million on a home or 500 and fix up stuff as I go.

      Earthquake insurance has a 25k deductable, we never had it.

      I was raised in Pacific Palisades/ Bel Air and my husband Beverly Hills CA.

      Go to Washington, Seattle or Texas or the eastern seaboard. If you must have dry weather, there is AZ, CA, NV west of the Rocky’s. Parts of Oregon, Portland is supposed to be nice.

      Live on a huge river.

      They build homes in hurricane areas out of concrete, no termites, and you have hurricane shutters on all four-pane windows. That’s how most homes come. Cocoa Beach to Saint Petersberg a great 4000sf home or a great 2000sf home can be bought for 500k. Great freeway system like cali without the traffic.

      I’d go to Florida, I love it there and I love Marina del Rey beach California, but the traffic is horrific and it is an affluent area.

    • I hate Santa Clarita, the jobs are scarce in that area, and check it out and make sure you have employment before you go. The air quality sucks, its the NE San Fernando Valley. If you like dry weather and bumper to bumper traffic or work out of your home you’ll make it.

      See my former comment, it’s all marketing for California since they are losing a lot of the population to other states and big business/industry has been moving out of Cali since the 1990 in full force, and prior though I was too young to remember. I had a window of opportunity to leave California in 2007 and I took it.

      The traffic will drive you insane, one day to travel 50 miles, and 10 miles to work, 3 hours daily on average. You have to have a great car. I have an Audi Q7 2017 and that’s good enough. If you see a job advertised in your area, the pay will suck, the work is about like Florida. I love Florida, for retiring and we have a vacation home their which we love.

      California, my husband from Beverly hills and I was reared in Pacific Palisades and Bel Air.

      California is the best weather in the world, though some people like cool weather. If your thin, like me, warm weather was the only thing keeping me their and a career I could not leave until I was 50, it involved a family engineering firm.

      I love Manhattan. LA has no rapid transit and you have to have a great car,

      If you work out of your home, you’ll make it.

      The pay is as high in Charlotte NC as Los Angeles.

      We own a second home (we don’t rent out) in Cocoa Beach on the sand but there are too many renters so we will sell it and sell our Charlotte NC home, list it next month.

      I am retired and my husband is retiring as soon as Charlotte sells, then we will retire in Naples Beach Florida, or Charleston SC on the waterways and have one acre of land at least, a Victorian home with an elevator from the garage stopping at each of the three levels. It’s 3300 sf. on Over 1 acre of land and has a private boat slip and dock and garage dock. We want privacy galore and both places offer it. Mt Pleasant Charleston is nice, nicer than Beverly Hills for living and working and retiring.

      I do not have family left in Cali, except for one set of cousins. You could send me a first class ticket to LAX and I’d mail it back.

      I might meet up with my cousins in Palm Springs CA but for a few week vacation.

      In NC, on Lake Norman it is hard to find a small home and we have no children or siblings, just a hubby of 34 years. For what we want, boat dock and at least on acre of land and remember we are retiring so this is not a starter home.

      NC Lake Norman the homes are about 5000 to 10000 sf an at 400k-12000000K. Charleston and Mt. Pleasant, the homes are smaller, with a boat slip, private dock, private pool, acre magnificent views of the water and skyline, is a little pricey, but we have to have great water views and a pristine acre of grounds and the house should match what we have which has everything minus the elevator. My husband has had four knee surgery’s and it would make his life better.

      Charleston has a lot of work, and Charlotte NC has a ton of work combined with Durham or Wake Forest, you’d be employed for life. We are moving to have views and more land and privacy since we bought a house close to work, that was our main thing. 2500 sf, two stories, granite counter tops, duel master baths upstairs and down, master down, walkins, bay windows, huge amount of natural light, 35 foot ceilings, new roof, new ac, stainless appliances high end and all the up grades for 300k

      I’ll need to pay 600k to 700k in Charleston for what we have, but we will, since we will sell Cocoa Beach too. We need the land, we want grounds and privacy and Charlotte does not provide it for us, at least not in our home next to our work.

      Why Cali, really there is nothing great about that State unless you plan to be self employed and work out of your home. Or have a lot of money and want to rent or lease on the beach?

    • We moved out of CA at the end of October. The crime is out of control. There are no consequences for criminals because of the laws that Governor Brown has passed. Felonies are now misdemeanors, etc. I started a huge online neighborhood watch group for the 5 cities near where we lived and I’m telling you that a day doesn’t go by without getting mail and packages stolen, cars broken into, houses being hit, etc. I’m talking in neighborhoods with average prices of $600,000-$800,000. It never ends. Thugs come out of LA and go to nice neighborhoods where there are no bars on the windows to steal!!!! I would highly urge you to NOT go. Crime has increased so much over the last few years because of the laws that have been enacted. There are so many homeless people that are mostly drug addicts. If they werent on drugs, they would be living in a shelter or getting a job. I was hit up TWICE one time in the same drive through line by people coming up to my window!! Also, this article failed to mention how much you will pay for electricity. We moved from Ohio to CA in 2013 and our first electric bill was $660 and I almost had a heart attack. CA charges you more per KwH. the more you use, the more your rate goes up. I was paying 4X the amount in CA for the same amount of electricity we used in OH. Same with water……had the sprinkler system set when we moved in and I had no idea how much water was. Our first bill was $550 for 2 months worth of water.

    • Sharon – If your husband is a drummer and wants to explore that, try Nashville! Nicer people, and way more music oriented than Los Angeles. Music people in LA are arrogant A-holes. I’ve been there and experienced it. The musicians in Nashville are collaborative, fun, love gigging and there are ALL KINDS OF MUSIC there now. Not just country! Also, there are way more opportunities to play there than in LA. Many great cities just on the outskirts of Nashville that are affordable and have terrific schools too!

    • Don’t do it!!!

      I work there off and on year on and year off.
      I make well over $120k per year plus travel pay and still stay in a trailer when I am there on work, my wife stays at home in Michigan in our awesome house in Michigan while I am away.

