What do you do when one of the most iconic and innovative video game systems of all time turns 30 years old? Give it their own exhibit in a museum of course! The Strong, a video game museum has teamed up with Ritsumeikan University to create a special exhibit for The Nintendo Entertainment console’s 30th birthday.
“Japan is home to a rich history of video game culture and pioneering companies such as Nintendo and Sony. This partnership allows for a cross-cultural exchange of ideas about how best to chronicle and conserve this important history,” said a statement by The Strong’s, John-Paul C. Dyson.
The Exhibit will be called, Playing With Power: 30 Years of The Nintendo Entertainment System, and will feature never before seen interviews with NES Hardware Developer, Masayuki Uemera. The exhibit will debut at The Rochester Museum in New York this fall and will focus on the development and release of the NES. Visitors will also be able to play iconic Nintendo games, like Super Mario Brothers and Duck Hunt at the exhibit.
While the idea of a NES exhibit is a great idea for the consoles anniversary, The Strong and Ritsumeikan University have also announced an exchange program , allowing for both organizations to share their projects and switch places.
“This partnership allows researchers and scholars in both the United States and Japan to learn from one another about how best to study and preserve the many contributions video games have had to our shared cultural heritage .Together, we can also help tell the story of the Japanese video game industry to guests of The Strong, beginning with the exhibit about the Nintendo Entertainment System this fall.” Masayuki Uemera says.
What do you think about the idea of a museum for The 30th anniversary of The NES? Will you try to go see it when it debuts this fall? Let us know in the comments below!