One of the great dangers with breaking away from the prevailing notions in society, is becoming absorbed into the breaking away from prevailing notions.
Effectively, it can become a rabbit hole, where logic becomes doubted and all theories on everything begin to become murky as a person’s certainty of the world around them becomes ambiguous. It can be difficult to discern what is real from what is not, and people who have fallen prey to flat-Earth theory have fallen into just that trap.
I have honestly considered the possibility, with a completely open mind. I read the supporting evidence, I watched the videos where people tried to support the argument. I even watched a flat Earth documentary. However, in every supporting argument for a flat Earth, I was able to disprove it entirely; and there are also other supporting evidence which I have realized make the theory of a flat Earth impossible.
If you do believe in a flat Earth, please read this with an open mind. You must realize that to have an open mind it is required to not close your mind to possibilities which are different from what you have accepted. You cannot say that you have an open mind without listening to your opponent. Even better, I am not your opponent but merely someone trying to bring the truth to light using the scientific method and rational thought.
If you do not believe in a flat Earth, this article will enlighten you to the reasons why some people believe in a flat Earth, and the evidence as to why it is not possible. I started with a Top Ten list and it easily turned into a Top 20 list. There are just too many reasons why a flat earth is not possible.
Now for the top twenty list:
20 The Existence of Orbiting Satellites

19 Global Positioning System (GPS)

18 Space Rockets

17 What Does the Flat Earth Sit On?

16 Space Missions

Are they all in on it? And no one has leaked the information? In this day and age of social media? I don’t think so. NASA might be hiding a lot of things, but it definitely exists. I’ve been to the Air and Space museum, I’ve visited the NASA flight school, and I’ve seen the NASA headquarters with my own eyes. It exists. Seems a little silly they’d make all that for nothing.
15 Space Skydivers

Thing is, there is no agenda here to try to convince people that the Earth is round. He is diving from space because that’s what he wanted to do. Because of course, the Earth really is round.
14 Hubble Photographs

Hubble photographs are stunning and amazing. However, they aren’t in the maximum resolution that they should be to really convince us. If the powers that be were really creating CGI animation to make Hubble photographs, and there was no Hubble but it’s all CGI and photoshopping, then why not make way better photos? Why not say the technology is so advanced that it can take max resolution images so we can see the artist’s renderings clearly?
By not doing so, they are hurting their own argument. Someone making up a lie wouldn’t be making such a bad lie. And if the Hubble doesn’t exist, it is a really bad lie. The pictures aren’t convincing at all. I want to see some star trek or star wars quality CGI. It makes no sense to say “we have a breakthrough” and then put CGI that is worse than we could have done 30 years ago.
It just doesn’t add up. If you can spend billions on observatories and NASA fakes, why make bad photographs? If space didn’t really exist and hubble didn’t exist, and it was all CGI, then the people behind the fake NASA could have and should have made way better photographs.
Take a look at this video on the Andromeda galaxy taken by Hubble. Notice when it’s zoomed into the maximum, it is a very bad picture. If there were no space and we are in a dome with a picture on the ceiling, you’d think they could come up with better fakes. Conclusion: Hubble exists, space exists.
13 Space Flights For The Rich

12 Round Planets

It is more logical and scientifically sound to conclude that round planets exist. The only real explanation for a disc-shaped Earth regarding shape is that it was created by aliens. It certainly would not make sense that all planets are discs, or that our planet is the only disc and all the other planets are round.
11 The Sun As a Vital and Critical Component of the World’s Ecosystems