      This is in the bay area and I am the only white person in the area.
      You will have to hook yourself and kid out just to share a crappy room at a motel 6 there.
      THIS IS A 3RD WORLD COUNTRY!!! Stay where you are at or you will be sorry!!!
      (If you love your child don’t move to California.)

    • Before moving to CA I always thought these types of articles and blogs’ intentions were to discourage additional people from moving to California because it’s so overcrowded. I moved to San Diego with my girlfriend 6 months ago which had been my life-long dream; I’m 33. This article hits the nail on the head.

      Coming from MN, a well-ran state by its officials, seeing CA is an eye opener. We get parking citations almost daily for persnickety reasons, car sometimes gets towed ($350), car registration fees, driver license fees, high rent, LOW paying jobs (same job in MN pays $26/hr; in CA it only pays $12 for the same job), people don’t give a crap so customer service is dead, roads are horrible (why!? No freezing or thawing), everyone is miserable and struggling, and many more reasons.

      The ONLY good thing in California is the weather and terrain. We’re looking at moving back to MN. Even though I read these negative articles about living in Cali before I moved, I didn’t even see it when I visited. It’s something I had to experience myself to understand. It’s up to you.

  84. Glad I lived in CA in the good old days. Terrible place now. Traffic alone is pitiful. That and the Chargers have to deal with more away fans than locals. CA sucks the life out of you financially, spiritually. ABC, anywhere but CA.. It’s like watching dirt go down the drain. Good burritos though.

    • People say good burritos, honestly I think the burritos there are no better than my frozen burritos from the microwave. Burritos are just beans and cheese and meat and wrapping, it’s really not hard to make, anyone can make a burrito. You don’t need to live in California. Plus, south Texas is basically Mexico so you can go there to get genuine Mexican food if you really crave it. But I didn’t notice any difference between “genuine” mexican food and frozen burritos.

  85. If California is going to recycle sewer water why don’t they save the taxpayers money and give a cup to everybody so they can drink out of their toilets….

    Environmental Engineer for the EPA, (This is Julie’s friend from CA)

  86. After my mom passed in 2014, I sold her house and bought a home cash (Central OR), paid off debts and have cash in the bank. I don’t even miss the California weather, it’s cold and snowy during the winter and hot during the summer with plenty of outdoor activities and people don’t go around trashing up the campsites. Far better place to raise kids.

    I couldn’t love where I live more, it’s a conservative, but unfortunately the liberal folks in Portland far outnumber us.

    You forgot to mention some of the worst traffic and pollution too!

    The only thing I miss about California are my friends, whom I always try to get to move up here, but most have too many family ties in California. I have the feeling when their parents start kicking the bucket, the attachment to the area will fade fast.

    The grass is certainly greener outside of California…. And you won’t get fined for watering it!

    • We totally agree! Thank you all for sharing. CA is using bad water I can’t mention (sewer) recycled into drinking water. It’s all on the record and the property is not worth living there for even free. I am sorry for all our loss. Thank you for your website and letting the natives of CA voice their loss.

  87. My friends were forced out of Palm Springs and moved to Yucca Valley CA for cheaper housing. They are low income compared to non retires, no jobs there and most are on welfare and renters with multiple renters in a rental or purchased home. I miss CA but not the crime and ever changing liberal politics. It is really sad we lost a once great state and family, memories. It’s now an evil place to be.

    • My CA friends are retired, move to Yucca Valley from Palm Springs because they could not afford to retire in Palm Springs. They complained about the crime and high sewer water taxes for each house and vacant lots, multiple families per home. That small town became over crowded with poor standards of living, high taxes, bad drinking water. They are moving to AR for a better retirement and more house for the money. They are from GA and lived in CA 30 years and noticed the decline in quality of life.

  88. I was born and raised in SoCal. After nearly 35 years here Ive finally decided to make the move, leaving behind a lifetime of family, friends, networks, favorite places, etc. This place has changed for the worse in so many ways. I dont know if many of you can relate but there is just an auora of stress that looms over you when you’re here. Maybe its the traffic, the terrible attitudes of people, the cost of living… but i dont remember it being this bad when i was younger, and a lot of my friends agree… or maybe its just me lol. We had our offer accepted on a house in North Carolina today and couldn’t be happier to be getting out of CA. We’re trying to recruit our friends and family to open their eyes and make the move, and hopefully once they hear our stories of a simpler, more affordable life with many new friendly faces and positive attitudes, that they’ll consider it as well.

    Good luck CA you’re gonna need it

    • I was born in San Diego, lived there for 24 of my 30 years on this planet – I left in 2014 and haven’t looked back. The only reason I’ll return to California is to liquidate my parents’ assets when they die. I seriously hate that state.

    • I moved after 50 years, hubby 60 years from our two homes, no mortgage, one in Palm Springs and the other on the beach in Santa Monica.

      I was offered a great position with a firm on the east coast and so we moved to Charlotte North Carolina and also bought a beach house on the sand of Cocoa Beach.

      There are so much industry in Durham and Charlotte that you’ll never be out of work. Charlotte has Lake Norman which is huge larger than Big Bear lake.

      We are retiring to Charleston on the waterways and with a home with a boat ramp and slip. or Naples Beach Florida.

      Our Cocoa Beach home is 2000 sf and we want 3000. Problem with the Carolina’s is it is very hard to find a small home, we do not have children, just dogs. And there are a lot of HOA’s in Florida.

      Florida is reasonable, Charleston is pricey but a lot of Corporations are in the Mt Pleasant and Charleston area, and the home we were looking at was a Victorian, with an inside elevator taking you from your garage to each level of the house, three stories and on over an acre and a great neighborhood.

      Naples Beach is for old people like me and there is no State Income Tax in Florida.

      I like the humidly, I hate dry weather to live in all year long. Palm Springs I had to leave during the summer to our Santa Monica beach home. But at that time I was working most of the time out of the house.

      If you have money or a great career go to Cali but I don’t know why you’d want to unless you have family and friends their. The traffic caused road rage and that it when I was looking for a reason to leave.

      Hawaii is great but no work.

      Texas ? It is dry heat if you don’t like humidity. I love Dallas.

