Ai Is Not Coming For Your Creative Jobs – If You’re Any Good At What You Do

Many creatives may be worried that AI is coming for your jobs, and they are right to be concerned, but the highly skilled will have minimal impact.

Yes, AI is going to replace a lot of jobs, just like the industrial revolution replaced mass jobs. But the types of jobs will change, just like it did with the industrial revolution. The fact is that AI will simply not be able to replicate the human touch. While it sounds nice in theory that you can give a couple of inputs and AI will paint like Van Gogh or compose music like Beethoven or write books like Stephen King, the fact is that without human guidance and intervention, the output will simply not be very good. And to even use AI to a quality standard, you have to be a master at your craft already. Otherwise you will not be able to see the constant errors, repetitions, and poor quality output.

The image in the thumbnail is a fantasy that is nowhere close to coming to fruition. Perhaps in 1 to 2 decades we will be getting close. Even if you are a master, while AI can save time, sometimes it wastes more time then it could save. This is because it goes in endless loops about the simplest things, lies, fabricates things, and refuses to follow instructions. Not to mention the often chiding for some sort of ethical lecture about the most inane and tedious things, that an expert user has to simply ignore. The continuous poor quality and downright false output performed by AI is a serious problem and is quickly going to cause users to abandon it due to the far more reliable human touch.

Many of the rote and low-skill and no-skill jobs like data entry are likely to be replaced by AI and AI-assisted workers. But just like the market for expert craftsman has never gone away, the need for expert writers, authors, artists, architects, and especially STEM professions that rely on high precision like mathematicas and engineering, are not going to be replaced by AI anytime soon.

AI is not a computer. It is not like a calculator which is always right. AI is mostly wrong. It is run on computers, but It can easily get 2+2 wrong and it does not know the most basic concepts of right and wrong and mathematics, sciences, or even basic knowledge. It is simply an aggregator of information, which can sometimes be useful like a search engine but other times be painstakingly tedious to the point that it would be faster and easier just to do it yourself or even search Google for it.

Simply put, even ChatGPT 4 is mostly useless beyond doing the same thing from a human, although it certainly has some value, especially to small businesses and individuals who may not be able to afford employees. But to mid and large size companies, AI cannot replace human workers, not even in the digital realm. It will replace some, but not most. Only the lowest-skill workers are at risk.

AI is a great tool for masters, but not a great worker. Often AI still cannot even replace a simple Google search. This isn’t to say it will always be like this. In the coming years, AI will certainly improve, but it is unlikely it will ever be reliable enough to completely replace human workers. Instead of a human worker doing data entry, they will instead be simply managing the AI do the data entry and reviewing and fixing mistakes, because it cannot be trusted. Instead of the graphic designer building logos, they will use AI to help craft the logos. But an amateur still will not be able to craft a good logo without an eye for design.

AI is very promising for the future, but beware that you will not be able to trust it, and it will not replace your jobs anytime soon. While AI can be a tremendous help to the skilled, it can also be a tremendous burden due to its unreliability, outright refusal to follow basic instructions or give direct answers without a tremendous amount of repetition and continuous guidance, and failure to produce consistently accurate or even reasonable information. That said, if you are very intelligent and can figure out what the AI is doing then you can learn to guide it to be more efficient. And there will certainly be more third party apps in the coming years that help streamline by building in better prompts and revising the poor-quality replies that AI regularly outputs.

So, no your jobs are not going away, and creatives will always have a place, as long as they are actually good. But those who exploited the marketplace with low to no skill trying to search google to get things done are certainly going to be replaces, because there won’t be any room for zero-skill workers anymore trying to arbitrage their way into a profit for poor to negative quality work.

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