How to Get Through to EDD California by Phone, Tips and Tricks For Getting a Real, Live Person

Getting through to a live person, a real human at EDD:

Chances are you will have questions or need help filing your California Unemployment claim, plus you will have to have at least one initial telephone interview. However, getting through to a real, live human being at EDD if you missed their call can be near impossible.

There have been people who have called as many as 600 times or more with no luck. This is no exaggeration! However, there are tips and tricks to getting through to a real person so that you can speak to a real human at EDD. Here is a list of all the ones I could find.

The main EDD number:

Hours: 8am to 12pm Pacific Time
There is a chance of getting through after 12pm, but probably not. You could try but it would be better to just call earlier.

Tips on using this number:

You will hear one of two messages, starting with “Thank you for calling…”, or “Welcome to…”.

If you hear the message starting with, “Thank you for calling…”, hang up the phone because you will never get through to a live person. Try back later. This message is given when too many people are trying to call in.

If you hear the message, “Welcome to…”, you are in luck. Next, you have to try a key combination to skip through to a live person.

You can try one of the following key combinations on each prompt. If it does not work, hang up and try the next combination.

Combination 1: 1-2-1-1-7
Combination 2: 1-3-0
Combination 3: 1-5-1-1-0
Combination 4: 1-6-7-1
Combination 4: 1-6-7-3

If it asks for your social security number and pin, type it in. You have to, and if you do it might work. But if you think they won’t answer if they know who is calling, then try another combination or another number which doesn’t request your ssn.

Once it is ringing, you are in luck! If it keeps ringing, just keep waiting! It may take as long as 20-30 minutes for someone to pick up, but it could also be just a couple minutes.

Direct numbers to try:

This number is a direct line to case workers. They all begin with the first few digits, so you can keep trying a new one until you get someone.

Sample numbers to try:


Alternate numbers to try (in numerical order):

415-351-7200 (San Bernadino)
619-525-4995 (call after 12pm)
714-687-4400 (Orange County)
909-383-4663 (Pomona)
916-653-0707 (EDD general information line)
916-654-0453 (Sacramento Disability Office)
916-654-9140 (Sacramento)
800-547-2058 (Vietnamese line, press 6-7-3, enter SSN, press 1)

FAX number:

916-653-3816 (put ATTN to somebody there if you want someone to see it)

Bank of America EDD number (for EDD card trouble):


I hope this helps you! Post in the comments below if it worked for you or if you found another way or a different number! 🙂

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241 thoughts on “How to Get Through to EDD California by Phone, Tips and Tricks For Getting a Real, Live Person

  1. i have been unable to get my unemployment benefits since filiing several claims but several employee at bank of america have told me in the last three years that my claim 25,00 claims twice to my account one employee name adrian another was the supervior of tia told me that tia had shifted my claims to her friend in california willie L. smith. i known it were the truth because 1000 employees at bank of america confirm it and said she got in trouble for that. now the last few week a ton of employees are calling me with sending me a card but telling in writing my accounts ends 9499 and leaving broke without mailing me a card that they claim they mailed march 7, 2023. thanj god i successfully filed two legit claims each for 100,000 1. 11163282 2. 11173046 because all these phone numbers they giving me leads like the last one 855 355-5058 playing that same game insulting me telling me .15 cent in my accoun what was there prior to 2015 which is more bank of america worldclass bullshit.

  2. Bank of America EDD Prepaid Card Claims Phone Number 855-355-5058
    If your Account is Frozen Or closed due to Fraud 800-588-9228

    *** If they will not help you, file a claim with Customer Financial Protection Bureau online and Bank of America will respond, and try to resolve your issue.***

  3. This is bull! I’ve called 100 times all day today and got through twice. After I got through they said I needed to talk to a wages expert. they transferred me and I waited for 2 hours only for them to hang up on me. I need my money ! help us !!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. A lot of the accts that are stuck on pending are due to needing to file a new claim . A lot of people don’t realize that the extension will add to your balance but the claim it’s self is only good for 12 month unless is it a DUA (disaster unemployment assistance) claim type which changes the end date of claims to September.

    Also, a lot of people seem to assume that they are on a PUA CLAIM and don’t think they need to file a new claim. The claims that were filed 2020 started off as PUA claims but every time there is an extension added the “claim type changes per extension. NO ONE is currently on a PUA claim. There are MILLIONS of people calling due to that fact the everyone filed their original claim at the same time last year, which means everyone is going through all of this at the same time this year, – having to file new claims – ID VERIFICATION.

    There are also people that (have or were) receiving money from other place like a job etc and that will put. Hold on the fins as well for adjustments. All of that on top of people that have not worked in 5 or plus years ( give or take ) that should not have been eligible in the first place adding to the large amount of people that actually did become unemployed as a direct result of government restrictions. Also the claims department is open from 8am to 8pm, 7 days per week, not until 12pm.

    There is only 3 sets of phone prompt. And for issues with claims and payment inquiries it will be 1, 2 and then 4 @ 18003005616. For tax form of ID verification and card issues call the 866 number. People push whatever numbers just to get through to someone and don’t realize you have to speak to the right department per your issues. If not you are transferred back to main line which ties up the phone lines even more . I don’t think is is the EDD as they have continued to constant hire people to be able to fully assist. It is definitely THE people that are causing these issues. As explained above

  5. OMG! I filed 2/12/21! Still “pending?” What are they doing to us all? They spent 1.3 billion on fraudulent payments in California alone and now they’re making the rest of us suffer for it! The governor should Intervene! Doesn’t he know what’s going on here?! WE NEED OUR MONEY governor Newsom!

  6. I’ve tried so hard, I have waited for 4-6 hours on the phone and no one came on. I send a message inbox and only to get a message that they had sent me a letter requesting information. I have never received a letter from EDD, The System was down so I could not upload a copy of their letter. I did a letter sent it certified with a copy of my passport and a copy of my drivers license & wrote my Social Security, and sent one to San Diego and one Sacramento both Certified. I need the money but I can’t stress anymore. I will survive somehow.