  89. I’m ready to leave California. I live about 35 miles north in a town called Petaluma. The price for a 2 bedroom is $2500, realistically who can afford that. Everyone that lives here commutes to San Francisco which is about 2 hour drive. Google is about to move to Novato which is 10 minutes from here.

    If you don’t work for a tech company or have rich parents, there’s no way of making it here. Most of my friends live at home with their parents, no one can afford rent and the friends that I know that have moved out of this state live better lives. Also transportation sucks, too many Mexicans, Asian property investors are buying up all the property driving up rents.

    Life here just keeps getting worse, large companies are taking over so no more mom and pop shops; Starbucks, Habit Burger and Chipotles on every corner. By 2060 the population of this state will be 60 million, by 2040 52 percent of the population will be Hispanic, 27 percent white, 15 percent Asian and 5 percent black. All the freeways are parking lots, transportation is a joke, homeless people everywhere.

    San Francisco is a dirthole full of whiney liberals. Everyone brags about how much they make but they don’t have homes and they complain about money when they go out and finance a brand new car. I’m ready to sell this house take the equity out and live a better life. FORGET CALIFORNIA and if anyone wants to move here don’t! It’s a false hope.

  90. What an excellent article and discussion. I have been thinking about leaving California for awhile. I have lived in Southern CA (SD) for 35 years. It was a different place 35 years ago. Now with a family and 4 kids, two in college and a very over worked husband, I feel we are sliding backward and not really able to save much for retirement.

    Also, my grown kids will never make it in San Diego and so they won’t want to live here. Too expensive and not enough jobs. I’m encouraging them to stay where they are if they find work after college. One is in Sacramento and already has a job, graduating soon. The other has 2 more years to go in Spokane at a college there. I have homeschooled my kids up through 8th grade to avoid all the public school nonsense and liberal agendas, but they are now getting all that through their college. Not sure it will stick though. But still having 2 kids at home, and a house that easily sells for over $700K, I think we need to leave California.

    The only way for us to get a lower stress life is to sell and move to a lower cost state. My first choice is Northern Florida where my sister and Mother want to move to. I was raised in Florida and always held onto the notion that California had better weather, but at what cost. My husband thinks he may be fired soon, to make way for a younger engineer and maybe even a foreigner! His company hires foreign born computer engineers who have a completely different work culture.

    They are all about pressure and results, very little human caring. No more camaraderie. Just work, work, work, pressure, pressure, pressure! His health is failing because of it. The thought of moving to back to my home state of Florida has been on my mind so much! I’m not sure I can bear to wait 2 more years for my 3rd child to graduate from High School. But I am sure I will, and maybe it will be a good time for my husband to start applying for a job in Florida at a not so high stress company.

    We have 10-15 years to go before retirement. I know the sale of our current San Diego home will help us to buy a home in cash where we are thinking of moving to. I just hope it will be the right decision. I suppose I have to re-acclimate to the humidity. I know I can do it, and thank goodness for A/C! Besides, I stay indoors all summer where I live in San Diego because it is so darn hot most of the time. Anyway, I have enjoyed reading all the comments and what other’s are thinking. I’m so glad I’m not alone.

    • Hi Michele, I feel your pain. Don’t worry, actually you will be surprised how well you re-acclimate to humidity. Actually the low humidity, even though it feels great, causes dehydration and is bad for the skin long-term, especially the eyes which dry out quickly. Also smart choice homeschooling your kids! That is the only way to go in California, the public schools are a disaster on so many levels in California.

      Other states may not be perfect, but when compared to California, it pales in comparison. Other states’ problems are nothing compared to California’s problems (except select areas like Washington D.C. and New York). Plus, when you sell that near-million dollar house and buy the same size house with cash for ~$150k in a normal state, and with no mortgage and no stress about money anymore, your quality of living will go up drastically. Just be careful and spend and save your new-found wealth wisely! The leftover $600k can last a lifetime if you use it right.

  91. I gotta say, I’m Irish and I lived in LA for 12 years, since I was 19 from Ireland. And I moved to the UK when I left LA. I left because I loathe the flakiness of people most. People are full of B.S. No one ever follows through in personal life or in business. It’s highly unprofessional and should you dare want to achieve anything creatively, unless nepotism is on your side, take a ticket and get in line to have smoke blown up your ass or you can do what many smarter people than my young 19 year old self did, go to a culture that appreciates you for your talents, whatever they may be, if you’re a wannabe lawyer, New York or London, if you’re a trainee doctor, Canada or Australia. If you’re a writer or into the arts, stay in England or Europe! For your own sake, DO NOT MOVE TO CALIFORNIA! It’s a tyrannical Liberal garbageshow too and everyone is flaky as heck! They will always talk the talk but never walk any type of walk.

  92. Enjoyed this read, really did.  Agree with ALL of the above reasons.  I worked for two counties in California, and…  Yikes.  The NorCal and SoCal gangs are out of control and now the Salvadorean gangs are coming into the state.  For 6 years we lived in the ‘honeymoon’ cottage at $850/month, a one bedroom 400 sq ft.  And that was a steal at that time.  We could not get approved to move anywhere, no matter how hard we tried.  We tried to get into a 2 bedroom apartment 5 years ago and it was $800/month.  Tried again 2 years ago and it was $1200/month.  This state is going to hell in a hand basket, and is NOT NOT NOT a place to live.  You can’t.  Unless you bought a house back in 1980s, forget it.  And it’s only getting worse.  Gang shootings are more common than the ocean tide.  Yeah, people fall inlove with the IDEA of living here.  The IDEA is often uneducated or a simple dream.  Unfortunately, it’s expensive to move too.  But, worth it if you can pull it off.  We moved out eastward, and it’s…  Worlds better than California.  WORLDS better.  Like many, do your research and it won’t take long for anyone to realize California will not be getting better unless a series of miracles happen.  But, with current polls and increased likelihood of California retaining a liberal dream, probably not going to happen.  Like I’ve told many people, California is a great place to visit, NOT a good place to live.

    • Hello, even some retired people who worked in law enforcement told me
      they will not visit there, they are uncomfortable just driving there across the
      state line.