This article got too long, so I had to split it into two posts.
In flat earth theory sun not be a projection is real same size moon and much little and no faraway. About red bull video I hope you don’t think we watching earth curvature because the sphère we watching was just the desert of Roswell we see a planet roswell! I make photo and I know what what kind of curvature distortion you can have with fish-eye in this video or others we can see some second with 50mm and we see an horizon absolutely FLAT
Don’t you just love a bit of contradiction.
This was at just 23.6km which is only 14.66miles, where you can see the curvature perfectly.
Others say that you need to be at 250miles and others still say you can see it from the ground if looking at sea and have a wide enough field of view.
This is why there is so many more people joining the flat earth theory as there is simply no consistency in anything on the subject online from relatively reputable (as much as it can be online) sources.
With regards to flying over Antarctica the weather apparently (to Admiral Richard Byrd) becomes clearer the closer to the south pole you get. He flew there in 1928 and what he saw is well documented. Not long after Operation Deep Freeze that he partook in in 1955-58 the Antarctic treaty came into place which meant no one was allowed to go there. Which again is where another of the main “conspiracy theory”s stems from.
All very interesting stuff in my book and I’m still on the fence.
Their argument is that the pictures at the low altitude of a few miles up are using a “fish-eye lens” and that in real life it looks flat. It might be true. Now when I have been on planes, I cannot see any curvature, but it’s totally possible that if you can, then your window has a fish-eye effect. That is consistent with the fact that you likely can’t see the real curvature at extremely low altitudes of 100 or less miles (a plan at 35,000 feet is only 6 miles up). The diameter of the Earth is 7,926 miles at the equator.
Experiment: Represent Miles in Milimeters
7926mm = 312in
1/6th Scale:
6 miles = 1mm (size of a pen dot – a medium pen dot is 1.0 to 1.2mm)
1321mm = 52in (4.33ft)
1/24th Scale
6 miles = ¼ mm (¼ the size of a pen dot)
330.25mm = 13in (1ft 1in)
1/6th Scale Experiment:
Draw a line 4.33 feet long. This is 1/6th of 7,926mm, representing the world’s diameter.
Now, from the center, place a dot with a regular pen so the dot touches the line. This 1mm dot represents 6 miles. Now can you imagine why people can’t see curvature at only 6 miles in a plane?
1/24th Scale Experiment:
If you don’t want to draw a line over 4 feet wide, divide all by 4.
1. Draw a line 13 inches wide with any standard ruler.
2. Now, from the center, place a dot ON the line, so that only 1/4 of the 1mm dot goes above the line. The dot should be mostly covered by the line.
The 12 inches represents 7,926 miles, at 1/24th scale.
The fraction (1/4) of a pen dot represents 6 miles above the surface.
To make it more accurate, you can do the same experiment, but use a compass and protractor to draw a circle 13 inches in diameter. Then proceed to step 2 by placing a dot ON the line of the circle (anywhere), so that only 1/4 of the 1mm dot goes above the line.
If you don’t have a compass and protractor, then you can do the same by using a string and pushpin. Attach the string to the pen, and then measure 6.5 inches (the radius, which is half the diameter) of the string to where you put the pushpin (you could also use tape to affix the string to the center, but it may be less accurate).
Can you now see why people can’t see curvature at only 6 miles up in a plane?
The GPS the army use for their drones is done by Triangulation and not satellite.
There is video footage taken of a weather balloon that gets to 115,000 feet and the horizon is still at eye level and still flat. Even though it is a go pro you can see the fisheye in action when it goes up and down but when level still shows a perfectly flat horizon. Which should show some curvature and should also drop lower as the ballon goes higher.
I searched many videos online of high altitude footage (reconnaissance planes, U2 spy place etc) and this was the only one that wasn’t 100% fisheyed.
If the earth was a globe to the size we know then it would show curvature and the horizon would sink low in the field of view the higher the balloon went. So this means that if the earth is a sphere it could be bigger then we believe it to be.
Perhaps we should set up a crowdfunding community to take a ship up and see for ourselves and fly it over the antarctic while we are at it. 🙂
Interesting points. The Earth is too big to show the curvature in a picture from such a low distance of even <100 miles. You have to be way, way higher. Think about it. 100 miles is just like St Petersburg FL to Orlando, Orlando just to the coast, or 1/3 of the way from from Dallas to Houston. Not very far wide, and not very far up either. Think about it. You definitely can't see any curvature from that low distance of just 100 miles. And worse, an airplane at max height of 35,000 feet is only 6 miles up! 6 miles! That is like from your house to the grocery store! You really think you could see curvature from so low? Of course not! 115,000 feet is still just 20 miles! That is very low! If you can't see curvature from 100 miles you definitely can't see from only 20 miles - that is like from your house to the mall. A stone's throw wide and a stone's throw up, relatively speaking. Regarding sending a plane over Antarctica, you may have a point. However, it sin't going to happen. Not unless you fund it yourself. Not enough people will take it seriously enough to really pay big money. You have to charter a plane and an expert pilot, and fly through extremely dangerous weather (even high up, due to the cold), so you have to get people willing to risk their lives. And even then, once it proves it, flat earthers would just say "it was all fake! totally CGI!" so there is no winning unless you send EVERY single flat earther out into space about 100,000 miles or until they can see the whole globe in their field of vision.
Like another commenter I came here after reading your dinosaur/fossil post.
Which in turn amazes me on your comments on this post. Almost seems as if it has come from a different person.
I am not a flat-earther but I had an in depth conversation with one and they simply said to me to find a picture that shows the curvature of the earth (that is not from a fish eyed lens camera), that was 3 years ago and I still can’t find one.
All of your 20 points don’t unfortunately prove that the earth is either flat or round so let me counter each one of them.