  7. I do not have phone numbers and seriously we should not be doing all this.Think about all these stories , call at exactly 10;03 and 43 seconds dial 209-÷%7÷3%£^× -256@/*/-×=(2578750 times , if planets are aligned and we get bored of laughing at you then we will have you talk to one of our recordings. Im very serious.Why are we being made to do all this? Because everyone putting up with it ! Over a yr ago we were told to shut down , there are steps in place to ensure peoples needs are met . With our money dispersed by our Government . If it hasnt been taken out of your wages it will be in our future. The whole point of it aside from people not suffering, is to have people spending. Well im suffering ALOT and spending 00$$ since the beginning of Dec . O.k. my I.D. expired ,to take my money ,to arrest me or shut me down thats a snap of a finger. Funny that all of us can walk into store , hospitals , D.M.V. ,banks and no problem talking to anyone . Right now or most of the time call your favorite or hated Rep,Governor ,Assembly, House ,Senate, President ,other Nations ,call up overpaid egomaniacs that act or sing ,YOU WILL TALK TO A HUMAN EVERYTIME ,WHETHER YOU GET THRU OR CALLED BACK . EDD is open up and down the state ,they say appointment only but they have no one given an appointment.They cant see us , rarely do they pick up a call and the online system is just another run around that hits another wall . Mail and Emails another wall . But our money is given to those that sit protected by these unfortunate walls

  8. 1st time i got hung up on after 40 min hold. called back, on hold with person #1 for 30 mins, got transferred to 2nd person (supervisor), still on hold, going on 2 hours. praying i can get this pending status resolved and not disconnected again. Lord please help me.

  9. Thank you for sharing the number combinations and I tried all of them I never got in always the prerecorded.

    However, I did the following combinations and I finally got some robot telling me “Please continue to hold, there are calls ahead of you, your call will be answered in approximately 27 minutes.”, at the time I am writing this comment, I am still on hold 🙁 –

    Combination: 1, 2, 4

  10. I see in the previous comments that some people have waited under the pending status for 3 months. I’m curious if their claim has been resolved after that? Or is there no time frame that some claims stay pending? Basically I’m asking if you wait it out that time frame is there light at the end of the tunnel? I appreciate all your help.

  11. This info was a godsend, and very much appreciated. I tried the Orange County line today (2/8/21) and got through. Hold time was about 40 minutes. Now to see if they can actually fix the software glitch that has my certifications in pending purgatory…

  12. Ok I’ve tried both the 800-300-5616 and 833-978-2521 numbers dozens of times the last few days, today starting promptly at 8 am. I have never, even many weeks ago, gotten the “welcome…” always the “thank you”. None of the prompt combos have worked on either line and I’ve tried the pushing 0 endlessly and just get kicked off. The 415 number says the office is closed…. Any other suggestions? I tried the bot calling system yesterday and for $30 I got connected to hold, held for 20+ min and then disconnected. A total waste!

  13. just tried all of the 213 numbers listed and got a verizon message they are not longer in service or something to that affect.

  14. I got through on the very first try to one of the numbers referenced below in these comments, the very nice lady/customer service representative verified all of the documents that I sent in verifying my identity and EDD told me to check my online account in 1 to 3 days for account update activity. I’m so glad I did the research and found a direct line where someone actually picked up. The stats state only 1 in 1000 people actually get though and during this COVID-19 Pandemic there are 600,000 backlogged claims. What a blessing! Haven’t seen any activity on my account, let alone – I haven’t received one dime since I filed and I’m owed $8,000.00 backlog pay. Thank you Jesus~

  15. 8.4.20 today I called 1(415)351-7202 and finally got through to a person! This is the only number that worked for me. I had to press 0 over and over at the message that said “our representatives are currently busy please stay on the line or call back later” and was on hold for about 1 hour. BUT I got to talk to a person!! I haven’t had any income for over 2 months so this was huge and I’m grateful I stumbled across this website in my desperate search 🙂

    • I got thru today also….and yes I pushed 0 endlessly. I was hand sewing while I waited. When I heard a voice I was so excited I threw my project!!!! I was sooooo scared I would get disconnected!

    • I called this number and got right through to someone. I’m very suspicious about if this number is legitimate or not. Considering I gave my information, I have been extremely nervous ever since. Can anybody verify the legitimacy of this number or could explain to me how to?

  16. Ok 408 # worked for me 7/15/2020 I called around 2pm. It will keep ringing keep pressing 0 every time sometimes it will hang up on you keep calling. One day the transfer me to voicemail box. Today the operator said someone would call me I’m 30 min. They actually called within the 30 min and in less then 10 min cleared my issue and issued my payment. Keep trying guys!

  17. Call 833-978-2511. Press whichever number corresponds with the language you speak & then press 0. If the operator says “welcome to…” just hang up. & then call back immediately & repeat the same steps. You may have to do it 4 or 5 times, but after repeating these steps a fee times, you WILL eventually get the, “all our representatives are busy. Please hd for the next available representative ” message. I only had to call 4 times before I was actually placed on hold. & the person who told me about it only had to call 3. Good luck!

  18. 8 weeks certified weeks showed pending as the status online. No response from daily emails. Tried all the great suggestions listed from as far back as a year ago. This morning, right at 7:55 am I tried the San Francisco number 415-351-7400. It went right to an automatic hang up. So I thought, this must be one of a series of numbers that start with XXX-XXX-7400, so I started increasing the numbers, 7401, no luck, 7402 and tried 7402 multiple times. Hit 0 as soon as it picks up. Then continued to hit 0 each time the message comes back on. Then BOOM! It went to hold music. Waited on hold for 40 minutes. Lovely lady picked up and saw they had a computer crash and it sent my file to basically a desert. She quickly checked all 8 weeks of certification and I’m all set. Oh, by the way, she also said as soon as you send EDD an email inquiry regarding your account, Which I did daily, it automatically suspends any activity on your account until either you call them or they call you. Good note. Good luck everyone!

  19. I reopened my Unemployment Benefits 04/12/2020. I get a notice from EDD of Identity Verification and in return I sent my documents. I get only 1 claim form for the month and that was the only one I received to date. I never got a return phone call or an email and no notices I was denied. I go to the EDD website and I can’t even submit a claim form tells me to call them phone numbers. I called the Appeals office and they checked to see if maybe my case went to Appeals no such luck but it was after 12:00 lunch time and she took my call I thanked her and told her thank you and have a nice day.

  20. tried dialing all these numbers nothing worked……. called my state senator mike McGuire office his assistant was very helpful and told me they will contact edd in my behalf they said that their poffice has been having a lot of requests for help and it is working but takes 1-2 weeks for them to get a reply but assured me they fix the issues

  21. 5/9/2020-5/9/2020-5/16/2020-5/30/2020 on these dates my claims went threw I got my confirmation # and everything but on “STATUS” It says pending! Can somebody tell me why it’s been 4 weeks and it still has pending did I do something wrong everything seems rite except my money going threw! My balance is at 3,240 so frustrated!