  93. Hey John, I hate California too 😛 The flakes, the taxes, the over population, the eco nuts, the corruption, the laws, the PC culture just makes me sick. Also I don’t like that they are exposing children to sex so early. Like, let kids be kids.

    • I plan on being in Colorado in two years.  Unfortunately my husband works for a judge and is on a 2 year term.  It would be career suicide to bounce out early.  Orange county to Colorado… I cant wait.  It seems like paradise.  Also, I truly believe this drought is not ending and housing is going to tank for real in 15-20 years after people are forced out. Historically, it is not uncommon for a drought to last a century.  I plan to be living in a cute suburb of Denver before then. They get droughts and wildfires but not like us. 

  94. Many Californians come to Colorado and Texas and try to push the same things that made Cali miserable. So to anyone leaving California, please be respectful of the places you move to and remember that you left Cali for a reason : )

  95. After 17 years here, I’m plotting my escape. California is significantly not as advertised for all the reasons listed in this wonderful article and for many more. I’ve never met so many untrustworthy, drug addled, delusional, bitter and miserable people in all my life. No one is sincere…a man’s word is not his bond around these parts. Most women are impossibly self absorbed. If you are white you are entirely a minority. If you are not a liberal you will NOT fit in, ever. The second amendment does not exist here, I have all the paperwork to prove it. The populace is heavily taxed from every angle, fees, tickets, citations…anything and everything to milk you of every last dollar. And never mind the fact that the great state of California is essentially north Mexico now. 

  96. Thanks for writing this article. By the way, I accidentally hit send before I was finished. I am a Washingtonian and native Montanan. My husband is from So Cal. We live the life up here in the Evergreen state and live in a house that we bought for less than 500k on an island but that would cost 5 million in So Cal. I know sometimes he feels bad about staying here because his family has chosen to willingly stay in the dump that So Cal has become. I believe their pride prevents them from moving. They could not possibly admit they were wrong (because that’s how they are.)  I don’t like So Cal at all. Each time I visit I think “the emperor has no clothes.” Everyone says So Cal is the place to be, but then I visit and I feel like I have descended into hell itself. This is in contrast to where we live now, which is AMAZING. The beach is only 200 feet from where we live and we can see seals, sea lions, porpoises, and sometimes orca anytime we like. People are friendly. It’s safe. It’s  not over-run by illegals and in fact I never see any illegals. Almost all of WA State is like this, save a few pockets of Seattle itself. Seattle is going straight to the dump too. UGH. But, any of the smaller towns in WA are just fantastic for anyone who likes safe, friendly areas full of nature wherever you go. Seattle is liberal, but the rest of WA is not. The rest of WA tends to have their head on straight, unlike the liberal indoctrination that occurs in Seattle. I love raising kids here and I am proud that they are born and bred Evergreeners. 

    • I was born in very Northern California on a farm. what has happened to this state is criminal. I’m 84 so will be exiting soon. I used to love this state.

      • Where will you go brave person at 80 y/o? Please share because I don’t like the red state of AZ that much. CA is a fantasy gone bad. I cry about having lost the ranch, lost identity, job and past. Can never afford to go back and be falsely arrested again in CA liberal. The night mares, PTSD, forced out of my home in CA. It ruined us because we can’t find another home when your older it’s hard to pick a new place.

        Arizona has dirty electricity and high cancer rates. Every corner is a 200 ft. cell tower beaming strong radiation into you through your car and house. Big heavy power lines above ground buzzing transformers. The underground are worse and put out more hi milli gauss. Should I try again and go for cheap ground, put a RV and live like a homeless person in a lost dream. I was so happy there taking care of so many people, now it’s all reversed. I am falling apart missing my old job and friends after leaving CA.

        Please advise, I am getting sick in AZ from the EMF’s and dirty electricity from unsophisticated electrical workers who are not up to code like CA. Can we take back our CA through our new President? Please advise? Would a very long, extra long shaker help?

        • 80 is tough. There are a lot of older people in Florida. Houses are inexpensive, depending on where you live. FL is not perfect but certainly better than CA. At 80 life would be tough living in a trailer park, I do not recommend that life for anyone.

          As far as CA, CA is a lost cause, even with Trump. Trump has to focus on the nation as a whole, and doesn’t have the time to be reversing liberal CA, after all he would need to eject 90% of the population of CA which is not American even to begin to fix the problems as well as eject 99% of the politicians in CA, so I don’t think that is going to happen in only 4 or 8 years. CA is a lost cause for now. Maybe is 2 to 3 decades, but by then, it will be too late for you at 80 years old, sadly it sounds like CA is lost for you, I am sorry to say it.

  97. Hey, life long Angeleno here and let me tell you, this is fully on point. I left LA for a few years, but came back because I got home sick. Bad move. LA changed so much in just a few years, I didn’t even recognize it. The traffic is worse, the cost of doing fun things like Disneyland is worse, the cost of living is worse. I’m married without kids, and while I really want them, I’m afraid to here. I also work as support staff in Beverly Hills and used to do the same work in Santa Monica. The things I hear teachers teach their kids raised many eyebrows! Oh my gosh! Things have just gotten so bad! It’s also really hard as I’ve lived here basically for three decades and the strong majority of my life, and I really see this place as home, but I just don’t know if I can keep it up anymore. It’s gut wrenching for me. Due to some issues, my wife and I are stuck here for at least another year. Once those issues are cleared up, I think we are going to hitch up our wagon train and move out. And this time, I don’t think I’ll ever be moving back, which is a little painful, but necessary. I’m still undecided on our final destination.

    • i hear some folks from CA move to Las Vegas, Nevada. Been to Nevada many times and dry heat is brutal. My mouth, eyes and nose dry out very quickly, my lips develop painful cracks, my skin gets so dry -Unbelievable! How do people live there?? I live on east coast with a lot of humidity and although I love how non-humid air feels like this is where it ends. ..but maybe it is just me.

