Some time ago I wrote a post about 10 reasons why California is not a great place to live. However, specifically the coastal area of Southern California within a few miles of the ocean does have its merits, albeit the benefits may not outweigh the detriments for many people.
Nonetheless, in defense of California, here are some benefits of Southern California that you can’t find anywhere else in the United States. Please note that most of this only applies to coastal Orange County, coastal San Diego, coastal Ventura county, coastal Santa Barbara county, and some (but not all) of coastal Los Angeles county; and does not apply to most of inland Southern California or much of the Los Angeles area!
10 The Pacific Coast Highway (PCH)

9 Attractions and Resorts

8 Wealth

Still, there is a lot of money in Orange County especially, which is a lot of business opportunity. It's only too bad the state will take most of your earnings through their exorbitant tax rates. Still, if you want to be around wealthy people, this is one of the few areas you will have your wish. If you don't mind hanging out in uppity, materialistic, worldly, and arrogantly pretentious atmospheres. Unless you get really lucky and and some rare good people who are not broke or washed out. And don't stray far.
7 Few natural disasters

However, most of coastal Southern California is not subject to fire risk, and droughts are most of a political ploy than anything real. (Liberals and government employees will argue about this with you.)
Moreover, earthquakes that have any real difference are very rare, only happening one to two times a century; and most of the coast does not even get minor earthquakes. If you don't go inland, you could live here for years and never feel an earthquake - not even a minor one.
6 Service Quality

Be warned, though. Many times you could be paying a higher price for standard or even substandard work and service; so be on your guard and vet the places before giving them your money!
5 Fresh Food

Moreover, at some restaurants you get food so fresh it was literally caught or picked that very day, and they throw out anything not used that day! You pay a premium for this, and yes, it is a huge waste, a huge sad waste; but, the point here is that you cannot find this in most of the rest of the United States. Then there is also California Wine Country as well as California dairy farms, which are some of the best in the U.S.
4 Wide Range of Topography

Unlike many places in the United States, in Southern California it is a couple hours drive to the ocean, or the desert, or the mountains. The wide range of topography makes Southern California far from boring! Plus, with the perfect weather, most of this is enjoyable all year round!
3 No Bugs

The same goes for cockroaches. Though they exist, they are not common in Southern California. This is because they thrive in moist, dark, and humid places. Since Southern California is dry, it is not hospitable to these undesirable pests.
Sadly, however, the downside to this is that Southern Californians don't know about lightning bugs (fireflies). Since fireflies cannot survive in dry climates, there aren't any here. One thing to miss about the east coast is going outside in the summer at evening time and seeing the beauty of lighting bugs lighting up the night!
2 Range of outdoor fitness activities

1 Perfect Weather and Climate

So there you have it, Southern California is not all bad. It does have its merits. However, do note that most of these benefits are derivatives of “the weather is nice” and also require that you have money – a lot of it, to afford to live here. And at that, the government will do whatever they can to take as much of your money as they can!
Also, in order to really enjoy SoCal, you need to spend a lot of money! Your wallet will shrink quickly, and the job market is horrible. $10,000 in savings is not enough to move here! I recommend to save at least $50,000 and have a job lined up as well before attempting to move to SoCal.
Hope you enjoyed! Now check out why Southern California is not so good a place to live and make an informed decision for yourself.
Top Ten Reasons Why California Is No Longer The Place To Be Or Move To