  22. I called 909-383-4663 on 5/29/20 and finally got through to someone. I had to dial about 83 times but don’t give up because eventually someone will answer. When you hear the prompt press 0 as many times as it lets you until it has a busy sound. Hang up and keep redialing and pressing 0 until someone answers. It took about an hour all together.

  23. 1-833-978-2511 is for basic questions only, the operators who answer cannot see or help with your account .

    310-330-5905 is the number to the Inglewood office. According to their website they’re supposed to be open from 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m..I drove there to, And they’re only open from 8 to 11:00 a.m., you’re not allowed to enter the office. There are several employees that are set up outside to take your name, phone #, and zip code. This puts you on a list to be called back directly within 24 to 48 hours. I was called back the same day, however, the rep could not help with my particular issue, it did have to be addressed by the main office. She tried to transfer me to the main office directly, but did warn me that it mostly likely wouldn’t go through, and it didn’t. This may help for people who have more generic questions.

  24. So after 3 days of no call back. I called again today (Sunday) on the 833 line. A very nice lady said I should have received a call back by now so she put in another call back request for me. So if you don’t get a call back request. Call in again and request another call back. In the mean time keep trying the 800 number. It’s a chore but you might as well give it a shot.

  25. After two months getting nowhere with the EDD, they don’t answer the phone, emails take 10 days to response, I had to reopen my claim, the reopen it AGAIN, I contacted my state representative. It took a week for them to get back to, but finally then sent me a form. I sent it in on Monday, by Friday I get an email for the EDD that my money is in the mail.

    Call your state rep. Keep calling. It’s their JOB to intercede on your behalf with the EDD. Be a pest. Squeaky wheel gets the grease.

    • I called this 415-351-7200 around 8am
      And just keep calling for 30 minutes over and over and I got tru. Good luck

    • Hang in there. It might take a couple of hours, but somebody will eventually pick up. I’ve spoken with an agent on 3 separate days and each time took about 200 tries before I eventually got to speak with a human. The good news is that when you finally get to speak with somebody, they are very helpful and kind.

  26. Called the 833 number repeatedly from 8am to 8:50 and finally got through. Super nice man named Matt picked up. Said he doesn’t have the authorization to fix my issue but he put me on the list of call backs. So just waiting for the next three days. Fingers crossed.

  27. I searched google after two days of trying to get through. I found this and a commenter posted to call 1-800-480-3287. Press #1 to select English for language then 3-2-1-0.. you be told you will put on hold to wait for representative or have someone call you back..I am still on hold been 29 minutes. Just got in… they won’t help regular claims only SDI claims ..trying other numbers

  28. Call the 833 number. THIS IS A TRICKY ONE BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO PAY ATTENTION TO THE WOMAN’S VOICE AND NOT ACCIDENTALLY HANG UP (like I did one time when I got through & then realized she said something different) THINKING SHE IS SAYING THE SAME THING…

    A woman’s voice comes up. Hit 1, then hit 1 again. If you hear “THANK YOU FOR” hang up. Call back and do the same thing over and over again until you hear ” ALL REPRESENTATIVES ARE CURRENTLY BUSY HELPING OTHERS PLEASE HOLD UNTIL YOUR CALL IS ANSWERED” and then you hear MUSIC!! Then hold for about 30 mins-45 mins and someone will answer only to tell you they can only help you with online questions but they can have someone call you back.

    I got a callback and missed the call so now here I am on hold again… so now I will have my phone with me at ALL times so that when they call back I can actually be helped.

    1. Call 833-978-2511
    2. Hit 1
    3. Hit 1
    4. If you hear “THANK YOU” hang up
    5. IF YOU HEAR “ALL OUR REPRESENTATIVES” do NOT hang up!! Stay on the line and you will hear music.

    Good luck!

    • 833 number worked. You are a God among women. In return, none of the fax numbers I have seen worked. The lady I spoke with gave me a working fax to avoid mailing. I tested and it is a fax and I will resend my info. FYI, the standard processing times are 3 weeks but, due to the circumstances, most things are going at 6 weeks. For me, I am waiting for them simply to process my ID….Fax (866) 517-3830.

  29. The 415 number no longer works. the 833 number is so hard to get through. I called it on monday and a lady said they would call me back and its been 5 days now. this is so frustrating!

      • ***Direct line-833-978-2511
        A woman’s voice comes up. Hit 1, then hit 1 again. If you hear “THANK YOU FOR” hang up. Call back and do the same thing over and over again until you hear ” ALL REPRESENTATIVES ARE CURRENTLY BUSY HELPING OTHERS PLEASE HOLD UNTIL YOUR CALL IS ANSWERED” and then you hear MUSIC!!

        This worked for me and was paid the next day……Call at 8am.

  30. Has anyone been able to get ahold of The EDD integrity and Accounting division at 1 (866) 401-2849? I was placed on an identity verification hold and have had my payments halted for over a month now. Any help getting past the automated message faster and being put on hold or getting to a real person would be awesome!

    • I am having the same issue trying to get someone on the phone. I get all the way through the automated message and then am told that there are too many callers and it hangs up. I mailed in all of my verification documents on April 15th. I was told that it is taken an average of 3.5 weeks to verify and that 3.5 weeks is coming up. There is no guarantee that the office even received any of my documents or provide an updated status.

      • They put me on a “call back list” for the 3rd time now. Just call their after hours line,,,,,833-978-2511. Tell them you want somebody from the ID department to call you back. I think all we can do at this point, unfortunately, is to just wait. This is very frustrating. I even called the mayor’s office and they also put me on a call back list. I don’t even know if there’s any another way to get around this. I ALSO MAILED IN ALLL OF MY PERSONAL INFO, AND THIS WAS WELL OVER A MONTH AGO.

      • Where did you hear the 3.5 weeks? I haven’t been able to find any info on the amount of time it takes to process.

  31. Got this text from my gf “ I heard by a resource person that works for unemployment to call this number ‭(833) 978-2511‬ Then dial 1 … keep trying until ur put on hold… “
    I tried it and it worked, only waited 30 min.

  32. All I want to say is this… THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! You are an angel for doing this page!!! You know I have tried and tired to get in contact with a human since April!!! And found you!!! I called the 415 number at 3:00pm and was so freaking happy my hands started shaking of joy!! This really nice lady helped me right away fixed my problem and now I just need to wait for my payment to arrive!! Yes it’s true!! I live in the L.A area and Mann trust me people this is legit!! Call the 415 number don’t give up !!! They answered me less the 20 minutes! Be consistent!! And you’ll get the help from Edd !!! Good luck don’t give up keep trying they answer fast in the 415 number!! everyone and stay safe !!