  98. I completely agree, but the only reason I am stuck here is to help my parent’s small business and by small I mean very small populationbecause everything is too expensive,and everyone is getting sued. Then there are tons of H1B workers controlling not only the tech industries but everything from hotel positions, medical, real estate, car sales and maintenance, legal and the list goes on- who are against Americansin California and want the system to be like theirs in their own country. So many immigrants are allowed to take advantageof the system. Now I hear Texas is also having tons of that as well.

  99. I’m 23, just graduated college and have lived in California my whole life. I want to move out of California because I see the all the issues you mention in this article and are noticing more and more businesses closing their doors. Where do you recommend moving? 

  100. I’ll tell you this. Throughout my lifetime I’ve been stuck in Southern California and there are literally no good deeds that have been handed to me. Everything is expensive.. Gas is expensive (And of which is pointless because of our HORRIBLE traffic issues).. HIGH regulations on ALL guns asides from shotguns.. (which makes no sense..) And just the pure shed of 100 degree heat every single day asides from winters, where it goes from 50 degrees in mornings to 80 in afternoon. No rain..  Also all those gun laws… Did they help stop any crimes including firearms? Not really, It only gave the person more charges…

  101. Well, shoot. I was considering moving to Northern California– about 45 minutes out of Sacramento. I’m a technical writer, and I have seen jobs posted in my field. Is this a bad call? I would be looking to move around the first of the year.

    • If you ask me, I say yes it’s a bad call. This is coming from someone who moved to California several years ago and just left California. Unless you enjoy being a minority in your own country, being around people of whom the majority of which can’t speak English, prices being ridiculously absurd, do I need to go on? Just read the list above. There are many other cities in the U.S. which pay similarly or even much more relatively, when you consider California living expenses. In the end, it’s up to you, but I would strongly warn against making the mistake of moving to California.

      p.s. even if you can get a job there, remember that you’re constantly competing with 10,000 immigrants willing to take your job for half the pay. So keep that in mind – job security is absolutely not guaranteed, assuming you can even get a middle-class job there. If you are middle class, even middle-upper class, you will really struggle in California. And if you make less than $50,000 in California, well that is lower-class in California, you’re not going to survive.

      • $50K? You live nowhere in California with that! In the bay area, less than 150K is hell! How do you pay $3800 in rent for a 2BR, gas, food and taxes on $50K? No way! I moved to California because my husband was in the Military, 6 years ago. Since he retired, we are trying desperately to move from this hell. While we are among the happy few who are well above 6 figures, I am advising people against moving here also!  What kind of quality of life do you have when the slightest shopping trip takes you 4 hours on the road due to politics who are more worried about serving corporate interests (that are paying them an absurd amount of money) rather than fixing the roads and serving the rest of the population? Even one of the giants of the Pharmaceutical industry, I am working for, cannot hire statisticians because they do not want to move here… MAYBE at one point are Sacramento politicians going to realize that their boat is sinking and that all sailors are jumping ship?

    • It’s actually a good idea.m Sacramento’s housing is much cheaper than the bay area and southern California and a job as a technical worker in the bay area pay  a lot more than most cities. Only move to California if you are going into high tech or healthcare and work in the bay area. Don’t go to Southern Cal. because it has little benefits. The best is if you live in Sacramento and commute to the bay area. [If you can stand 2 hour drive]

    • Hmm… I actually work in one of the biggest bio-techs of the Bay Area and I live in Sacramento and I commute 4 times a week… Californian drivers are such crass imbeciles that a 100-Mile commute turns into 3:30hr ordeal. I would not advise to live in Sac and work on the Bay unless you work from home 4 days out of 5. Knowing that it is difficult to find a job out of state because Corporate America thinks it is a risk to hire relocating people (don’t ask me why), I suggest you just do not set a foot in this hell. Period.

      California drivers (and most Californians) are so far beyond dumb and self-centered that at rush hours and despite the dozens of signs “slower traffic keep right”, they adamantly ride at snail pace on the left lane, hindering the traffic and forcing other drivers to pass them on the right which is, of course, more dangerous. CHP, of course, does nothing to enforce that, and Californians -on top of not being the sharpest knives in the drawer- are also mean egotistic individuals who, even if there are 50 yards between them and the next car, even if they are fully aware that they are hindering traffic, will accelerate to not let you get in between them and the car in front of them. Even if they know full well that what they are doing is dangerous and that they could opt to ride on the right lane if they absolutely want to drive slower than the traffic.

      What California drivers specialize in also is -get this- riding at the same snail pace on all lanes at the same time. You find yourself behind a front of 5 morons, mouth open, still drooling from their night and/or holding their phones to their ear, riding at the exact same speed, disregarding completely whether a cortege of cars is following them, or if they are blocking traffic. All of the sudden they realize that for 10 minutes they were not paying attention, they are disoriented and they slam on their brakes for no other reason than the fact that they are pitiful dangerous a** holes… Honestly, my spouse being in the military and my father being in the merchant marine, I have lived and driven just about everywhere in the world and that includes big cities like Paris, Milan, London, Amsterdam, Johannesburg, Madrid, San Jose (Costa Rica), Durban, Munich, New York and all main cities in the US and I have NEVER seen that in my entire life. We have been happy everywhere else but we desperately want out of this sh** hole of California.

      Idiotic and corrupted government, idiotic laws, idiotic people, outrageous taxes, outrageous traffic issues, outrageous housing prices, outrageous prices in general: Do not come here or leave as soon as you can! Unless you hold a PhD in office politics and hypocrisy, you don’t want to work with these people anyway!

  102. I moved here from the East Coast 10 years ago and I cannot wait to leave and move back.  Southern California is terrible place to raise families.  It’s super expensive to live here that results to poor quality of life because all you do is work to afford to live in SoCal. People are assholes and fakes, they act nice to your face but then stab you in the back.  Traffic is ridiculous, there is always a jam in any major highway no matter what route you take.  The weather is HOT most of the time, it rarely rains.  Air quality is poor, there are even days where you cannot go outside due to the SMOG brought in by the Santa Ana Winds.I finally sold my house and will be moving back East next month where there are Seasons and Rain.