20: Show me a picture of one that isn’t computer generated and if you say you can see one then go outside tonight with a telescope and watch the moon, let me know how many you see go past the moon. In theory you should see around 500 in about an hour. I have looked with a telescope and never saw one.
19: GPS could be done through triangulation that is how cell phones work, if you remember the first digital cell phones they displayed the 3 masts that you were linked too (to make calls) this is how lots of positioning systems work and not by satellites. Also if you look at your home satellite dish then where is it pointing? Is it pointing up to a satellite (that are usually orbiting so they should be tracking them, but they are stationary).
18: Space rockets fly up in an arc and not straight up and they only ever go into low earth orbit, never deep space, never leaving our atmosphere
17: who knows the answer to that, unless we see it with our own eyes everything is just speculation or opinion
16/15: Same answer as 18. If you watch the Baumgartner space jump he is floating untethered and if he was out of earth’s pull then the ground below him should be spinning at 1000mph but it isn’t. He should of jumped above New Mexico or wherever it was and landed somewhere around 300 miles away after his 20 min descent (just rough figures). This also ties in with number 13 about Bransons X flight that was going to fly into space, let the earth spin beneath and then land. It never happened, why? Perhaps because it can’t be done.
14/12: are the same as 17, without actually physically going there and seeing them for yourself you really don’t know.
11: has been explained on the flat earth theory and it makes logical sense as have all of your top 10.
But what it really boils down to is that we don’t actually know if it is round or flat and the only real way to tell is go out into space and see for yourself. Or go to the south pole and see if that exists but unfortunately there is the Antarctic Treaty which NASA upholds and no one is allowed to go there. Which is where all the “conspiracy theory” basically comes from.
So for me, after do some digging online and reading the flat earth theory it does hold water (no pun intended) and make sense which has just given me more questions than answers. So I am firmly on the fence until I see it for myself.
20. You are correct, there is no real picture of Earth. They are all CGI. In fact there is evidence even the ISS is completely CGI also and there may not even be an ISS, at least, not manned.
19. True, GPS could possibly be triangulation but it is probably satellites.
18. True, in fact still most space ships cannot leave low earth orbit.
We can know with pretty near absolute certainty the earth is NOT flat. However, there are many issues with a spinning earth, moving earth, etc. But it is almost absolutely certainly not flat!
Thing is, it would not be hard to prove the globe Earth. Just send up a tiny rocket, it would cost relatively little (compared to a full space rocket) and within a few hours take a picture of earth as you go up and up and up. You will need a very high res camera to take a picture of earth when you get far enough away. You also have to worry about temps, it is too cold for any normal camera, And you have to shield it from solar debris and radiation. However, no one with the money takes flat earthers seriously enough to even care about proving it.
I think it’s important to note that there are in fact many what we could call “defectors” from Nasa that have come out and said the world is indeed flat. There are also many scientists, pilots…people that have first hand knowledge on this particular subject that have said the earth is flat. I believe the earth to be flat for countless scientific reasons but I do not think you’re misguided for disagreeing as you obviously view “my kind”
Very funny. There is obviously zero truth to what you stated but you are a funny guy.
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So most of your argument is “what about NASA” the crazi scientist program.And as for the rich going into space,so tell me how did there first attempt go?Oh yea they died.And now he has scraped the idea after pooring soo much of his own money into it,think he might have realized it is impossible? And then we’ll the other planets are round so ours must be.So if you were on a pool table since all the balls are round the table must be round right?And as for the satalites I’ve never seen one.NASA just said they sent a women close to 70 to ISS.Really? The old bat couldn’t lift 50lbs but is physically fit enough to pass what they claim to be one of the most vigorous physical test a pilot could take.ha ha.NASA hires actors and I have seen enough proof to discredit them forever, from there being caught in lies to water bubbles in there “space” videos.How do they explain that 4second delay on live TV from the moon back then when even with our current tech it would take 20?And as far as a flat earth that’s easy to prove I can go to the beach by my house lay at the waters edge with my camera and zoom in on a oil rig over 9 miles away and see every foot from the water up but with the supposed curvature that would be impossible
It’s all just part of the gigantic lie that science has become
I’m approving your comment because it is just silly.
To answer a couple questions because I am moderately bored:
Donald Trump is 70 and he has enough energy to win becoming the President of the United States aka “King of the World”.
Some people become elderly at 70 because they ate horribly, didn’t exercise, and stopped working (“retirement”) causing both their brains and body to rot. That is why they are the walking dead. Other people at 70 have tons of energy, you should just google “70 year old in shape” and you will see lots of people that look amazingly fit at age 70.
Don’t know about the time frame 4 seconds vs 20 seconds, but I can tell you it is far more plausible that they are wrong about the distance to the moon then they are about the Earth being round (the Earth is a sphere). However that probably isn’t true what you stated.
9 miles is not far enough to see curvature (and there is no telling if it was really 9 miles, which I doubt), but there are also other effects that allow that to be possible including the camera lens, photons, and other factors. See item #5: “Boats on the Horizon” issue in Part 2.
Could it be possible that NASA hires actors to save money and films people underwater instead of in space? Probably. Doesn’t make the Earth flat, just means NASA cheated and saved a few million dollars by making a fake video in the water. If that’s even true which it might not be.
“Science” has a lot of lies, but the shape of the Earth is not one of them. The Earth is definitely a sphere.