  33. 5/5/20- i just got off the phone i tried the 415-351-7200. and it worked for me after trying to contact EDD since April 1st I finally was able to get someone on the phone and she was the sweetest person in the world her name was AJ. She asked for my social put me on hold and fixed my issue with my claim and was immediately paid. It took me the whole day to finally contact someone. just keep calling keep pressing 0. Don’t give up ! Don’t waste your time calling the main number from EDD. it’s a joke!!!!! Good luck!

  34. I started calling at 8 this morning, dialing various numbers. The 310-330-5905 number was given to me by someone on the 833-978-2511 number after I got through to them yesterday. The 310-330-5905 number never did anything but give me a busy signal or ring 10 times then hang up. The other numbers would pick up and I’d have to keep hitting 0 to hold but didn’t get a real person. I finally put my earbuds on and went outside and sat in the sun and kept dialing on my cellphone. Finally about 2:30 a real person answered on the 415-351-7200 number. He said he wasn’t an adjuster but he’d try to help me. It only took him about 3 minutes and he had my account straightened out. So don’t give up, people! Get comfortable and keep hitting the redial button. I spent 2 days on the phone, first with the 800 and 833 number then with the numbers on this site.

  35. They CANCELED my payments for no reason, I got my first two payments then BAM canceled, I tried calling so many numbers and spoke to 3 reps who all gave me different answers and zero help, one even suggested that BofA refused their payment, of course I called bofa and they denied its even possible to refuse payments on their end. I’m so frustrated, 600 calls to the 8003005616 number until I was finally blocked from calling them again, I cant even find anyone else who has had their payments involuntarily canceled online, is anyone else going through this? Also the Vietnamese trick did not work for me 🙁

    • Okay so I finally resolved my issue wanted to post some tips in case anyone else is in this position. First of all, they Canceled my payments because I accidentally certified both by mail and online for the same week, so getting duplicate certifications canceled my payment all together. Second, I never was able to get through on the 800-300-5616 number BUT I did get through the 833-978-2511 number… the trick to this number is this: Call MANY times, I think the first time it took me 67 calls to finally get through, IF YOU HEAR “THANK YOU” hang up! If YOU HEAR “WELCOME” PRESS #, DO NOT ENTER ANY NUMBERS JUST IMMEDIATELY PRESS # AFTER HEARING WELCOME. it will either go back to “thank you” and you HANG UP OR you will hear elevator music which means just wait someone will eventually pick up you’re officially ON HOLD.
      Now, for my situation the people who picked up were not able to help me so they had to request a callback for me, I had to call many times to keep putting in requests before I actually got a callback the next day. They cannot put a new request until 72 hours have passed since your last request so don’t waste your time calling back to back days like I did. wait 3 days, then call back and put in new request…finally ANSWER your phone when they call, they usually call with no caller id so take off any blocks you have on your phone for no caller id’s…they may have called you but your phone sent them to voice mail…anyways I hope this info helps, Good luck!

  36. I just got off the phone with a customer representative! This website is very useful! I dialed the number (415) 315-7200 after more than 200 hundred tries and a few hours. She said she will call
    me back tomorrow. I’m praying that she won’t forget.

  37. After 5,000 numbers and a long 3.5 hours I was able to get to a live representative! I called the 833-978-2511 number and as soon as it said “welcome” I quickly punched in 6-7-1 and music started playing and I was placed on hold for about 30 min. A very kind gentleman answered the phone and helped me in 10 minutes to fix my “disqualification” status and got me payed out. Sometimes when calling the 833 number after it says “welcome” and after punching in the 6-7-1 it would tell me “thank you for calling the unemployment blah blah blah” if that happens just hang up and call the 833 number again until you hear “welcome” and then punch in 6-7-1 and hopefully you takes you straight to the music (it took me like 7 tries to get to the music and not tell me “thank you”)

  38. Has anyone had luck trying the Orange County Number? (714-687-4400) It kept prompting me to press 0 to continue waiting. I did that for an hour and half and I eventually gave up. I am currently trying the 909 and 415 numbers. Do I just keep pressing 0 to continue waiting?

  39. I tried sooooo many numbers for over 2 hours. Finally this number worked! The 1-833-978-2511 and when the “welcome” greeting came on, I hit 15110 and I then heard elevator music. I heard the music at 9:45 AM and at 10:24 AM the call was finally answered. Was told the claim was still pending from when I filed March 15, 2020 which is almost 3 months ago. They scheduled a call back for between 2-3 days which I will be anxiously waiting for. Hope this helps someone else

  40. Finally got through! So…I dialed the expanded online assistance # (833-978-2511) several times, pressed different # combos, no luck. As mentioned, if the automated service starts with “thank you for calling” hang up. Don’t waste your time listening to dudes schpeel. Redial until you get the “welcome to” greeting. Here’s where you can try your # combos. Sometimes it would ask for my s.s. #, then it would hang up. Kept trying. One retry I got “welcome to” greeting & immediately pressed 1. Without entering the rest of my # combo, suddenly elevator music came on. Like, I’m on hold elevator music. I’ve never loved elevator music so much. Couple minutes later a lady answered and she was friendly. Huh? Yeah I was shocked so I didn’t respond right away & she almost hung up! ?. Then I was suspicious because she was patient & didn’t hate me. So I made her verify who she was. ?‍♀️
    Anyway, as mentioned, she does not have access to claims. However, if she can’t answer your question she has the ability to forward it to the “Escalation Unit” and have a “Claims Adjuster” call you within 3 days. Supposedly. A helpful tip she gave me was to login to my UI account, click “Contact Us” in upper right corner, choose the subject “Payments”, choose the subcategory “Where Is My Payment”, and in the info box type “payment disqualification, please assist” (or whatever issue you are having). She specifically said to keep it very simple and only type that phrase. So I did that too. And now I wait, still broke as a joke, feeling ridiculous at how excited I got to talk to a human being, after countless failed attempts that robbed me of time and sanity, just to have someone contact me within 3 days, to discuss why I’m not getting my own money, money I worked hard for, that was taken out of my check, in case I became unemployed, and needed it. ?? Oh well. Still grateful to get somewhere with it. Good luck everyone. Keep trying! ♡

  41. Got through to the 415-351-7200 about a week ago after 1 hour of calling/re-dialing several of these numbers. I’ve been trying through again yesterday and today, no luck yet.