    • We moved 2 years ago from California to Payson AZ, We love it here and the
      people are so nice, it’s America again. The speed limits are faster and less
      traffic, no tickets here. It’s like being free and all American again.
      The weather is better here as well, our friends live in other parts of AZ and
      off route 66. The land is cheaper, the water is good for wells and owning a
      home is much affordable, the people are nice and proper. Also our friends
      moved from Norco CA to Snowflake AZ and the ground is cheap and water
      table there. They have many horses and 20 acres, so happy and retired in Snowflake AZ.

  103. I am so glad you posted this. I am 46 and have lived in LA county for 23 years. Now, my native Californian husband and I are selling our home, our small rental property, every stick of our furniture and are moving to north Texas. For every reason that you mentioned plus, the fact that my husband who has worked and commutes for over 20 years finds himself out of work for 18 months and counting. After applying for over 300 jobs (I’m not kidding) he has had 3 interviews. No jobs are anything other than “contract” now so they don’t have to provide healthcare (thanks Obama). When he applies, he is asked in what currency he wishes to be paid, since he is competing with foreigners. He just showed me a photo from a company site that showed all their recent hires, all 20 something Asian females. Males were only interns. Wow, his incredible education and experience doesn’t count. But if you can work a miniskirt, you’re in! So Bye Bye California. Thanks for the massive equity. I am getting a house for cash in a place where Americans aren’t discriminated against.

  104. I am there sista! I was born and raised in California. At 35 on July 15th, I am taking my Mini Cooper, my son, my dog, and my California wages to Houston. I can’t wait!!! This place has been sucking us dry. And you hit the nail on the head on ALL of the issues Ca is facing. I am not going to buy some over priced **** hole just to say I live in Cali.

      • Funny you say that. My family is from Houston and my cousins have migrated out to the bigger cities around there and when we came out in March my cousin said that all these Californias are sucking the life out of their towns and raising rents, etc. he said, “thank you for visiting but go home.” Not to us of course! But it does make you wonder if Texas will soon be a more humid version of CA. 

        • sadly it really has( or atleast is well on its way to be CA) I live in west central Austin now and even though I make close to the average house hold income(by myself) I am trapped into renting or buying an hour away. areas on the east side that 10 years ago where 100k are now 4 times that and if your near downtown ive seen places go up 10 times what they where worth a decade ago. If your moving to texas north houston areas like the woodlands and spring are nice even south west in seabrook and league city are nice coastal areas, addison denton and fort worth in north texas..corpus christi is a hidden gem if you can find work down there. and austin is stil home to me so i might be bias but there is alot of tech jobs here and great things to do, if your ccan afford 300k plus in the city for a condo or town house you can find some ok ones or live in a decent house half an hour away anything less.. the pay here hasnt quite caught up to the cost of living and inflated housing market (ive read ~25% ) but all in all its a pretty good place to live. Ive always wanted to live in california and enjoy the ocean and the mountains so close but very few of my friends have been able to make a life out there espeacially the ones that moved to san clemente/ southern CA

        • That’s funny, 40 years ago that’s what all the Californians were saying to all the liberal East Coasters who were watching all the programs based in CA and moving out there. What a mess it has been since. Everywhere I ‘do’ find that is good and move—here they come–gee what’s that all about??

  105. We are moving to South Dakota, for all of the reasons you have stated, and a few more.  The tipping point was when we had to pay a lumber “tax” because we bought wood originating from outside of California.  Completely ridiculous!

  106. “Vaccines, which are proven to cause neurological issues, are being forced on the population.”
    I want to know more about this, can you please provide some sources? Thanks.


      If you want to read some real studies, here are 100 studies proving the dangers of vaccines. If you have the time, do read all of them.

      Even the U.S. Government agrees that vaccines are dangerous:

      But even if you don’t read all that, there is very simple common sense evidence. Mercury is known to be a toxin. In fact, whole schools are evacuated if one mercury thermometer breaks. Yet, this same mercury is injected directly into your body in vaccines! Mercury has been commonly used as a vaccine preservative for decades. It is in each and every vaccine. Not a small amount either, since only a very small amount of mercury is all that is needed to be toxic.

      So why are vaccines given? Easy. Vaccines are a trillion-dollar business. It is simply a product, and a product which can easily create demand by scaring and brainwashing people into taking them. However, why they put poison into the vaccines is another issue. They could easily put sugar water and manufacture studies saying this “special” sugar water cures the flu, and millions would let themselves be injected with sugar water. It would have no less benefit than current vaccines which are proven to have about zero effect, but at least then they wouldn’t be poisoning everyone and murdering babies with vaccine shots (aka “SIDS”; sudden infant death “syndrome” actually often occurs shortly after the baby is given a vaccine, and then the baby dies from the vaccine).

      As a side note, funny story. I was just in Southern California last week, and I went in Albertson’s (a grocery store) 3 times to get some food over the period of three days. Every time I went in the first thing I heard was advertising on the radio to get vaccines! And the same message was played multiple times during every visit. Unbelievable. Of course, at the end of the advertisement, they said the disclaimer, “this message was paid for by [the name of the vaccine sales company]”. Typical California brainwashing.

    • Even the rabies vaccine for dogs has mercury my holistic vet noted since
      the dog was tested for heavy metal poison. You are so correct! Thank you
      John for sharing this information and websites from a neurologist.

  107. I left Sacramento July 22nd, 2015 for Phoenix AZ and I could not be happier.
    I had to move 9 times in 3 years in California, and now I have lived 1 place in Phoenix for 9 months.  I’m sure glad I moved and encourage most Californians to leave that socialist utopia.

    • My goodness, I feel you. I’ve moved 10 times in the last 6 years thanks to insane rent prices and lack of affordable housing. Hotels, terrible roommate situations (so many people addicted to meth and prescription meds),one studio apartment being condemned, a house in SoCal I had to leave because of biting insects brought out by the drought…it’s been ridiculous.