    Does anyone know about the extended hours due to COVID?

    • Omg omg omg omg omg I called this number 415-351-7200 at 8:00 a.m and got thru in 15 minutes. I can’t believe I spoke to human.

    The phone number 415-351-7200 works!
    nicest person ever i talked with. my hands are shaking right now im finally good to go.
    right now is 8:30 in the morning and almost 50 tries of phone calls.
    good luck guys hope everything works out well

  43. Me and my husband both called the 415 number. After a hour and a half of pressing “0” or redialing he was able to get through. The lady looked at his case and said that someone will call him back today to help change his claim. He made a mistake on it. They can’t fix it themselves since they are a switchboard?? So now we are just waiting for someone to call him back…

    • did anyone actually call you back? I’m waiting in a callback from the main edd line and it’s been 2 days with no callback so far….

      • I finally got called back! I had to wait 72 hours after the first request didnt work to put in a second callback request BUT someone DID call me back! They call from a blocked caller ID so remove any blocks you may have on your phone for no caller id’s….My first request for a callback was Monday, no one called so I called Thursday and placed a 2nd request and someone called me Friday…good luck!

    • Did they end up calling back? I finally got through but they told me the same thing that someone would call me back. Just wondering how true that is?

  44. Dude you are amazing whoever you are that gave this info to reach the edd may God Bless You! I been sick to my stomach over a week trying reach them on the 800-300-5616 because my claim showed disqualified and that was incorrect so anyway I came across your page last night and got started at 9am and it took me a few hours but the phone number 619-525-4995 someone answered that phone so when it says press 0 if you want to hold keep doing it and if it disconnects call and do it again, they will pick up!
    It took the lady 5 min to fix the mistake they made on my claim. I thank you so much for the info above!

  45. The 415-351-7200 number WORKED for me!!

    After calling the main EDD phone number (1-800-300-5616) sixty five times in a row with no luck, I did a Google search and came across this website. Thank you! Thank you!

    It still took me a total of an hour and a half of rapid-fire speed dialing of almost every number listed above, but I finally got through directly to a person at 415-351-7200, and was helped by a very friendly customer service representative. No transfers necessary!

    FYI: The following numbers listed in the main article are now disconnected:

    ANY of the direct case worker numbers (213-477-140x)

    Thank you again for this useful article. Without it, I would most likely be days into dialing with no relief or answers in sight.

    • Did you have to keep pressing “0”? I keep doing that and it will ring a couple times and take me back to that prompt or it will then ring busy.

      • The 415-351-7200 number worked for me too! I would press 0 to continue to hold and sometimes that would lead to the call being ended, but eventually after over an hour of calling that number a very nice representative answered and fixed my problem in a matter of minutes. Keep trying and don’t give up!

    • Yes! Thank you for posting your comment. I’ve been losing my mind trying to get in touch with someone for at least a month calling the main line. Saw this comment was posted only a few hours ago, so i tried it. Had to dial 0 every few minutes, until suddenly i had the friendliest representative help me out and take care of my claim. 415-351-7200 ftw!!

  46. Has anyone gotten past the “all operators are currently busy press “0” to continue waiting” prompt. I was on that line calling 714-687-4400 for 2 hours yesterday continuously pressing “0”. It then rang busy. When I tried calling back it said “the office is currently closed” Can anyone help me get through?

  47. When you call those numbers, they ask of you want to wait by pressing 0 or calling again. Do I keep pressing 0 until I get someone so should I hang up and keep calling? I’m trying to call the 415 number.

  48. Alex multiple number today to contact EDD. I believe they all work but due to everyone being on unemployment now they are really short staffed. I just kept calling the numbers and finally got through to the San Bernardino line and waited about 10 minutes and someone came on the line to to help me. Wasn’t even transferred. Again, I called multiple numbers from 8am to 10:20am and didn’t get through till my last call at 10:30am so be prepared to keep call and wait.

  49. 4/7/20
    -I used the 415-351-7200 which is San Francisco today and was shocked when someone answered the phone. They asked for my SS # and transferred me. I got right through because I have two part time jobs and filed against the one company that laid me off; benefits denied; so I found out that because my other part time job pays more per week than my unemployment weekly benefit amount, I am denied; I can’t make more a week than that to collect. Nice to get someone to explain it to me and now I don’t expect any extra money. I live in Sacramento area but the 415# worked great.

  50. The (415) number worked for me this morning!!!! I’m in shock. It rang and I got through right away at 8:45am. A lady answered and I started explaining my situation. She said this is not customer service and transferred me to another number. They answered right away and asked for my social, she said you called the wrong office (I’m based in LA) let me transfer you and within minutes I was talking to the nicest person I’ve ever dealt with at EDD about my claim. My entire call was 22 minutes and I got through in first time. Thank You!!!!!!! ??

  51. I used the 415-351-7200 (San Bernadino) number they transferred m to 2 other people. they were all nice she fixed everything quickly. the San Diego number almost worked. good luck. I would start calling every number above until you get through to a human. the 800 number has never worked for me in 20yrs.. get creative and determined. good luck everyone. It’s your money you paid into this system be determined to get it back. also being nice to the person that answers helps lot too.

    • As of April 9, 2020–After calling I-don’t-know-how-many-numbers. I went to this link, saw your post and got human immediately! Thank you. The lady was curt but I was just super nice to her. However, she transferred me to the Claim Holding Office (408-436-5600) and they too picked up immediately.

      Good luck. I know how annoying and hard it can be to get through.

  52. Was calling the 800 number 40+ times kept getting the “too many callers”, tried (619-525-4995) and someone immediately picked up and I was transferred to someone who helped me with my problem and was nice . Thank you !!

  53. It is true! The Vietnamese number worked incredibly well! Just like the guy above said … ” After you dial the Vietnamese number dial 1-3-5-7 then zero. Just wait till a few words are spoken in the foreign language and it will have been enough for you to begin with the sequence – one at a time – and after you get to the zero, a foreign person will speak to you and once you start speaking English, they just transfer you right over to a live English speaking person and they will not even question why you called the Vietnamese number. They will just start helping you with your issue. Beautiful shortcut. Thanks Much!

  54. Finally, after 20+ times I was able to reach Edd. I called this number 916 654 9140 and was able to get through. A live person picked up right away and I was only transferred twice prior to getting to the Sdi department. Thank you so much for this helpful page❤️❤️❤️!

    • Thank u so very much for this number. I am seeking an extension. After remaining on hold for the operator…perhaps 10 minutes tops. I reached a gracious woman who asked for my SSI and saw I was out of money.

      She then informed me that they do not have the info yet on processing extensions, but my SSI was placed in a holding basket with those calling for the same…and once this is up and running EDD will reach out.

      Thanks again….I too called so many times…but today I took another route leading me to this valuable site. I was determined to reach someone today and voila! Very grateful .

  55. Yes, indeed, the Vietnamese contact number worked. The prompts are all in Vietnamese, but I followed the prompts above. After waiting about two to three minutes, I was able to speak with a representative who set up a phone interview for me to help certify for several weeks of benefits that I did not receive. I hope this helps.
    It is an understatement to say it has been frustrating to experience such disfunction in the state government that has one of the highest tax rates in the nation. Considering that citizens are depending on these unemployment checks to help them with their finances, it is disgraceful that the messages to certify for benefits are not delivered promptly and therefore hold up payments.

  56. I received half of my EDD check I called on Friday spoke to the rudest person ever he told me to call back at 8:00 on Monday which I did, got a lady by the name of Jennifer again she was so rude she stated ” If you don’t like how disability works then get off it” REALLY!!! I was so angry my doctor put in my extension late and said it was my fault and that I would not be getting paid for that week. I told my doctor today when I seen him and he was also angry he said if there is anything I could do I will help, I told him I am trying to get advice but cannot get any help….any suggestions. I am self supporter and have a mtg payment and bills and now created a late charge on my home …I never was informed …please help I will never be able to catch up financially…

  57. Thank you MsAries! I also called 916 654 9140 and got direct to EDD office. Was transferred to one person, then another, and was done within 10 minutes.

    I’d been trying for 2 days to the 800 number. Kept getting that darn Max number of people!

  58. The Sacramento Disability number listed above, 916-654-0453, is no longer in service (at least that is the automated message I got.

    Then I tried the other Sacramento number listed above, 916-654-9140, and got humans instantly!


  59. I called the 800 number and got the “Thank you for calling…” message. I immediately tried calling the Orange County Line (714-687-4400) and asked to speak to someone about my claim. She transferred me to the claims department and I received the “Welcome to…” message. I proceeded to enter 1-5-1-1-0 suggestion and it worked.

  60. I tried all the key press combinations mentioned above but only 1-6-7-*-7-2-SSN-1 worked and I was disconnected by too many people waiting over and over again. I then tried the Vietnamese number (6-7-3-SSN-1) and was connected to a live person in less than 4 minutes! She was surprised when I asked her if she spoke English because she asked why I was calling the Vietnamese number. But she was nice enough to ask me if I had any questions about my UI claim, which I didn’t. I was only calling to get transferred to tech support about logging in to the UI online website. (It had locked me out.) She understood and I was immediately transferred to (without being put on hold) and talking to a live tech support person who solved my problem in less than 3 minutes.

  61. Thank You! Worked! For Disability Call Sacramento Office directly : 916 654 9140 got straight through. When someone answers just state your calling regarding your Disability , you will be transferred to the Disability Dept. no holds directly to person!!

  62. I called the line for after 12pm (6195254995), and I got everything sorted out within 30 minutes. I was on hold for most of the time, but it was worth it because my payments went through after waiting for two weeks.

  63. Does anyone know how to talk to someone from the FPL? Or the phone menu code to get in contact with someone? I’ve tried 1 877 238 4373 with options 124 to get into queue but it’s always full. I also tried the overall DI number and once connected the representative told me it’s a whole different department and couldn’t help me.

  64. I missed my interview this morning when my phone didn’t notify me that a call was coming in. After a thirty-minute infinite runaround on the main number, I tried the after 12 p.m. number (619-525-4995). The line was picked up immediately, I gave my social security number, and the guy on the other end said, “I’ll connect you to your interviewer’s extension.” Three minutes later I was all set. Thanks so much for these numbers!

  65. Thank you for this! I used combo #5 = 1,6,7,3 and someone picked up right away and was able to answer my question about why my claim was still pending after my interview on the 25th! Turns out my employer still hasn’t responded to the interviewer trying to contact them & that the interviewer has 10 days to submit an answer either way.

  66. Thank you SO much for these tips!!

    I got the “thank you” message and pressed 131620. After hours of trying to call in and getting disconnected because too many people were on the line, I tried it again. This time I pressed 131620, and immediately pressed 554, it routed me somewhere, and I pressed 2. Wow! I found a recording asking if I want to leave a message and be called back, or wait for 11 minutes. I’m currently waiting for the first time in 40 attempts at calling.

    I waited from 11:55am – 12:40pm. I had to be transferred once. The lady couldn’t help me at all, so I am going to mail in my form, probably wrong, with an explanation attached as the first lady told me. The lady was nice, but what a waste of a morning.

  67. GUYS THE vietnamese LINE WORKS!!!!! WITH THE PROMPTS 1-3-5-7 then zero. NO WAIT. and i didnt have to type in my social. When the call first went through just wait until the guy says like 5 words and then press 1 then wait until he says a few more words then press 3 and so on and so forth!!!!!!

      • Yes! OMG it worked! The person I’m speaking with is super friendly, she has sort of a thick accent so it’s a little hard to understand a few words here and there, but it’s a million times better than calling that number repeatedly, hitting a bunch of numbers, and then being told that the queue is too long and to try again later. She is fixing my issue right now! OMG what a godsend! Thank you so much!!!!!

  68. The Sacramento office worked for me! Only a 6 minute hold time. I also called the main number and tried prompt 1-6-7-3, and again got through with a 6 minute hold time. I’ve been trying to call EDD since Tuesday with a very simple question and was unable yo reach anyone…until now. Thanks for the helpful info!

  69. 1-213-477-1405 this direct line works. Goes to voicemail that prompts you to wait in line for representatives. You have to continue to press “0” to continue waiting. Currently doing this now…

  70. this is for SDI:
    They must have updated their system again because I tried what worked for me multiple times like I posted below and it didn’t work. So I tried this one listed here initially and I got right through to the waiting line:
    SDI 1800-480-3287 as soon as you hear the recording press 1-3-1-6-2-0

    • Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! I have been pulling my hair out trying to reach a “live” person for CA SDI. 1st try, I got through at 8:10AM, with a 4 minute wait time! Yesssssss! There is light in this tunnel!

  71. Does anyone know how to get ahold of the disability unemployment? The 1800 number isn’t working and I call as 8 am on the dot and it already says maximum callers and hangs up.

  72. Thank you for sharing! This information saved me so much time and frustration. The combinations you choose need to make sense for your specific call. For me it was Combination 4: 1-6-7-3.