  108. Agreed. I can’t wait to get out of here. I have been here for over 21 years and have never really felt like part of the area. People are such assholes. They have no culture, have attitude, are rude, and are grossly obese. Everyone seems to spend for the moment, and they have the worst sports fans in America. If you are white, you are a minority And you are at a disadvantage here. Prices are exorbitant and food is nowhere near as good as back east. Pizza sucks and expensive if you can find a half way decent slice. No NY style chinese food here. Very PC. Drivers suck. Yeah the weather is great here in the South Bay, but I really do miss a good thunderstorm every once in awhile. Summer’s can drive you crazy since the weather is hot and dry without a cloud in the sky and no breeze. 

    • You have literally the freshest produce, one of the most diverse populations, and can only think about PIZZA?? And culture! Don’t get me started, especially if you’re from the northeast… Gee, I wonder why they’re so rude…

  109. Of course, all above mentioned points are true. Even I as a guy who is originated from Asia, California is the worst state. I can’t even count how many times Californians flake on me. Whenever I try to arrange a meeting, my friends tend to use various excuses to do something else. Not only that, their ridiculous laws even ban street vendors selling healthy foods. California bans everything whenever something offend some random people. Also why should I be forced to learn the language other than English because those illegal immigrants are becoming majority in the State?

    • Go to Santa Monicabeach and you will see illegals selling food and cheap beach stuff up and down the beach.Went to the Hollywood bowl and after you get out there are illegal food operations everywhere.  Selling without permits and no one shuts them down.

  110. I’ve lived in california for 19 years. The ONLY good that came out of it was meeting my beautiful wife there. That is it. The weather is horrible!!. It is sunny and dry ALL the time. Sometimes it gets to 90 degrees during winter with santa ana winds blasting. Shallow, idiotic people. Mexican music blasting 2 in the morning and gang culture everywhere. Draconian fascist gun legislature. Overall, Commiefornia is a Dump. Overrated Dump. It leaks poisonous culture all over the world. Mindless celebrity rap gangsta consumerist, GO GREEN culture. In a nut shell, living in California is like paying price of a lexus for a ford pinto. DO NOT move to California. DO NOT above all admire the culture that comes out of there. California is a carefully put together Public Relations sham and sold to public by people like Edwards Bernays. So, read books, stay sharp and avoid California at all costs.

    • Agreed. I can’t wait to get out of here. I have been here for over 21 years and have never really felt like part of the area. People are such assholes. They have no culture, have attitude, are rude, and are grossly obese. Everyone seems to spend for the moment, and they have the worst sports fans in America. If you are white, you are a minority And you are at a disadvantage here. Prices are exorbitant and food is nowhere near as good as back east. Pizza sucks and expensive if you can find a half way decent slice. No NY style chinese food here. Very PC. Drivers suck. Yeah the weather is great here in the South Bay, but I really do miss a good thunderstorm every once in awhile. Summer’s can drive you crazy since the weather is hot and dry without a cloud in the sky and no breeze. 

      • Back east and food don’t belong in the same sentence. What do you guys have besides carbs? Bagels and pizzas? Puh-lease!

  111. We moved to Idaho after our son, our daughter and their families moved.  No regrets!  The people are friendly, the cost of living is way less and the fresh air, beautiful country and overall peace of mind, body and soul, made it totally worth it!  California is no place to raise a child if you want them to grow up with value, respect and love of those around you.  California is no place to raise a child if you want them to be WHO GOD CREATED THEM TO BE!  Freedom of rights and value have been stolen by the government in California along with our ability to live without being taxed to live a comfortable life!  Beware people. ….California is only going to get worse!  It’s already horrible!

    • Whereabouts in Idaho did you move to? My wife, I and our 3 young boys are getting the hell out of CA. Boise has been on our list for a year now and as soon as my wife gets her transfer approved out there, we are gone! Paying $2200 for a 2 bedroom apt and 1 car detached garage is not going to cut it for us any longer here. Enough is enough!!!!!

  112. Wow! I am so glad I am not crazy and someone else can see, what I see. Everyone who I tell I am leaving, tells me I am crazy and that I will suffer a pay cut in other areas. At this point ,I don’t care. I am 28, and I am actually looking to own a home and live in a safer and more peaceful place. Everything is insanely expensive (housing) in Anaheim and traffic is insane, even when compared to 10 years ago. Looking to leave no later then next year.

    • So many people fail to make the connection between salary and cost of living. Sure, you can move to someplace like Texas and make $80K a year as opposed to CA where that 80K job would pay 200K or more. The difference is, you can live comfortably just about anywhere in Texas on 80K and probably work on your savings as well. In CA, you’d be living paycheck to paycheck and struggling.

  113. My family (both sides)settled Northern California in the mid 1850’s. When someone asks my nationality I respond “Californian”. However, I left my state in the mid ’80s. Unfortunately I saw the writing on the wall, the degradation,of the cities, the liberal agenda, the skyrocketing cost of living and the major change in the faces of the “incoming residents ” to name a few reasons. my brother is the only member of my family’s long history that still lives in San Francisco.When he is gone, our heritage dies with him. I am blessed that I grew up during a time when California was the best state in the US and I’m saddened to see and hear, from across the country, about my home’s demise. I left California with good memories. 

    • Add terrible weather to the ist. Southern California hasn’t had a nice sunny day above at least 60° since October of 2022. If you like cold, crappy, wet weather move to Southern california. It will probably be a cold summer too

      • Having lived there myself, I understand that such a comment for weather that is less than perfect 24/7 can only come from a southern californian. The rest of the world has way worse weather, you just haven’t experienced it. That said, it is unusual for socal to have many wet and rainy days, this is caused by weather modification like HAARP and chemicals sprayed into the atmosphere by chemical dispersian units (causing the blocking out of the sun you see).

        It could also simply be at least in part, natural weather cycles.

        But to others reading, “cold” to a southern californian means when they pull out their winter jackets for 55-60 degrees weather, this is “freezing” to them. They have never seen snow. Meanwhile north dakotans go out in t-shirts when it gets above 40.