  73. I had success on my very first try to EDD for a disability claim. Call 800.480.3287 and then once I heard the message “Thank you….” I entered 1-3-1-2-2-2-0 and got to a live person right away. Thank you to those that figured this out ahead of time!

  74. After trying many of the above combos all of which ended in the message about an a bad selection and told to try again.. I have found that 1-3-1-1-1-0-0 gets to the end. Don’t know if you get to people faster, but at least you don’t get kicked off for an invalid entry

  75. I’ve been using 1-3-1-1-1-0-0. I don’t know if I get to people faster but I don’t have to listen to excessive instructions. The last 0 cuts through the last bit about having info ready.

  76. I tried this option: 619-525-4995 (call after 12pm)

    Called at 1:30 pm and got transferred to the person who was supposed to call me, they were all very helpful and friendly.

    The guy said: “Oh you had an appointment today, huh?” I said yes from 10 to 12.
    He said: “ok don’t hang up”.
    He pretty much carried out the phone interview right then.

  77. Called 1-916-654-9140 asked for EDD, explained that I have been getting disconnected all week while calling the main line before noon, and the online system says “not eligible to file claim at this time” … a live person answered quickly, told me to call back the next business day in the morning and they will put me through to a live person.

  78. For SDI I just listened for “appeals” even though I had no appeal, and that gave the option for speaking to a representative. It is really a shame that we have to play games to get through to someone that can help.

  79. You guys saved my sanity!!!!! I followed this from below today 5/31/2018:

    “I called today 3/6/18 to SDI 1800-480-3287. I tried 1-3-1-6-2-0 with no luck, kept getting the recording “maximum callers reached” so I tried 1-2-3-0, I probably tried about 4 times until finally the call went through and I was on hold for about 10 min, finally someone answer and told me that for questions about claims the prompts to dial were 1-3-1-2-2-2-0 so I did. I tried another 5-6 times until the call went through and I was on hold for about 3 min and finally I was able to speak to someone that answered my questions.”

    It took me about 15 tries but I got through and got the form I needed after previously trying 10 times and waiting through 7-10 minutes of prompts.

    Thank you!!!!!!

  80. For SDI, I called 800-480-3287 and pressed 1-3-1-6-2-0. My first attempt at 9:30 in the A.M. and it said there were too many callers ahead of me and to call back later. I hung up and immediately repeated what I did. Now I am holding waiting for the next representative to help me!

    I tried to get through yesterday before using this trick. It was a waist of 30 minutes, never got this far. THANK YOU FOR THE TIP!! It’s stressful times for most when starting the process for SDI…and not being able to reach anyone when you have questions regarding your next paycheck is unreasonable.

  81. 1-3-1-2-2-2-0 this number worked for me on the first call. when they say that there is a large amount calling when they are saying that at the same time you dial 1-3-1-2-2-2-0 at the same time they are talking.

  82. ok whoever posted “The info I gave in my previous comment is for reaching the help desk. To reach the SDI representative you should call 800-480-3287 and press 1-3-1-6-2-0, one after another, you shouldn’t have to wait” is a genius.
    i have been tryimg for weeks to get through. that number combo worked on th 2nd try.
    thank you

  83. Thank you to all the people to post how to get through the automated system with the prompts without listening the whole recording, It was driving me crazy

    I called today 3/6/18 to SDI 1800-480-3287. I tried 1-3-1-6-2-0 with no luck, kept getting the recording “maximum callers reached” so I tried 1-2-3-0, I probably tried about 4 times until finally the call went through and I was on hold for about 10 min, finally someone answer and told me that for questions about claims the prompts to dial were 1-3-1-2-2-2-0 so I did. I tried another 5-6 times until the call went through and I was on hold for about 3 min and finally I was able to speak to someone that answered my questions.

    So don’t give up, if you hear the message “Thank you for calling…” enter the prompts right away and if you get the message “maximum callers reached” hang up and try again and again and again.

    I probably tried about 16 times total calling until I was able to speak to someone

  84. JLO, you are a blessing in the sky. First try at 800-300-5616 1-5-1-1-0 and got thru.
    “Music playing” and “Please continue to hold as your call will be answered in the order it was received”
    Wow!!!! Great tip, and thanks for sharing!

    • Agree – called 800-300-5616 then followed the number prompts of 1-5-1-1-0 and got through to a human in less than 5 seconds (although she did acknowledge it was a light call volume day. THANKS!

  85. TECH SUPPORT: 855-327-7058. Hooray! After a month of no luck, I found the info here and used the 530 area code alternate number above — reaching the nicest rep live. I apologized, as it sounded like I reached the wrong department, but when I told her my problem (inability to log in or create a new online benefits certification account due to new system), she discussed and then gave me the number for TECH SUPPORT. The guy there walked me through all the steps to get up and running online again. By the way, with the new UI Online system, if you’re having problems logging in, you have to create a new account using an alternate email address!

  86. YES, it is virtually impossible getting through EDD. However, calling 1-800-300-5616 and following the prompts 1-5-1-1-0 also worked for me, my call went through in less than 5 min. Thanks for the tip!! And I got the most helpful & courteous representative (“Mila”).

  87. I finally reached a live human being only to be told that my account is active and I do qualify for unemployment but I need to call the technical assistance Department to set up my account don’t know what that means but as the representative was giving me the phone number for technical assistance the phone shut off because after all it’s noon and they close at noon. Does anyone have the phone number for technical assistance

  88. Just like everything else gov. skidmark has a hand in.. what a joke a of a system.. pathetic at best..been waiting for a rep for an hour. No wonder CA is broke. It doesn’t know its a$$ from a whole in the ground!

  89. Update: The info I gave in my previous comment is for reaching the help desk. To reach the SDI representative you should call 800-480-3287 and press 1-3-1-6-2-0, one after another, you shouldn’t have to wait. After that it’s the same process, either you put on hold and wait for the representative, or they tell you that numbers of callers has been reach, try later. You hang up and dial again until you finally getting put on hold to wait.
    Be patient.

  90. Just reached sdi representative. Call 800-480-3287, than press 1,2,3,0. If you get the message that there are enough number of callers, call later, hang up and dial again. I did it maybe 8 times and finally i got to put on hold for the representative. this is not first time I am calling. This is works!

  91. I have been trying to get through to a human representative at the SDI (DISABILITY) offices for the past two weeks…
    I have figured out how to “quickly” bypass the prompts that are RIDICULOUSLY LONG AND REPETITIVE and get to the “press 0” to speak to a representative. Unfortunately I am being automatically disconnected because there are too many people on hold…blah blah blah…but this hack will save a good 10 minutes of needless aggravation.


    You wait for the prompt to enter your SSN (Once entered you don’t have to wait for the recording to read back your SSN)
    PRESS 1
    YOU MUST wait for the prompt to enter PIN
    PRESS 0 (You don’t have to wait for the system to blah blah blah through more stupid information)
    It will say “please wait while we transfer you to the the next available representative” TOTAL FALSE HOPE!!!
    If they say “PLEASE HOLD…..” you’re golden! Have fun on hold for 30 plus mins.
    More than likely she will say “WE’RE SORRY…the maximum number of callers has been reached

    WAAAAAAHHHHHH!! Still trying 🙁

  92. Thank you for the tips.

    Trying to get a hold of someone at EDD is ridiculous. I called the 714-687-4400 (Orange County) and after holding for about 10 minutes, someone answered and said to call the 1800-300-5616.

  93. Thank you all for the tips! I was able to get through to a rep FINALLY after calling the past 3 days and having the system hang up on me due to max calls. I called the 1-800-300-5616 then 1-5-1-1-0. It took me about an hour to get my issue resolved because the first rep gave me brief but unclear information. So they kept transferring to me different reps until I got, Dominique, who’s awesome and took the time to give me solid information on my claim.

    What also worked for me (out of frustration) :/ was calling the same 1-800 number then hit 1-5 then hitting 0 or 1 repeatedly until I hear the prompt changes to “Please hold for the next available representatives”. Hope this helps!! Sending good vibes to everyone!

  94. I think they changed it; I got the “Welcome to…” message and tried the key combos but it still said “We’re way too busy” and hung up. Drives me nuts. It’s not like we’re a low tax state.

    So then I tried the 213 area code stuff…instant hang up

    Finally success!! I got a fairly angry woman at 310-330-5905 and pleaded with her to help. She forwarded me to a semi angry woman who was wondering how I got through and told me to call the 800 number. More pleading got me to a very nice woman who was super helpful! Thanks so much for posting this.

    And I also sent a note to the Governor as one comment suggested. This has to be fixed. You can’t make people spend 20 minutes wading through prompts and then just hang up on them. That’s nuts. And only open from 8am to 12? What’s with that?

    • Any numbers / phone codes for FMLA or PFLA ????
      Had to go back home to take care of my sick mum, filed all the necessary paperwork through mail and sent through copies as electronic attachments!!
      Its been 3 weeks and I haven’t heard a peep 🙁

  95. OMG…I cannot thank you enough for this information! I had tried to get through the “normal” way for weeks but kept getting bumped out of the que, no matter when I called.

    Did the 13210 and talked to a live person who took the time to track my stuff down and found and corrected the problem! THIS WORKS!

  96. This post got me through to a real live person! I was getting nowhere with the main number prompts, even the Spanish line kept spitting me out. Definitely try different numbers, if the first doesn’t work. First I tried the disability line. it took 35 minutes to get through and while the lady was kind, she could not process an unemployment claim (only disability claims). In addition to the main line, she suggested physically going into my local EDD office. Next I tried 1-2-1-1-7 and it asked for an EDD Acc # which I did not have yet. Last, I tried 1-5-1-1-0. I held for only 3 minutes till Alexandra picked up. She was really helpful and got my application started. Thanks Terri!

  97. I too could not get through to EDD.CA I log onto the California Governor page (Jerry Brown) and sent an email tell them the situation and they need to investigate EDD.CA’s handling of customers. The very next day I got a call from EDD. I missed the call and the lady left me a message telling me the exact time/day of when her next call to me would be and that the number would show up blocked. Sure enough she called me back on time! I encourage everyone to shoot and email to Jerry Brown’s office telling them how poorly run EDD is.

  98. Sylvia at the San Bernadino number (415-351-7200) was so sweet and helpful! Though she wasn’t authorized to do everything for me, she gave me all of the info I needed to get things done and even helped ease some of the concerns I called with from not being able to reach my interviewer again (they called me at 11:50, and then hung up on me at exactly 12:00 pm when they close). Don’t even try the 800 numbers, they will get you nowhere.

  99. Thanks these numbers still work. After trying the 800# after 12p and not getting thru, I tried the San Berbardino #. A worker picked up instantly and gave me the proper # to Riverside county switch board 951-782-3211. Got all my needs met with no issues or waiting. Thought I’d pay it forward just as I got the help I need from here… Thanks again.

  100. i called one of the numbers listed above today and someone told me to call the main number (800)480-3287 and press 1 for english and then press 3210 all together (like an extension) it rang right away then while i was holding there was music.

    call 1-800-480-3287
    press 1 for english
    then 3210
    then its a waiting game to talk to someone!

  101. I can, at least, get to the part where they tell you “maximum callers reached” really quickly by dialing 1, 2, 3, 0. I just keep doing it continually! Calling over and over until I make it past the maximum callers message. Eventually it will put me in the hold queue.. I usually only have to redial (back to back) 4-5 times before I’m put in the queue. Then comes the hold time… I’ve had from a 10 min – 58 min hold time. You never know. Good luck!

  102. If you want to get through to SDI call 1-800-480-3287 options 1 2 3 0 – it got me to the point where I would have talked to someone at least, but then said there were too many people on the line and dumped me off

  103. Whoever posted that SB County number THANK YOU!! I’ve been trying to get through to a live person for weeks now to no avail. I called the alternate number posted and got a hold of a live person in seconds and was able to obtain my EDD customer account number in seconds.

    • Thank you for publishing this. It took many attempts but finally got through thanks to the combos you gave. The rep was more than helpful and I was able to get all of my questions answered. Thank you very much again for the tips.

  104. I was just able to leave my number for them to call me back by using the 1 6 7 3 route. Hopefully they will call me…what a joke.

  105. I tried the email first and waited for a week to get a generic answer that did not answer the question and referred me to 3 telephone numbers that did not have live people. Then I tried the perpetual phone tree. It is too bad we cannot listen for the prompts and get a real person. I went through all of the “combination numbers” and the EDD was too buy to answer and I had to try again later. I am now on hold for more than 5 minutes for assistance with the online employer registration. This could have been handled much better.

  106. the woman who answered the Vietnamese line hung up on me becasue I don’t speak Vietnamese. Disappointing because she was the first person I was able to get a hold of all week.


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Welcome my friend, Helper Cat says you need to register for that! :)
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