  114. My family (both sides)settled Northern California in the mid 1850’s. When someone asks my nationality I respond “Californian). However, I left my state in the mid ’80s. Unfortunately I saw the writing on the wall, the degradation,of the cities, the liberal agenda, the skyrocketing cost of living and the major change in the faces of the “incoming residents ” to name a few reasons  my brother is the only member of my family’s long history that still lives in San Francisco.When he is gone, our heritage dies with him. I am blessed that I grew up during a time when California was the best state in the US and I’m saddened to see and hear, from across the country, about my home’s demise. I left California with good memories. 

  115. Interesting. I’m from Canada, considering moving to San Jose for work. Trying to find a perspective from the other side; of course, California has great PR, so it makes me wonder even more so what is or isn’t real. We probably pay more taxes in Canada (and earn less), but overall it seems even more expensive to live in California, even when you consider the higher overall income.

    • illegal immigration is a problem, but i say watch out more for the big money coming in from china speculating on real estate and buying out properties to rent them out outpricing everyone else

    • It is very expensive to live in California, I work in the healthcare industry and we get paid pretty well but I know of a lot people who regularly work 2-3 jobs just to sustain the lifestyle that they cannot afford and miss time with their families. I asked one of them when do they get to see their kids and the reply i got was “Facetime”. 

    • You can probably weather it as pretty any country overseas makes California or New York look frugal by comparison… but by US standards, the state is over regulated, overtaxed, lacking in fiscal discipline, the Assembly is notoriously incompetent and even corrupt, and the ill-conceived Propostitions 47 and 57 alongside the repressive gun acts recently enacted are causing crime to soar…

    • You can probably weather it as pretty much any country overseas makes California or New York look frugal by comparison… but by US standards, the state is over regulated, overtaxed, lacking in fiscal discipline, the Assembly is notoriously incompetent and even corrupt, and the ill-conceived Propostitions 47 and 57 alongside the repressive gun acts recently enacted are causing crime to soar…

    • I appreciate this article primarily because I believe most of it, and because we moved cross country and what a difference! We were out there in November for our son’s beach wedding and although it was absolutely beautiful, it was also 85 freaking degrees on the BEACH! Could hardly breathe.

      Some people here think/thought we were crazy to move where there were seasons, but they also believe everything they see on TV or in movies. So, this is what I suggest to those who think CA is so perfect: Go to Southern or Northern CA for 6 weeks (June gloom is always “fun” on beach in Ventura County)… then come back (if you make it back) and then let me know how fabulous the traffic, smog, fire season, mudslides, earthquakes, etc., are and make a decision. CA is sort of like the difference between “dating” a person (honeymoon stage) and “living” with them. Big difference. ?

    • There a plenty of places that have moderate weather. Why people think California has some sort of monopoly on mild weather is beyond reason. Even if it were the only place on Earth with mild weather, the other downsides make it irrelevant as the author explains quite well.

  116. okay, a couple of  things, it was conservateves that caused the downfall, california is very conservateve not like da rest of da world.  i thing california homes are expensive and rent to high because people want too live here.  also i don’t thing climate change is a hoags.

    • Thank you for being a shining example of how stupid or just plain ignorant liberal Californians are. As we know, California is a liberal socialist utopia, the most liberal place in the entire world. After all, Hollywood is there. Houses and rent are extremely exorbitantly overpriced not because people want to live there – in fact people can’t get away fast enough! There is a mass emigration (people leaving California) like never seen before in American history.

      Millions and millions of Americans are leaving every year, and in their place illegal mexicans are living off section 8 housing and welfare, at times living with 3 to 6 families all in one house. Sure, when you have multiple families who don’t pay taxes and who steal welfare money to pay rent, all this welfare money adds up and pays the ultra-high rent prices, when multiple families live in one house all living off welfare. And this mass immigration from foreigners and illegals is creating an artificial demand which subsequently creates an artificial housing shortage which in turn drives up housing and rent prices.

      And despite the fact that most real Americans have already left California and all the big businesses are also leaving as fast as possible, the population of California is growing at an alarming rate! But it is not an American population – it is mostly illegals, visa overstays, and extended “visits” (indefinite stays) by Asians whose elite ultra rich of their 1.3 billion Chinese population are buying up housing creating an artificial housing shortage in California. The entire city of Irvine is completely owned by Asians for example. There is not one American flag flying anywhere, and almost no one speaks English. Also, Businesses are bringing in cheap labor from India as well as Pakistan and other muslim countries and paying them big dollars – all of which is being sent back to their home countries and siphoned out of the American economy.

      As far as the global warming scam, it has already been scientifically disproven. Anyone who still supports the global warming propaganda is tremendously ignorant. Check out my other post which talks about that hoax.

      • John: In my experience—CA is the test state. If they get away with it there, then all of this will be coming to your state as well. Has a deal been struck with China to pay back our debt to them?

        • China isn’t who the U.S. owes the big money to. Only $1.115 trillion is owed to China. In fact we owe Japan more, $1.131 trillion. However both of these combined pale in comparison to what the U.S. Government owes the American people!

          Over 7 trillion of the U.S. National debt is owed to the American people. Over $5 trillion was stolen from Social Security, Military Retirement Fund, Office of Personnel Management Retirement Fund, Medicare, and other Retirement Funds adding up to 5 trillion dollars! Another 1.2 trillion was stolen from government Pension Funds! $1 trillion more was taken from Mutual Funds.

          Money owed to the American people actually makes up more than all foreign debt combined! China only owns a small percentage of the U.S national debt.

    • people do not want to live there, they are moving in record numbers. Housing is expensive because liberals hate cutting down trees to build more homes, among other nonsense

      • Have lived in California Central Valley all of my life – 38 years. Right now, the highway 99 corridor is plastered with billboards in Spanish with “vote” crossed out saying “vota” – a man raising his fist adorned with accompanying Virgin Mary tattoo. I have counted dozens of these. I don’t even know what country I live in. When I drive East 5 hours the graffiti dissipates, the people start to speak English again, and people actually open the door for you when you go to the grocery store. The school system was wonderful here in the 60s and 70s, but now the focus is primarily on English Language Learners. Yes, you will earn more $ in Cali, enjoy an occasional drive to a beach or mountain vista, but you have some enormous trade offs.


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Welcome my friend, Helper Cat says you need to register for that! :)